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56 Cards in this Set

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For sex organism does not need

sex organs or multicellularity

Requirements for sex

diploid phase of life, meiosis, union of haploid meiotic products

origination of eukaryotic sex

in unicellular organisms


fusion of two cells, or their nuclei, in reproduction


union of egg and sperm to create a fertilized egg called a zygote

Haplontic Life Cycle

only diploid for one meiotic cell cycle

Mature organism in haplontic life cycle

haploid (n)

Only diploid in haplontic life cycle

zygote (2n)

Haplontic organisms

most protists, fungi and some green algae

Features of haplontic sex

cells spend most of their life as haploids, sex optional, zygote immediately undergoes meisos, no stable diploid phase at all

Alternation of generations life cycle

organism passes through haploid and diploid stages that are both multicellular

Alternation of generations organisms

most plants and some fungi

Diploid stages in alternation of generation life cycle

zygote and sporophyte

Haploid stages in alternation of generations life cycle

spore, gametophyte, and gametes (male and female)


gamete producing and usually haploid phase, producing the zygote from which the sporophyte arises. Dominate form in bryophytes

Feature of alternation of generations life cycle

allows for extended periods of either ploidy

Diplontic life cycle

only haploid stage is gametes

Diploid phases in diplontic life cycle

zygote and mature organism

Diplontic organisms

found in animals, brown algae and some fungi

weird sex in paramecium

contains micronucleus and macronucleus, haploids exchange micronuclei and macronucleus disintegrates


contains complete genome in one or two copies


many copies of active genes only


in multicellular organisms, large and small gamete


protists gametes are the entire organism, same size but different mating type

Cost of males

disadvantage of anisogamous sex- eggs provide nearly all material for zygote, reproduction is female limited

cost of meiosis

disadvantage of anisogamous sex- meiosis and outcrossing costly even without dedicated male sex. Sexual females only half as related to offspring as asexual females

Dandelion sex

dandelions became asexual, essentially all angiosperms outcross, sex was feature of first angiosperms

Bdelloid Rotifers

no males- reproduce by parthogenesis

Benefits of sex

1. increasing genetic diversity allows for adaptation to ever changing environments (red queen- parasites or hosts)

2. sex allows for faster adaptation- beneficial alleles can be combined more quickly

3. eliminates harmful mutations

Outcrossing and males

increase in frequency after stress

Sex after stress

under stressful conditions progeny of crosses do better than those that come from self fertility


2 sexes- male and female, development must be regulated to prevent intersexual forms (often by sex chromosomes)


1 sex- makes sperm and eggs, common in animals


1 sex- hermaphrodite with separate male and female flowers


1 sex- hermaphrodite (not mating)


2 sexes- hermaphrodite and female


2 sexes- hermaphrodite (selfing) and male


1 sex- female (no males)

outcrossing between hermaphrodites

the norm in angiosperms

evolution of mixed strategies in plants

ancestor of angiosperms was hermaphroditic, male and female sexes evolve by loss of floral organs for opposite sex, androdiecy exists but very rare

Why evolve selfing?

selfing is handy when mates are scarce

Animal life cycles can mix outcrossing and

asexuality- ie daphnia. As weather cools or food limited sexual morphs are made which produce resistant resting eggs viable long term

Complete commitment to asexuality

ie cnedimepherous uniparens lizards- formed by corss between two species with different chromosome numbers, can't do meiosis. Parthogenesis may be spontaneous solution to keep lineage alive

Asexual reproduction without embryos

budding, cloning, fragmentation (ie root cloning)

Chytrid (water) fungi

haplodiplontic and include only fungi in which alternation of generation occurs.

Features of chytrid sex cycles

make motile spores and gametes (only fungi which do), gametes moderately anisogamous, female gametes release a pheremone that attracts male gametes. Zygote forms small diploid myecelium before meiosis and sporulation.

Non-chytrid (terrestrial) fungal life cycles

haplontic and isogamous

Non-chytrid features of sex cycles

haploid spores form by mitosis or meiosis, gametes remain attached to mycelium, many cell cycles pass between gamete membrane fusion (plasmogamy) and nuclear fusion (karyogamy). Karyogamy essential before meiosis


stage in sexual reproduction of fungi in which cytoplasm of two parents cells (usually from mycelia) fuses together without fusion of the nuclei, effectively bringing two haploid nuclei closer together in same cell


final step in the process of fusing two haploid eukaryotic cells, and refers specifically to the fusion of the two nuclei. Before karyogamy, each haploid cell has one complete copy of organisms genome.


multinucleate cell that contains genetically different nuclei.

Basidiomycota life cycle features

in soil heterokaryotic mycelia form and produce mushroom, in gills haploid nuclei fuse, go meiotic and make spores, spores launched as buds from basidium

Ascomycota life cycle features

have reproductive structures with many spore producing asci. heterokaryosis mycelia form and make spore producing organ. haploid nuclei fuse, go meiotic and make eight spores. spores burst from ascus

Migration onto land of fungi

altered reproduction from haplodiplontic/anisogamous to haplontic and isogamous. Negligible embryonic development and gametes cant swim. Seperation of plasmogamy and karyogamy occured and evolution of special fruiting bodies for spore dispersal on land.

embryos need stuff

hypothesis for anisogamy- most multicellular organisms build offspring via an embryo, the zygote must be big enough to support development of functional multicellular organism before it can feed, total mass must come from two gametes that fuse

motility essential for fertilization?

hypothesis for anisogamy- multicellular organisms are typicall much bigger and much further apart than protists, gametes will have to find each other over tens to hundreds of meters, random impacts will almost never occur