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341 Cards in this Set

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1. Son realmente confortables (unos pantalones)
They're really comfy
2. Estaba sudando como un cerdo
I was sweating like a pig
3. Le evito como a la peste (a él)
I avoid him like the plague
4. ¿ Dormiste bien ? Sí, como un tronco
Did you sleep well ? Yeah, like a log
5. it's unpleasantly cold
it's chilly
6. it's extremely hot
it's scorching
7. it's raining heavily
it's pouring down
8. a very bad snowstorm with strong winds
an absolute blizzard
9. the weather is pleasant because it is neither too cold nor too hot
it's mild
10. it's extremely cold
it's bitterly cold
11. it's raining very lightly
it's spitting
12. it's going to rain very heavily very shortly
it's going to chuck it down any minute
13. I became wet through to the skin
I got soaked
14. a sky completely covered with cloud
an overcast sky
15. fog that comes and goes at intervals and does not form a constant blanket
patchy fog
16. a small area
a patch
17. a very strong wind that makes a loud noise
a howling wind
18. a very cold wind
a biting wind
19. rain that pours down in great quantities
torrential rain
20. heavy rain that pours down for only a short time
tropical rain
21. light rain
fine rain
22. dull, wet weather
miserable weather
23. changeable weather
unpredictable weather
24. a gentle wind
a breeze
25. a strong breeze
a stiff breeze
26. if a sport game has to stop or it is not able to start because of rain, then ...
the sport game is rained off
27. If the area where people play football is so wet it cannot absorb any more water, so a layer of water remains on its surface..
the pitch is waterlogged
28. If you delay an event then ...
you postpone an event
29. it's raining very heavily
it's bucketing down
30. I can't imagine that they will have..
I can't see them having
31. I can't image that he will win...
I can't see him winning
32. a formal party to celebrate a special event such as a wedding
33. If someone can't deal with a problem or situation successfully
someone can't handle a problem or situation
34. excessive (informal)
a bit much
35. perspire heavily (very informal)
sweat like a pig
36. red spots that apear on your skin because you are very sensitive to a combination of the heat and humidity
a heat rash
37. If a flight is not allowed to take off then ...
the flight is grounded
38. it's extremely windy
it's blowing a gale
39. you're joking
you're kidding
40. the temperature dropped dramatically but I don't know what the exact temperature was
it dropped to minus God knows what
41. If a surface is difficult to walk on because of ice or because it is wet
a slippery surface
42. If a vehicle slides off the road while it is in motion then...
the vehicle skids off the road
43. it's always the same (very informal)
bloody typical
44. an unpleasant, thick, wet, paste-like substance
slimy mush
45. you prove that something is true, either by arguing about it or by your actions or behaviour
You make your point
46. If someone keeps reminding you of something you would rather forget,
they are rubbing it in
47. an accident or disaster that very nearly happened
a close shave
48. terrible
49. If you are buried in the snow or surrounded by it and you get yourself out of it by digging
you literally dig yourself out of snow
50. a period of time when the electricity supply to a particular building or area is stopped
a power cut
51. a painful swelling on the surface of your skin that contains a clear liquid and is usually caused by heat or by something repeatedly rubbing your skin
a blister
52. a state of complete disorder and confusion
chaos (pro='keios)
53. a long line of traffic stretching back along a road, which moves very slowly or not at all
a tailback
54. you cannot see anything because is very dark or because weather condictions are bad
zero visibility
55. a sudden and unexpected heavy fall of rain
a downpour
56. un chaparrón
a downpour
57. un tronco ( madera, leña)
a log
58. la plaga
the plague
59. el corte de la ropa
the cut of clothes
60. Me gusta el corte de tus pantalones
I like the cut of your trousers
61. confortable (informal)
62. find a way of doing something that the rule or law is intended to prevent, without actually breaking the rule or law
find a way of getting round a rule or law
63. Hallar la manera de bordear la ley
find the way of getting round the law
64. become angry about something and complain
kick up a fuss
65. trabajaba para la compañía y no le pasó nada aun cuando robó miles de libras
He worked for the company and got away with stealing thousands of pounds
66. If you do not suffer any punishment or other bad consequences of doing something wrong..
you get away with doing something wrong
67. you will not allow something to happen or continue
you will not stand for something
68. If a country's economy or process gradually becomes slower or less active until it tops
a country's economy or a process grinds to a halt
69. become worse in some way
70. an area with no people and lacking in comfort
a desolate place
71. unpleasant and depressing
72. very odd or strange
73. the construction of...
the erection of...
74. an issue over which people disagree violently
a battleground
75. I incorrectly accepted that something was true without any real proof that it was so
I made the false assumption
76. after thinking carefully about something
a reflection
77. think carefully about something
reflect on something
78. as well as
along with
79. capable of making a profit
commercially viable
80. If a goverment or other authority pays part of the cost of something then...
It's heavily subsidised
81. you recommend a particular action or plan publicly
you advocate a particular action or plan
82. very near to where you live
on your doorstep
83. while pretending to be someone you are not or to do something
under the guise of
84. an others like them
and the like
85. ideas, beliefs or accounts that are very different from each other and it seems impossible for them to exist together or for each to be true
conflicting claims
86. the most senior person in an organisation
the person who fronts the organisation
87. A person who es famous and respected, especially because they are good at their profession
An eminent person
88. a large number of statistics
a barrage of statistics
89. refuse to accept responsability for something and say that someone else is responsible
pass the buck
90. If a situation has been caused by a person or thing then...
the situation is down to someone or something
91. If you are in London by any chance, come and see me
If you happen to be in London by chance, come and see me
92. Without you, I would have given up years ago
If it hadn't been for you I would have given up years ago
93. If you insist on doing everything yourself, of course you feel tired
If you will do everything yourself you will feel tired
94. Please take a seat, and I'll inquire for you
Will you please take a seat and I'll inquire for you
95. Si me hubiese caído me habría roto la pierna
If I had fallen, I would have broken my leg
96. Si no hubiese estado lloviendo, habría salido a dar un paseo
If it hadn't been rainig I would have gone out for a walk
97. Si no lo necesitas más, me gustaría que me lo devolvieses por favor
If you don't need it anymore, then I would like it back please
98. Me sorprendería si Harry no ganase la competeción
I would be surprised if Harry didn't win the competition
99. A no ser que Brenda corra más deprisa perderá la carrera
Unless Brenda runs faster she would lose the race
100. Si ves a Mary dile que la quiero
If you happen to see Mary, give her my love
101. No aceptaría el trabajo incluso si me lo ofrecieran
I wouldn't accept the job even if they offered it to me
102. Si fuera yo el hombre que te quisiera, ¿ tú qué dirías ?
If I were the man who loved you, what would you say ?
103. Gracias por tu ayuda con el jardín, no lo habría hecho si no hubiese sido así
Thanks for your help with the garden, I wouldn't have done it otherwise
104. Si no hubiese sido por Sally, Jim se habría ahogado
But for Sally, Jim would have drowned
105. Si insistes en hacerlo todo tú sólo
If you will do everything yourself
106. Si por cualquier circunstancia estás en Londres
If you happen to be in London
107. If you do have any time free could you give me a ring ?
If you should have any time free, could you give me a ring ?
108. We won't go away if the weather is bad
We won't go away unless the weather is good
109. I didn't have the money so I didn't buy a new suit
If I had had the money I would have bought a new suit
110. Sólo me arrepiento de no haber estudiado más fuerte el último trimestre
I only regret not having studied harder last term
111. Me arrepiento de no haber estudiado mucho el último trimestre
I regret not studying hard last term
112. Si te apresuras, no llegarás tarde
If you hurry up, you won't be late
113. Si no te apresuras, vas a llegar tarde
If you don't hurry up you're going to be late
114. Ahora estamos perdidos. Si hubieses anotado la dirección de Mary esto no habría sucedido
Now we're lost. If you had written down Mary's directions this wouldn't have happened
115. ¿ Por qué no emigramos ? Si viviésemos en Australia ¡ al menos el tiempo sería mejor !
Why don't we emigrate ? If we lived in Australia at least the weather would be better !
116. Me temo que Smith es un criminal sin posibilidad de rehabilitación. Si no le castigamos esta vez, él simplemente cometerá más crímenes
I'm afraid that Smith is a hardened criminal. If we don't punish him this time, he will only commit more crimes
117. Gracias a la Doctora Jones todavía estoy vivo. Si no hubiese sido por ella, con seguridad habría muerto
Thanks to Dr. Jones, I'm still alive ! If it hadn't been for her, I would have been dead for certain
118. Lo siento, no te puedo prestar dinero. Sabes que si lo tuviera te lo prestaría
I'm sorry I can't lend you any money. You know that if I had it, I would lend it to you
119. No tengas miedo. Si no tocas al perro no te morderá
Don't be afraid. If you don't touch the dog, it won't bite you
120. En aquellos tiempos, si tenías trabajo, eras afortunado
In those days, if you had a job, you were lucky
121. ¡ Siempre lo mismo ! Si decido salir temprano de la oficina, mi jefe me llama después de haber salido
It's always the same ! If I decide to leave the office early, my boss call me after I've left !
122. ¡ Qué cosa tan horrorosa ha sucedido ! ¡ Sólo piensa que si no hubiésemos perdido el avión habríamos muerto en el accidente !
What a terrible thing to happen ! Just think if we hadn't missed the plane, we would have been killed in the crash !
123. ¿ Te gustó la comida ? Si terminas de comer yo recojo los platos
Did you enjoy your meal ? If you finish eating I will clear away the plates
124. Working so much will make you tired If....
If you work so much, you will get tired
125. I regret drinking so much last night. If only...
If only I hadn't drunk so much last night I wouldn't have regretted
126. What would you do if there was an earthquake ? Supposing...
Supposing there were an earthquake what would you do ?
127. If you do the shopping, I'll cook lunch. You...
You do the shopping and I'll cook the lunch
128. What would you do if you found some buried treasure ? If you were....
If you were to find a buried treasure, what would you do
129. If Pauline hadn't been interested, the project would have been abandoned. But for....
But for Pauline's interest the project would have been abandoned
130. If by any chance you find my wallet, could you let me know ? If you happen.....
If you happen to find my wallet, could you let me know ?
131. I might be late. If so, start without me. If I .....
If I am late please start without me
132. The fire was brought under control thanks to the night-watchman. If it hadn't .....
If it hadn't been for the night-watchman the fire wouldn't have been under control
133. vigilante nocturno
134. Dick is in prison because a detective recognised him. If a detective.....
If a detective hadn't recognised Dick, he wouldn't be in prison
135. Don't take this job if you don't really want it. (unless)
Don't take this job unless you really want it
136. I wasn't tall enough to reach the shelf (taller)
If I had been taller I could have reached the shelf
137. I won't sell the painting, not even for 1000 pounds (if)
Even if I were given 1000 pounds I wouldn't sell the painting
138. If the ship sank, what would you do ? (were)
If the ship were sunk what would you do ?
139. ¿ Si se hundiese el barco, qué harías ?
If the ship were sunk, what would you do ?
140. If you should notice what's on at the cinema, let me know (happen)
If you happen to notice what's on at the cinema, let me know
141. Si supieras lo que echan en el cine, dímelo
If you should notice what's on the cinema, let me know
142. If you hadn't encouraged me, I would have given up (but)
But for your encouragement I would have given up
143. Although it is a good car, it is expensive (if)
Even if it is a good car, it is expensive.
144. Es caro, aunque sea un buen coche
It is expensive, even it is a good car
145. If you insist on smoking so much, of course you feel ill (will)
If you insist on smoking so much, you will feel ill
146. I don't have any scissors so I can't lend you any (if)
If had some scissors I could lend them to you
147. But for Helen, the play would be a flop (were)
If it weren't for Helen the play would be a flop
148. Si no fuese por Helen, la obra (de teatro) habría sido un fracaso
If it weren't for Helen the play would be a flop
149. La película fue un fiasco
the film was a flop
150. Si insistes en fumar tanto, por supuesto que te sentirás enfermo
If you will smoke so much of course you will feel ill
151. Los paraguas no son útiles con viento fuerte
the umbrellas are useless in a high wind
152. Después de lo cual se vuelve inútil (un paraguas)
after which it is rendered useless (an umbrella)
153. O porque la estructura the metal se ha roto (de un paraguas)
or because the metal frame is broken (of an umbrella)
154. Otra cosa que pasa con los paraguas es que no hay otro objeto que tan frecuentemente se olvide en sitios públicos
Another outcome of umbrellas is that no object is so frequently left in public places
155. Más de 12000 al año se dejan en el metro de Londres
In excess of twelve thousand a year are abandoned on the London Underground
156. autobús articulado
a bendy bus
157. Mucho viento
High wind
158. Alguien debería inventar un dispositivo para sustituir al paraguas
someone should come up with a gadget to replace the umbrella
159. los ves girando y contorsionándose como si sus paraguas les arrastraran
You see them twisting and turning as if being pulled along by their umbrellas
160. un atasco (de coches) enorme
161. convertirse algo en algo inútil
to render something useless
162. Pero no han dicho nada de eso esta semana
but they haven't said anything of the sort this week
163. un trabajo de mierda
****** job
164. casa de empeño
pawn shop (pro='porn shop)
165. todo el día fue un completo desastre
the whole day was a complete cock-up
166. agotamiento de los recursos hídricos
depletion of water resources
167. eliminación de los residuos tóxicos
disposal of the toxic waste
168. letal
169. mortífero
170. tiene un gusto pésimo para la ropa
She has appalling taste in clothes
171. tiene que ser horroroso para ella
it must be ghastly for her
172. el día del juicio final
173. los cuatro jinetes del Apocalipsis
the four horsemen of the apocalypse
174. central ( de producción eléctrica ) nuclear, de gas, de carbón
a nuclear / gas / coal-fired power station
175. Ha estado lloviendo tanto que el campo (de fútbol) estaba hecho un barrizal
It's been raining so hard the pitch was like mudbath
176. El calor era simplemente insoportable. Estaba sudando (yo) a lo bestia
The heat was just unbearable. I was sweating like a pig
177. No me puedo creer que esos dos sigan juntos. Se pelean como perro y gato
I can't believe those two are still together. They fight like cat and dog
178. No sé cómo le aguanta (ella a él). Yo le dejaría si fuese ella. La trata (él) como basura
I don't know how she puts up with it. I'd leave him if I was her. He treats her like dirt !
179. ¿ Dormiste bien ? Sí, como un tronco
Did you sleep well ? Yeah, like a log
180. ¡ No soporto a ese tipo ! Le evito como a la plaga
I can't stand the guy ! I avoid him like the plague
181. ¿ Te gusta el corte de esos vaqueros ? ¿ Te sientan bien ? - Sí, como un guante. Son realmente cómodos
Do you like the cut of those jeans ? Do they fit OK ? - Yeah, like a glove. They're really comfy
182. He estudiado algo de eso antes pero, ¡ no recuerdo nada ! Tengo la memoria llena de lagunas
I've studied some of these things before, but I can't remember any of them ! I've got a memory like a sieve
183. Me pilló un chaparrón
I got caught in a downpour
184. Me empapé ayer cuando iba en bicicleta a trabajo
I got soaked cycling in to work yesterday
185. Había mucha niebla y era por la noche por lo que la visibilidad era casi cero
It was really foggy and it's was night-time, so we had almost zero visibility
186. Las carreteras estaban con mucha helada por lo que había un gigantesco atasco en la autopista
The roads were really icy, so there was a huge tailback on the motorway
187. Había un caos total en las carreteras por la mañana
It was a total chaos on the roads in the morning
188. Había tanto hielo en las carreteras que de hecho derrapamos y nos salimos en un punto dado
There was so much black ice on the roads we actually skidded right off at one point
189. corte de corriente, fallo eléctrico
an outage, a power cut out
190. Me salieron ampollas por todas partes
I came out in blisters everywhere
191. Bajó a menos 20 grados (la temperatura) y todos los ríos se helaron
It dropped to about minus twenty and all the rivers froze over
192. Hubo una gran tormenta y después un fallo eléctrico
There was a huge storm and then there was a power cut
193. Hubo una ventisca y quedamos completamente sepultados en nieve
There was a blizzard and we got totally snowed in
194. Estaba lloviendo a cántaros y todos los padres llevaron en coche a los niños a la escuela
It was bucketing down and all the parents drove their kids to school
195. brisa marina
sea breeze
196. brisa suave
light breeze
197 brisa fuerte
stiff breeze
198. tiempo asqueroso (atmosférico)
miserable weather
199. tiempo impredecible (atmosférico)
unpredictable weather
200. tiempo magnífico (atmosférico)
glorious weather
201. lluvia ligera
fine rain
202. lluvia torrencial
torrential rain
203. lluvia tropical
tropical rain
204. viento ululante
howling wind
205. viento huracanado
gale-force wind
206. viento polar
biting wind
207. niebla espesa
thick fog
208. niebla gélida
freezing fog
209. nieblas dispersas
patchy fog
210. cielo totalmente despejado
clear blue sky
211. cielo cubierto
overcast sky
212. cielo despejado
there wasn't a cloud in the sky
213. bajo juramento
under oath
214. la reunión fue suspendida
the meeting was called off
215. Si das regalos a los profesores, les haces felices
If you give teachers presents , you make them happy
216. Si hubieses hecho caso a mi consejo, no te habrías convertido en un adicto a la droga
If you had listened to my advise, you wouldn't have become a drug addict
217. Si hubieses cogido el trabajo, estarías ganando más dinero ahora
If you had taken the job you would be earnig more money (now)
218. Si me preguntas, va a ocurrir, tarde o temprano
If you ask me, it's bound to happen sooner or later
219. La gente simplemente no lo apoyaría
People just wouldn't stand for it
220. El gobierno nunca se iría de rositas con eso (nunca saldría de ahí sin sufrir daños)
The government would never get away with it
221. muelo mi propio café
I grind my own coffee
222. el país se pararía poco a poco
The country would just grind to a halt
223. Si no nos enfrentamos a ello, nos vamos a arrepentir
If we don't face up to it, we're going to regret it
224. La gente armaría un escándalo tremendo !
People would kick up such a fuss !
225. La policía simplemente miraría a otra parte
The police would just turn a blind eye to it
226. Es muy falso
he's very slimy ('slaimi)
227. ¿ No crees que es excesivamente caro ? (para lo que nos podemos permitir)
You don't think it's a bit extravagant ?
228. Mi padre se regaló un Porche nuevo cuando se retiró
My dad splashed out on a new Porshe when he retired
229. ¿ No crees que enseña mucho ? (del cuerpo de una mujer, relativo a ropa)
You don't think it's a bit too revealing ?
230. ¿ No crees que es un poco hortera ?
You don't think it's a bit tacky ?
231. ¿ No crees que está un poco pasado de moda ? (viejo, referido a ropas)
You don't think it's a bit frumpy ?
232. ¿ No crees que es muy endeble ? (referido a un mueble o equivalente)
You don't think it's a bit flimsy ?
233. ¿ No crees que es demasiado llamativo ? (referido a un vestido o ropa ) ¿ No crees que canta mucho ? (p.e. un vestido)
You don't think it's a bit loud ?
234. ¿ No crees que desentonará en el salón ? (p.e. un mueble)
You don't think it'll look a bit out of place in our front room ?
235. ¡ Eh, si tienes enséñalo ! (alguna parte de atractivo físico en mujeres, exhibir, mostrar sin complejos)
Hey, if you've got it, flaunt it !
236. En cualquier caso te lo mereces. ¡ Expláyate para un cambio de look !
Anyway, you deserve it. Splash out for a change !
237. Si no los colores no combinan (referidos a vestimenta)
If colours clash
238. Quizás es demasiado moderno. Podría chocar un poco (un vestido, un mueble..)
Maybe it is a bit too modern. It might clash a bit
239. La policía reprimió a los manifestantes ( se enfrentó con )
Police clashed with demonstrators
240. un adaptador (eléctrico)
an adaptor
241. un enchufe (macho) o clavija
a plug
242. un enchufe de pared (hembra)
an electric socket
243. Pregunte a lo estudiantes dónde se enchufa un electrodoméstico: en un enchufe
Ask students where you plug an appliance: into a socket
244. No pienso eso, no creo eso
Not as far as I know
245. Si estás distraido....
If you are distracted...
246. No me adules
Don't flatter me !
247. If you make your bottom look obvious because you are proud of it, then you...
you show off your backside
248. sistema económico
economic system
249. un sistema barato
a economical system
250. cien libras esterlinas (informal)
a hundred quids
251. 100 dólares americanos (informal)
a hundred bucks
252. tendrá que aclararlo con el responsable !
you'll have to take it up with the manager !
253. Lo siento, pero eso es completamente imposible
I'm sorry, but that's just out of question
254. Bien, en ese caso no le podemos devolver nada
Well, in that case, we really can't give you any kind of refund
255. Parecen bastante usados, gastados ( se refiere a unos zapatos)
Well, they look scuffed
256. Una devolución de dinero (por una compra inapropiada)
A refund
257. ¡ Es completamente imposible !
That's just out of the question !
258. Discuss something with the manager
take something up with the manager
259. Cuando la vimos, la película estaba más bien borrosa
when we played it, the picture was just really fuzzy
260. un vestido encoge al lavarlo
a piece of clothing shrinks in the wash
261. Encogió al lavarlo
It shrank in the wash
262. cuando lo llevé de vuelta a casa me dí cuenta que estaba mellado (p.e. un plato de cerámica)
When I got it back home, I realised it was chipped
263. Me quedé con el pomo en la mano (p.e. de una puerta)
The handle came off in my hand
264. Tenía un pequeño desgarrón (p.e. el pantalón)
It had a little rip in it
265. Los colores destiñieron la primera vez que los lavé (pieza de ropa)
The colours ran the first time I put them in the wash
Era uno de esos muebles empaquetados, imposibles de armar (p.e. estantería empaquetada ikea)
It was one of those flat-pack things - impossible to put together
267. Simplemente no combinaba con el resto del conjunto (se refiere a una pieza de ropa)
It just didn't really go with the rest of the outfit
268. Ya se está despegando la suela (se refiere a un zapato)
It's already coming apart at the sole
269. Sólo me dí cuenta más tarde que había un pequeño bollo en la parte trasera del coche
I only noticed later there was a dent in the boot
270. Se le había pasado la fecha de venta, por lo que tuve que tirarlo
It was past its sell-by-date, so I just had to chuck it away
271. fecha de caducidad
expiry date
272. capó (de un coche)
273. La investigación del asesinato por la policía ha destapado un mundo de corrupción y engaño
The police probe into the murder has uncovered a world of corruption and deceit
274. investigación de la policía
police probe
275. La economía ha sido paralizada (constreñida) por una inflación desbocada
The economy has been crippled by rampant inflation
276. Los pleitos continuos están drenando los recursos financiaeros de la compañía
The endless litigation is draning the company's financial resources.
277. nuevas leyes draconianas
Draconian new laws
278. La nueva política incorpora tantas de tus sugerencias previas como ha sido posible
the new policiy incorporates as many of your earlier suggestions as possible
279. Nos están echando completamente del mercado por precio
We're being priced out of the market.
280. Batir los precios de vuestros competidores
undercut your competitors' prices
281. mejorar el precio respecto a la competencia local
undercut local shops
282. Necesita un replanteamiento radical (un plan de actuación)
It needs a radical rethink
283. Creo que la última derrota afectó gravemente su confianza
I think that last defeat dented their confidence quite badly
284. Creo que deberíamos poder resolver este problema sin tener que recurrir a medidas legales
I think we should be able to sort this problem out without having to resort to legal action
285. La última serie de asesinatos ha hecho caer una sobre sobre la ciudad
The latest round of killings have cast a bit of a shadow over the city
286. Todo el plan está lleno de errores
The whole plan is fatally flawed
287. un revendedor de entradas
a tout
288. comprar CDs o DVDs piratas
buy counterfeit DVSs or CDs
289. comprar copias piratas de software de ordenador
buy pirate copies of computer software
290. engañar en la declaración de la renta
fiddle your tax return
291. hacer trabajos que se pagan en metálico sin factura
do cash-in-hand jobs
292. conseguir libros de texto completos fotocopiados
get whole coursebooks copied for school
293. bajar ilegalmente música de internet de sitios de compartición de ficheros
illegally download music from file-sharing sites on the internet
294. copiar CDs para los amigos
burn CDs for friends
295. comprar cigarrillos de contrabando
buy cigarettes that've been smuggled into the country
296. pedir fraudulentamente pagos a los sistemas de asistencia social
make fraudulent benefit claims
297. perfumes de marca falsificados
fake brand-name perfumes
298. comprar camisetas de futbol falsificadas
buy counterfeit replica football shirts
299. comprar bienes robados
buy goods that've been nicked
300. burdel
301. un manifiesto
a manifiesto
302. debería facilitar a los trabajadores de la economía sumergida el cambio a la economía real.
it should be made easier for black-economy workers to make the switch to the mainstream economy
303. boyante
304. no entiendo
I miss the point
305. me impulsó mucho
it gave me a boost
306. mientras se preguntan porqué la gente tiene que acabar comprando productos falsificados
whilst wondering why people resort to buying fake goods
307. mientras que el tema de la compra de bienes ilegales
whilst the issue of bootlegging
308. piracy that is very common and increasing in an uncontrolled way
rampant piracy
309. similar to
akin to
310. two sides prepare to fight abount un issue
battle lines are drawn
311. nueva legislación draconiana
new draconian legislation
312. pagar sueldos o salarios por debajo de lo normal
undercut wages
313. sanción muy dura
stiff penalty
314. la punta del iceberg (referido a un problema)
the tip of the iceberg
315. banda de criminales sin ley
a ruthless gang
316. marea alta
incoming tide
317. berberechos
318. make known to the public the unpleasant aspects of Britain's black-market economy
cast a stark light onto the shadowy world of Britain's black-market economy
319. traicionero (p.e. una carretera)
320. de forma ilícita
321. ¡ Tu nuevo sitio web es magnífico ! ¡ Me encanta el diseño !
Your new website's great ! I love the layout !
322. Yo estaba en Hong Kong in 1997, durante la entrega (a China)
I was in Hong Kong in 1997, during the handover
323. Acabó (él) con una crisis nerviosa
He ended up having a nervous breakdown
324. El sindicato dirigió una marcha de protesta contra los despidos
The union led a walkout in protest at the sackings
325. Este paseante intervino y me salvó !
This passer-by intervened and saved me !
326. Entiendo que fue una crianza bastante poco convencional
I guess it was a fairly unconventional bringing-up
327. sembrar dudas sobre la teoría
cast a doubt on the theory
328. arrojar luz sobre el asunto
cast light on the issue
329. echar una sombra de tristeza sobre la ciudad
cast a shadow on the city
330. lanzar la línea (para pescar)
cast a line
331. persona muy lenta para responder
sluggish person
332. Nuestra profersora no sólo llegaba tarde, sino que también hacía intermedios muy largos
Not only was our teacher frequently late but she had often extended breaks
333. No sólo has gastado mi tiempo, sino también mi dinero
Not only have you wasted my time but also my money
334. En ningún momento nadie me dijo que no se permitían niños en el evento
At no time did anybody tell me that children weren't allowed at the event
335. En ningún momento nadie nos informó de lo que estaba pasando ni porqué el vuelo se había retrasado !
At no time did anybody informed us what was happening or why the plane had been delayed!
336. niño mimado
a spoilt child
337. el tren está lleno
the train is packed
338. estropear (p.e. la educación de un niño, el fin de semana)
spoil spoilt spoilt
339. defensor del pueblo
340. No sólo había más de 18 alumnos en clase, sino que el aula era oscura y con poco espacio !
Not only were there over 18 students in the class, but the room was dark and cramped !
341 disco de vinilo