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53 Cards in this Set

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What piece of information did Admiral Shovell not have that cost him his life?

Admiral Shovell did not know his longitude (his east-west position).

How is science similar to a map? Using this analogy, what is the Bible’s role in science?

It models the world in a way that is understandable. The Bible helps us know how to correctly interpret scientific knowledge just as a correct navigational position places one properly on the map.

How can a Christian's worldview help him understand suffering and death?

A Christian worldview says that the world is broken because of sin.

How can the proper worldview help a person to be a better scientist?

With a Christian worldview a scientist recognizes the true purpose of science—to glorify God by learning about His world and serving other humans to the best of his ability.

List three aspects of the secularist worldview that are exactly opposite the Christian worldview.

- Religion has no place in science.

- Truths about the universe are known only through scientific discovery

- humans are just animals

- matter has always existed

- humans are just complex chemical beings

- intangible things like love are just the result of chemical reactions

In what ways does the Bible show us that it's good to study creation scientifically?

The Creation Mandate indicates that it is good to study nature in order to figure out ways to make it more useful, for humans to be productive.

What property do physical and conceptual models have in common? Why is this property desirable in most models?

Physical and conceptual models are
simplifications. This trait is desirable because eliminating complexity aids in understanding particular truths or answering specific questions.

What is the purpose of a paradigm in scientific work?

It provides the presuppositions and point of view necessary to do science.

What is the primary underlying purpose of science?

To enable humans to exercise good and wise dominion over God's world.

Scientific concepts such as energy, space, and time are defined operationally or historically?

Operationally, they are defined by their measurable properties or how they work in the universe.

What is studied in physics?

Matter and energy, and how they interact

What is studied in chemistry?

The structure, composition, and properties of matter, and how matter interacts in the presence of other matter

How is science significantly different from most other professions?

It does not allow the existence of more than one paradigm to govern a particular area of scientific knowledge.

Historical or operational?

determining the boundary between the pre-Flood geology and the Flood sediment deposits


operational science, applied science, or both?

developing an effective tsunami warning sensor

both operational and applied

education or consultation?

holding summer camp science workshops for interested high-school students


operational, historical, applied, theoretical?

finding and mapping all asteroids that cross the earth’s orbit

operational, applied, and theoretical

operational, historical, applied, theoretical?

cataloging all the vertebrate animals on the island of Borneo

operational, theoretical

operational, historical, applied, theoretical?

reconstructing a complete dinosaur skeleton fossil

operational, historical, theoretical

The existence of the hundreds of subatomic "elementary particles" that make up protons, neutrons, and electrons in atoms is an example of which attribute of God?

creativity, wisdom in the design of matter

The weathering of rock and sediment into soil allows us to grow food from year to year. What attribute of God does this provision in nature declare?

His goodness to us

Why can operational science be considered "dominion science"?

Operational science studies the here-and-now aspects of the world and universe. Its purpose is to allow us to better understand and use the world for human benefit, which is the objective of the Creation Mandate, which commands men to have dominion over the earth.

Protecting people and bettering their condition are ways of showing love. What is the main reason Christians should show love in this way?

All humans bear the image of God and are precious in His sight. These are tangible ways of fulfilling the Second Great Commandment.

an idea that is not proved but that we use as the basis for proving other things


an outlook from which a person interprets all of life


God's call for us exercise dominion over His creation

Creation Mandate

free from religious influence


the belief that the only things we can know with confidence are the things we learn through scientific study


a simplified depiction of a far more complex object or concept


a non-physical model that helps scientists understand something physical (can be mathematical equations or computer programs, for example)

conceptual model

a model that is not completely accurate, but can provide useful answers is ___________


one's inclination (positive or negative) about a subject based on presuppositions


the study of the evidence for the world's origins in the unobservable past

historical science

a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning


scientific knowledge and point of view shared by scientists at a point in time


an overarching (or umbrella) model that describes the behavior of a related set of natural phenomena


A thing or event observed to exist or occur (usually in nature)


temporary explanation of a phenomenon (a guess that is checked through further investigation)


a simple statement, often expressed as a mathematical equation, that models or describes the relationship among natural phenomena under specified conditions


the collection of observations, inferences, and models produced through a systematic study of nature


something that forms an unbroken expanse or series (like time)


this kind of science covers physics and chemistry

physical science

standards for governing scientific work

scientific methodology

information through observation


data that cannot be numerically measured

qualitative data

data that can be numerically measured

quantitative data

before a research report is published, it must undergo _______ _________

peer review

the type of science where scientists can develop answers to natural-world questions by directly testing and observing present-day phenomena

operational science

the type of science that involves research to discover new facts about the natural world (such as planetary space probes)

theoretical science

the type of science that involves research to discover new ways to use scientific knowledge for human benefit (such as new technology)

applied science

First Great Commandment

"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment."

Second Great Commandment

"You shall love your neighbor as yourself."

another name for operational science, related to the Creation Mandate

dominion science