The EWB challenge is devoted improving lives, “Welcome to Engineers Without Borders (EWB) Australia. We 're here to engineer a better world, (Engineers Without Borders Australia, 2016).” The challenge they set before themselves is to allow everyone to lead a life without poverty through engineering knowledge and resources. “We connect, educate and empower people through humanitarian engineering. Humanitarian engineering uses a people centered, strength based approach to improve community health, well being and opportunity, (About Us - Engineers Without Borders Australia, 2016).” They place value on the construction of relationships based on mutual trust and respect and thrive on the sharing of knowledge and culture from both …show more content…
Thus through the planting vegetation on the riverbank a process known as evapotranspiration will occur and thus increase the cooling factor. “Evapotranspiration is the term used to describe the part of the water cycle which removes liquid water from an area with vegetation and into the atmosphere by the processes of both transpiration and evaporation, (About Evapotranspiration, 2016).” the location of the project is the broken down hydroelectric station in a weir in proximity of the camp, information supplied by EWB. Due to this there is a nice rectangular cemented area providing easy access. The principal of the solution is having a steel cooler vaccine box lowered to the weirs depths where the water temperature is at its coolest. The project shall use only native materials of the area or from other towns in Zambia such as Lusaka (which is the Capital city) for the thermometers. The native materials shall be used to create a shaded area over the water to reflect the suns rays to further induce colder temperatures. Now the weather climate shown in Fig 1 (grey line) reveals the humidity levels in the area of Koama. Humidity levels in the area directly influence the efficiency of evaporation and evapotranspiration and their cooling effect. Due to “Relative humidity (rh) is the …show more content…
About Us - Engineers Without Borders Australia. 2016. About Us - Engineers Without Borders Australia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 08 June 2016].
C. Administrator. 2016. Evaporative Cooling Scientific Facts. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 08 June 2016].
D. Administrator. 2016. How Evaporative Cooling Works Evaporative air conditioning uses only water and moving air to cool using the principles of evaporation...[col=200]. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 08 June 2016].
E. Design Area 2: Health | EWB Challenge. 2016. Design Area 2: Health | EWB Challenge. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 08 June 2016].
F. Engineers Without Borders Australia. 2016. Engineers Without Borders Australia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 08 June 2016].
G. Kaoma Climate Kaoma Temperatures Kaoma Weather Averages. 2016. Kaoma Climate Kaoma Temperatures Kaoma Weather Averages. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 08 June