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35 Cards in this Set

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Drooping upper eyelid


An extended or protruded upper eyelid the delays closing or remains partially open


Uncontrolled movement of the eye


Inflammation of the conjunctiva


Examination of the fundus


Measures intraocular pressure


Measures peripheral vision

Visual field examination

Normal intraocular pressure

12 to 22 MM hg





Visual distortion caused by a irregular shaped cornea


Signs and symptoms of conjunctivitis

Redness, excessive tears, swelling, pain, burning and itching

Treatment includes antibiotic ointment or drops but can also clear up with no treatment. You can use warm soaks or sterile saline irrigations to help relieve symptoms

What to teach the patient with conjunctivitis

Remain away from other people as much as possible, use a different tissue each time you wipe your eye, wash hands often, discard eye make up items and do not use until conjunctivitis clears, stop wearing contact lenses, report to primary provider if discharge becomes thick and yellowish

Imbalance between the production and drainage of aqueous fluid


Things to know about glaucoma

Sometimes people won’t notice any symptoms for several years. It cannot be treated but you can be given topical medication to prevent further damage. Can use laser surgery to help (not cure)

Impacted cerumen is accumulated earwax that obstructs the external acoustic meatus

This interferes with the transmission of sounds carried on airwaves

Signs and symptoms of impacted cerumen

Client reports sense of fullness or pain in the ears (otalgia)

Hearing loss

Use a otoscope to see

Medical and nursing management of impacted cerumen

Hydrate earwax by instilling one or two drops of peroxide, warm glycerin, or mineral oil. Earwax can be removed mechanically by irrigating the ear

Warm eardrops by holding in hand for a few moments or placing it in warm water (Cold or hot liquids can cause dizziness

Teach client not to use cotton tip swabs or toothpicks

Sensation of movement when there is none, or a sense of exaggerated motion when moving ( disturbance in middle ear)


Disorder characterized by fluctuations in the fluid volume and pressure in the sack of the inner ear

Ménière’s disease

Signs and symptoms of Ménière’s disease

Tinnitus, air fullness, severe vertigo ( when a person moves their head the endolymph also moves)

Medical and surgical management of someone with Ménière’s disease

Treatment aims in reducing fluid production in the inner ear. A low sodium diet lessens edema, do not smoke, medicines such as diazepam, no coffee tea or soft drinks, eat fresh foods and vegetables, lemon alcohol, avoid aspirin an aspirin products because this increases tinnitus and vertigo

Effects of certain medication‘s on the eighth cranial nerve or hearing structures (s&s is tinnitus and hearing loss)


When doing a physical assessment on someone’s abdomen

Client lies supine with knees flex slightly to relax abdominal muscles. The nurse and specs, auscultates, percusses, palpates

Barium swallow

Is very constipating, encourage client to drink plenty of fluids to dilute the barium. Stool will appear white, streaky, or clay colored (make sure patient does not have a seafood allergy)

Percutaneous liver biopsy

Instruct the client to take a deep breath and hold it while the needle is inserted, placed a pressure dressing because bleeding is very common, have a client lie on the right side after the procedure for at least two hours, avoid coughing and straining, changes and vital signs may indicate bleeding

What type of bacteria is believed to be responsible for the majority of peptic ulcers

Helicobacter pylori (blood tests or urea breath test)

Disorder that develops when gastric contents flow upward into the esophagus

Gerd (pregnancy and obesity can increase this)

Signs and symptoms of Gerd

Epigastric pain (dyspepsia)

Burning sensation in esophagus (pyrosis)

Respiratory distress, bleeding from lining of esophagus

can aspirate

Medical and surgical management of Gerd

Educate weight loss, maintaining upright position following meals, elevate head of bed when sleeping, avoid food 2 to 3 hours before bedtime, medication‘s. Educate on eating smaller meals and avoid pepper, coffee, alcohol, chocolate, caffeine, stop smoking. It is important to know that sometimes pregnant women can have Gerd while pregnant but when the baby is delivered symptoms go away

Cancer of the esophagus

Difficulty swallowing, weight loss, regurgitation of food and liquids, hemorrhage. Treatment includes surgery, chemotherapy, radiation. Refrain from food that contain air or gas such as carbonated drinks, avoid drinking from straws

Irritable bowel syndrome

Abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, diarrhea and constipation, gas. (Client can report bowel doesn’t seem empty after pooping)

Diet : high fiber

Crohn’s disease

Occurs in the ileum, typically begins in young adulthood. Mucosa initially thickens and ulcers form in the inflamed areas.

S&S - abdominal pain, distention, pain and tenderness in lower abdominal quadrants on the right side. Encourage meals because clients stop eating due to the pain. Growth failure is a common symptom in children. Palpation may reveal an abdominal mass. Examination of stool specimen reveals excessive fat and occult blood and white blood cells. Surgery to remove colon can be don but results in lifetime ileostomy.

Cancer of colon and rectum

Genetic. Chief characteristic is change in bowel habits such as constipation and diarrhea. Has the urge to poop but sensation does not go away. Blood in store, abdominal pain, narrowing of stool. Polyps are found and examined.


Liver disorder cause by cellular damage (mainly from alcohol)

Jaundice is big S&S

Liver biopsy to reveal hepatic fibrosis

Watch for alcohol withdrawal (rise in BP, pulse and temp)