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12 Cards in this Set

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What are the 6 sub systems of air-con?

Air con cooling packs, air distribution system, zone temperature control, equipment cooling and ventilation, heating systems, pressurization control system

What are the three control zones?

Flight deck, fwd compartment, aft compartment

How much air does that recirculation system recover?


When selecting different temperatures for three zones, which one will the temperature control system meet?

It will meet the lowest temperature of the three packs. Hot 'trim' air is added downstream of pack inlets to warm the other zones If required

What is the purpose of an air cycle system?

Reduce temperature and pressure, remove moisture and control flow

What functions do the flow control and shutoff valve provide?

Shutoff, two mode flow control, temp limiting (high flow only)

What signal does the temperature control system send is high flow mode?

To reduce pack flow and perform temp limiting function

What what is the purpose of the Air cycle machine?

Reduce pressure and temp of the conditioned air

What components are in the Air cycle machine?

Centrifugal turbine that drives a compressor. Single shaft drives a axial flow fan. Supported by air bearings

How does the turbine remove heat?

Uses the expansion principle to remove heat energy and pressure

What feature prevents icing downstream of the air cycle machine?

Hot bypass air via the low limit valve or temperature control valve

The high flow mode is initiated by which conditions?

Single system operation. Respective recirculation system not operating