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64 Cards in this Set

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Cerebral Hemispheres
Symmetrical halves on top of brain stem.
Corpus Callosum
Band of nerve cells that connects the two cerebral hemispheres.
Study of interactions of biology, behavior, and mental processes
Gradual process of biological change as a species adapts to its environment
Natural Selection
Driving force behind evolution. Fittest organisms survive.
Genetic makeup
Observable physical and behavorial characteristics
Deoxyribonuclic acid. Encodes genetic characteristics.
Functional segment of a chromosome. Encodes inherited physical and mental characteristics.
Structure along which genes are organized. Consists of DNA.
Sex Chromosomes
X and Y. Determine our physical sex characteristics.
Cell that receives and transmits information to other cells.
Bundles of neurons
Sensory Neuron
Nerve cell that sends messages TOWARD the CNS FROM sense receptors. (Afferent)
Motor Neuron
Nerve cell that sends messages AWAY from the CNS TOWARD the muscles and glands. (efferent)
Relays messages between nerve cells. Especially in the brain and spinal cord.
Branched fiber that extends from cell body and carries info into the neuron
Contains the nucleus, includes the chromosomes. (Cell body)
Extended fiber that conducts infro from the soma to terminal buttons. Info travels by action potential (electric charge)
Resting Potential
Electrical charge of axon in inactive state. Ready to "fire"
Action Potential
Nerve impulse caused by the electrical charge across the axon's cell membrane. Causes neurotransmitters to be released
All-or-none Principle
Action potential in the axon occurs completely or not at all
Gap that is a communication link between neurons. Also occur between nerve cells and muscles/glands
Terminal Buttons
Contain neurotransmitters that carry neuron's message into the synapse
Synaptic Transmission
Relaying of info across the synapse using chemical neurotransmitters
Chemical messenger that relays neural messages across the synapse. (Includes hormones)
Ability to adapt or change as the result of experience. May help nervous system adapt to physical damage
Glial Cell
Provide structural support for neurons. Insulating cover (myelin sheath) of the axon, which facilitates electrical impulse
Nervous System
Entire Network of neurons in the body. Includes CNS, PNS, and their subdivisions.
Central Nervous System
Brain and Spinal Cord
Unlearned response triggered by stimuli.
Peripheral Nervous System
Parts not included in CNS. Includes autonomic and somatic nervous systems
Somatic Nervous System
Carries sensory information to the CNS and sends voluntary messages to skeletal muscles.
Autonomic Nervous System
Sends communications between CNS and the internal organs and glands.
Sympathetic Division
Sends messages to internal organs and glands that help us respond to stressful and emergency situations.
Parasympathetic Division
Monitors the routine operations of internal organs and returns body to calmer functioning after arousal by sympathetic division
Endocrine System
Hormone system. Includes endocrine glands. Body's chemical messenger system.
Chemical messengers for endocrine system. Some serve as neurotransmitters
Pituitary Gland
"Master gland." Produces hormones influencing other endocrine glands & growth. Takes orders from and is attached to hypothalamus.
Drugs/chemicals that ENHANCE OR MIMIC the effects of neurotransmitters
Drugs/chemicals that INHIBIT effects of neurotransmitters
Neural Pathways
Bundles of nerve cells that follow the same route and employ the same neurotransmitter
Device for recording brainwaves (EEG)
Brain Stem
Includes medulla, pons, and reticular formation. Most primitive
Controls breathing, heart rate. Sensory and motor pathways cross it.
Regulates brain activity during sleep and dreaming. "Bridge"
Reticular Formation
Forms core of brain stem. Arouses the cortx to keep the brain alert and attentive t new stimulation.
All messages go through this. Central "relay station"
Responsible for coordinated movements
Limbic System
Emotion and memory. Includes Hippocampus, amygdala, hypothalamus, and other structures.
Long-term memory
Memory and emotion, especially fear and aggression.
Monitors blood to determine condition of body.
Cerebral Cortex
Grey matter covering cerebral hemispheres. Carries on much of "higher" mental processing, such as thinking and perceiving.
Frontal Lobes
Movement and thinking
Motor Cortex
Voluntary movement
Mirror Neuron
Fires in response to observation of another person's actions of emotions
Parietal lobes
Touch sensation and in spatial relationships
Somatosensory Cortex
Sensations of touch
Occipital Lobes
Visual Cortex
Visual processing areas of cortex in occipital and temporal lobes
Temporal Lobes
Process sounds (speech), storing long-term memory. (faces?)
Association Cortex
Combine information from various other parts of the brain
Cerebral dominance
Tendency of each hemisphere to exert dominance over different functions (language, spatial, etc.)