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53 Cards in this Set

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What does blood carry?

Oxygen and glucose to all body cells
What is systolic pressure?
The maximum pressue the heart produces (contracts)
What is diastolic pressure?
The lowest presure the heart produces (relaxes)
What are the seven causes of high blood pressure?
Poor diet
High saturated fat intake
High alcohol intake
High salt intake
What are the consequences with burst blood vessels due to high blood pressure?
In brain = brain damage
in kidney = kidney failure
Strokes = paralysis and loss of speech
What three things are caused by low blood pressure?
Poor circulation
What is fit?
The ability for physical activity
What is health?
The absence of disease
Why does smoking cause high blood pressue?
Carbon monoxide in the smoke combines with red blood cells
Reduces oxygen carrying capacity
Heart rate increases to compensate
Nicotine also increases heart rate
Why does a high intake of saturated fat cause high blood pressue?
Leads to cholesterol (plaque) building up in arteries and the heard has to work harder to push blood past blockage
If coronary artery is narrowed too much = THROMBOSIS = heart attack
What is the function of the following nutrients?
- Carbs and fats
- Proteins
- Fibre
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- Energy
- Growth and repair
- Prevent constipation
- Eg vit C prevents scurvy
- Eg iron makes haemoglobin
What are the six reasons for why diets vary?
Personal choice (vegeterian etc)
Medical (allergies etc)
What is the carbohydrate molecule made of and where is it stored?
Made of simple sugars like glucose
Stored in the liver as glycogen or converted to fats
What is the fat molecule made of and where is it stored?
Made of fatty acids and glycerol
Stored under the skin as adipose tissue
What is the protein molecule made of and where is it stored?
Made of amino acids
Not stored in the body
What are essential amino acids?
Amino acids that must be obtained from our diet because out body cannot make them

1st class = animals
2nd class = plants
What is BMI?
A measure of body fat based on height and weight

BMI = mass / (height ²)
What is EAR?
The amount of protein you should eat per day

EAR = mass x 0.6
What is a deficiency disease?
A disease caused by a lack of a specific nutrient
Eg. Protein = kwashiorkor
What are the two causes of kwashiorkor?
Lack of investment in agricultural techniques
What are anorexia and bulimia?
Psychological disorders that cause under-nutrition
What are the causes of anorexia and bulimia?
Body image
What three health problems can the disorders cause?
Slow repair
Rotten teeth
What are infectious diseases?
Caused by pathogens eg:
What are vectors?
Animals that carry pathogens but do not suffer from them
What do all pathogens have?
An antigen on the surface that is unique to that pathogen
What do antigens do?
Allows white blood cells to recognise a pathogen if it invades the body
What is an example of a vector?
Malaria is caused by the protozoan called Plasmodium that is carried by mosquitoes
What are the three ways to prevent the spread of malaria?
1. Drain stagnant water = removes eggs and lavae
2. Add oil to water = cuts of oxygen supplied to lavae
3. Use insecides to kill the adult
What three ways to white blood cells deal with pathogens?
1. Engulf them = digests and destroys them
2. Produce anti-bodies = specific to pathogen and stick to antigen to destroy pathogen
3. Produce anti-toxins = counter effects poisons
Why are you immune from the same pathogen after infection?
The anti-bodies remain in blood for a short time after infection
The white blood cells create memory cells so they can remember how to create the anti-bodies
What is active immunity?
When the white blood cells encounter a live pathogen or a weakened/dead strain of microbe.
An immune response is stimulated
= Long lasting but takes time to be effective
What is passive immunity?
When the correct antibodies are given for the infection
= Short term (WBCs didn't make them) but fast acting
What happens in a vaccination?
-A harmless/dead pathogen is injected
-Pathogens antigen triggers immune response and the white blood cells learn which antibodies to produce
-Memory cells are made and remain in blood to defend from future infections
What are the advantages of vaccination?
Stop pathogen from spreading
Fewer deaths
Fewer people ill requiring medical attention
What are the disadvantages of vaccination?
Some people don't like needles
Some people react to the jab
Weakened immune system whilst body is dealing with vaccination and another pathogen invades the body
What are antibiotics?
Drugs that kill bacteria only not viruses
How to bacteria become resistance to antibiotics?
Over use = least resistant die
Resistant bacteria survive
Resistant bacteria reproduce
Immunity passed on to offspring
What is the order for testing drugs?
1. Computer models
2. Human tissue in lab
3. Animals
4. Human volunteers
Why are drugs tested?
To ensure they're safe and will work
What is a placebo?
A pill given to patients that is harmless to help medical tests
What is a blind trial?
Where the patient is unaware if they have the real drug or the placebo
What is a double blind trial?
Where the patient and the doctor are unaware if the real drug or the placebo have been taken to remove bias from doctors
What are the functions of the following parts of the eye?
- Cornea
- Iris
- Lens
- Retina
- Optic Nerve
- Refracts light rays
- Controls the amount of light entering eye
- Refracts light
- A focused image appears here that is light sensitive
- Carries impulses to the brain
What is monocular vision?
When we see with one eye
What is binocular vision?
Used to see in 3D
Vision from both eyes OVERLAP
Lens refracts light to focus image on retina
Retina has light receptors that react to light and send impulses to brain
How do we percieve distances?
By comparing how different the images are from each eye
Similar = object far
Different = object close
How does light get to the retina? (order of eye parts)
Cornea -> Iris -> Lens -> Retina
What is accomodation?
The changes in our eyes to focus light on the retina
How do we focus on close objects?
Light rays are spreading out = more refraction needed
Ciliary muscles contract
Suspensory ligaments relax
Lens becomes more round
How do we focus on distant objects?
Ciliary muscles relax
Suspensory ligaments contract
Lens flattens
What lens' do short sighted people need?
Concave to bend the light outwards as the lens in the eye refracts the image into the middle of the eye and not on the retina
What lens' do long sighted people need?
Convex to bend light inwards as the lens is unable to refract the image onto the retina