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133 Cards in this Set

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Anatomical Position
Subject stands erect facing the observer with the head level and the eyes facing directly forward. The feet are flat on the floor and directed forward, the upper limbs are at the sides with the palms turned forward.
levels of body organization
1.) chemical
2.) cellular
3.) tissue
4.) organ
5.) system
6.) organism
the development of a cell from an unspecialized state to a specialized state
the body's ability to detect and respond to changes internally and externally
the condition of equilibrium in the body's internal environment
negative feedback system
reverses a change in a controlled condition
[e.g. blood pressure]
positive feedback system
strengthens/reinforces a change in one of the body's controlled conditions
[e.g. childbirth]
intracellular fluid
fluid within the cells
extracellular fluid
fluid outside body cells
differs depending on where it occurs in the body
A solution's acidity or alkalinity is expressed on this scale [0-14]
pH <7 acidic
pH =7 neutral
pH >7 basic
hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails
three main parts of an animal cell
plasma membrane
plasma membrane
Made up of a phospholipid layer, forms the cell's outer boundary and separates the cell's internal environment from the outside environment
5% glycolipids
20% cholesterol (contributes to fluidity)
Amphipathic: polar heads and nonpolar tails
Selectively permeable
More concentrated inside than outside the cell
More positive inside and more negative outside
integral proteins
Extend into or through the lipid bilayer among the fatty acid tails and are firmly embedded
transmembrane proteins
Span the entire lipid bilayer and protrude into both the cytosol and the extracellular fluid
vesicular transportation
A highly selective type of endocytosis by which cells take up specific ligands,
a vesicle forms after a receptor protein in the plasma membrane recognizes and binds to a particular particle in the extracellular fluid
Releases materials from a cell
vesicles undergo endocytosis on one side of a cell, move across the cell, and then undergo exocytosis on the opposed side
active transport
movement of substances against the concentration gradient
requires cellular energy (ATP)
passive transport
movement of substances down a concentration gradient until equilibrium is reached
no energy required
factors that influence diffusion
steepness of the concentration gradient
mass of the diffusing substance
surface area
diffusion distance
Occurs in the nucleus, the DNA is used as a template to make an RNA strand
Occurs in the cytoplasm, the mRNA is used as a template by amino acids to produce a protein strand
DNA nucleotides
RNA nucleotides
The distribution of two sets of chromosomes into two separate nuclei [PMAT]
The chromatin condenses into chromosomes, the mitotic spindle begins to form, and the nuclear envelope disappears
The microtubules of the mitotic spindle align the centromeres of the chromatid pairs at the metaphase plate
The centromeres split, separating the two members of each chromatid pair and pulling them towards opposite poles of the cell
After chromosomal movement stops, the chromosomes uncoil and revert to chromatin. A nuclear envelope forms around each mass and the mitotic spindle breaks up
tight junctions
Fuse together the outer surfaces of adjacent plasma membranes to seal off passageways between adjacent cells
adherens juntions
attach both to membrane proteins and to microfiliments of the cytoskeleton to join two cells
Extend into the intercellular space between adjacent cell membranes and attach cells to one another
Attach to intermediate filaments made of the protein keratin and anchor cells to the basement membrane
gap junctions
Connect neighbouring cells and allow the cells in tissue to communicate with one another and enable nerve or muscle impulses to spread rapidly among cells
epithelial tissue
tightly packed with little or no extracellular matrix
connective tissue
large amount of extracellular matrix that separates the cells which are usually widely scattered
types of epithelial tissue
-simple squamous epithelium (lines heart & blood vessels)
-simple cuboidal epithelium (kidney)
-simple columnar epithelium (& ciliated) (bronchioles)
-pseudostratified columnar epithelium (lines airways)
-stratified squamous epithelium (skin)
-stratified cuboidal epithelium (sweat glands)
-stratified columnar epithelium (esophageal glands)
-transitional epithelium (urinary bladder)
exocrine gland secretion
granular epithelium
produce substances (sweat) to help lower body temperature, oil, earwax, saliva or digestive enzymes
types of connective tissue
-areolar (in & around nearly every body structure)
-adipose (fat tissue)
-reticular (supporting frameworks)
-dense regular (tendons, ligaments, & aponeuroses)
-dense irregular (beneath skin & around muscles)
-elastic (lungs, arteries, trachea, bronchial tubes)
New cells originate by cell division from this supporting connective tissue
stem cells
immature, undifferentiated cells that divide to replace lost or damaged cells
layers of the skin
epidermal layer
The superficial, thinner portion which covers the deeper layers of skin
(bottom to top): stratum basale, stratum spinosum, status granulosum, stratum lucidum, stratum corneum
keratinocytes produce the protein keratin which helps protect the skin and underlying tissues from abrasions, heat, microbes, and chemicals. They also produce lamellar granules, which release a water-repellant sealant that decreases water entry and loss and inhibits the entry of foreign materials
skin colour
the amount of melanin causes the skin's colour to vary from pale yellow to reddish-brown to black
pheomelanin (yellow to red)
eumelanin (brown to black)
deep wound healing
inflammatory phase - formation of blood clot
migratory phase - clot becomes a scab, wound is filled with granulation tissue
proliferative phase - growth of epithelial cells beneath the scab
maturation phase - scab sloughs off once the epidermis has been restored
process of scar tissue formation
types of scars
hypertrophic - remains within the boundaries of the original wound
keloid/cheloid - extends beyond the original boundaries of the wound
burn classification system
first degree burn - epidermis
second degree burn - epidermis and dermis
third degree burn - epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous layers
types of bone cells
Osteogenic, osteoblasts, osteocytes, and osteoclasts
osteogenic cells
Precursor cells that develop into an osteoblast by cell division
For the bone extracellular matrix, and develop into osteocytes
Maintain bone tissue, mature bone cells
Take away components of bone derived from monocytes (resorption)
hormones involved in bone formation
parathyroid hormone (PTH)
calcitonin (CT)
Central canal [blood and lymphatic vessels found here]
concentric lamellae
lacunae [small spaces between the lamallae, house osteocytes]
canaliculi [small channels filled with extracellular fluid connecting the lacunae]
interstitial lamallae
Central canal [blood and lymphatic vessels found here]
concentric lamellae
lacunae [small spaces between the lamallae, house osteocytes]
canaliculi [small channels filled with extracellular fluid connecting the lacunae]
interstitial lamallae
Volkmann's canals (perforating) [allow transit of these vessels to the outer cortex of the bone]
circumferential lamallae [outer encircles the bone beneath the periosteum, inner encircles the medullary cavity]
perforating sharpey's fibres
types of fractures
open (compound) - simple fracture, no broken skin
comminuted - bone is splintered, crushed, or broken into pieces
greenstick - partial fracture
impacted - one end of the fractured bone is forcefully driven into the other
Pott - fracture to the distal end of the fibula
Colles' - fracture to the distal end of the radius
function of the skeletal system
mineral homeostasis
blood cell production
triglyceride storage
anatomy of a long bone
articular cartilage
medullary cavity
articular cartilage
medullary cavity
types of bones
fetal v. adult vertebral column
fetal: Single concave curve
adult: Four curves, two concave and two convex
Primary: Thoracic and Sacral curves that retain the concave shape
Secondary: Cervical and Lumbar curves that grow to be convex
fetal: Single concave curve
adult: Four curves, two concave and two convex
Primary: Thoracic and Sacral curves that retain the concave shape
Secondary: Cervical and Lumbar curves that grow to be convex
Lateral bending of the vertebral column in the thoracic region
Increase in the thoracic curve
Increase in the lumbar curve
"hollow back"
sequence of regions of the vertebral column
cervical (7)
thoracic (12)
lumbar (5)
sacral (2)
[26 in all]
cervical (7)
thoracic (12)
lumbar (5)
sacral (2)
[26 in all]
male pelvis
Narrow true pelvis
Tilted forward
Pelvic inlet is heart shaped
<90 degree pubic arch angle
female pelvis
Large true pelvis
Tilted forward
Pelvic inlet is round or oval
>90 degree pubic arch angle
Wide sciatic notch
directional terms
joints of the pectoral shoulder girdle
sternoclavicular joint (sternum and clavicle)
acromioclavicular joint (scapula and clavicle)
glenohumeral joint (scapula and humerus)
functional classification of joints
Relates to the degree of movement the joint permits
synarthrosis joints
immovable joints
amphiarthrosis joints
slightly movable joints
diathrosis joints
freely movable joints
all are synovial joints
lower limb bones
femur (1)
patella (1)
tibia (1)
fibula (1)
tarsals (7)
metatarsals (5)
phalanges (14)
[30 in all]
joint diseases
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Gouty Arthritis
rheumatoid arthritis
Joints are swollen, stiff and painful
Body attacks its own tissues
Inflammation of the joints
Loss of function
Occurs bilaterally
Due to wear and tear of the body
degenerative joint disorder
joint cartilage is gradually lost
ends of the bones are exposed
bones grow more and create spurs, which add to the discomfort
first the hips and the knees effected
mainly the articular cartilage
gouty arthritis
build up of uric acid in the blood
reacts with sodium and creates crystals that accumulate in the tissues of joints
kidneys and feet effected
associated with a lot of alcohol and red meat intake
connective tissue layers
The outermost layer of dense, irregular connective tissue, encircling the entire muscle
A layer of dense, irregular connective tissue
Surrounds groups of 10-100 or more muscle fibres, separating them into bundles called fascicles
Penetrates the interior of each fascicle and separates individual muscle fibre from one another
Reticular fibres
The plasma membrane of a muscle cell
The cytoplasm of a muscle fibre
Tiny invaginations of the sarcolemma that tunnel in from the surface toward the centre of each muscle fibre
Protein structures within myofibrils
Thin filaments: composed mostly of protein actin
Thick filaments: composed mostly of the protein myosin
Both are directly involved in the contractile process
2 thin filaments for ever thick filament
The basic functional units of a myofibril
The filaments inside a myofibril are arranged in these compartments
motor unit
Consists of a somatic motor neuron plus all the skeletal muscle fibres it stimulates 
A single one makes contact with an average of 150 skeletal muscle fibres 
All of the muscle fibres in one unit contract in unison
Consists of a somatic motor neuron plus all the skeletal muscle fibres it stimulates
A single one makes contact with an average of 150 skeletal muscle fibres
All of the muscle fibres in one unit contract in unison
sarcomere regions
Z disc - separates one sarcomere from the next
M line - hold the thick filaments together at the centre
I band - thin filaments
A band - extends the length of the thick filaments
H zone - thick filaments
Z disc - separates one sarcomere from the next
M line - hold the thick filaments together at the centre
I band - thin filaments
A band - extends the length of the thick filaments
H zone - thick filaments
role of calcium in contraction
An increase in Ca ion concentration in the sarcoplasm starts muscle contraction, and a decrease stops it
Stored inside the sarcoplasmic reticulum
Binds with troponin
sliding filament theory
1.) ATP hydrolysis: myosin heads hydrolyze ATP and become reoriented and energized
2.) Attachment of myosin to actin to form cross-bridges
3.) Power stroke: Myosin cross-bridges rotate towards the centre of sarcomere
4.) Detachment of myosin from actin: as myosin heads bind to ATP, the cross-bridges detach from actin
Breaks down ACh after a short period of time (enzyme)
neuromuscular junction
synapse between a somatic motor neuron and a skeletal muscle fibre
blood types
A, B, AB, O
A, B, AB, O
why is type O the 'universal donor'?
type O blood has no antigens on it, so the antibodies of any other blood type would not attack it
Production of RBCs
Increased in low levels of O2
life span: 120 days
Production of RBCs
Increased in low levels of O2
life span: 120 days
The percentage of RBCs is abnormally high
The hematocrit may be 65% or higher
thrombocyte formation
pluripotent stem cells - myeloid stem cells - megakaryoblasts - megakaryocytes - thrombocytes (platelets)
lifespan: 5-9 days
function of plasma proteins
antibodies or immunoglobulins
produced during immune responses to fight foreign substances
function of hemoglobin
transports oxygen through the blood and releases it into the interstitial fluid and then into the cells
transports 23% of CO2 out of the body
regulation of blood flow and blood pressure
electrocardiogram (ECG)
Recording of the electrical current as APs pass through the heart
P wave - atrial depolarization (atrial contraction)
QRS Complex - ventricular depolarization and atrial repolarization (ventricular contraction & atrial relaxation)
T wave - vent...
Recording of the electrical current as APs pass through the heart
P wave - atrial depolarization (atrial contraction)
QRS Complex - ventricular depolarization and atrial repolarization (ventricular contraction & atrial relaxation)
T wave - ventricular repolarization (right ventricular relaxation)
P-Q interval - conduction time from the beginning of atrial excitation to the beginning of ventricular excitation
S-T segment - ventricular fibres are depolarized during the plateau phase of the action potential
Q-T interval - time from the beginning of ventricular depolarization to the end of ventricular repolarization
heart sounds
'lubb' - closure of AV valves
'dupp' - closure of SL valves
the path of blood through the pulmonary and systemic circulations
Right atrium
Tricuspid valve
Right Ventricle
Pulmonary Valve
Pulmonary Trunk
Pulmonary Arteries 
Pulmonary Capillaries
Pulmonary Veins
Left Atrium
Bicuspid Valve
Left Ventricle
Aortic Valve 
Systematic Arteries 
Systematic Capi...
Right atrium
Tricuspid valve
Right Ventricle
Pulmonary Valve
Pulmonary Trunk
Pulmonary Arteries
Pulmonary Capillaries
Pulmonary Veins
Left Atrium
Bicuspid Valve
Left Ventricle
Aortic Valve
Systematic Arteries
Systematic Capillaries
Systematic Veins
Superior and Inferior Vena Cava
Coronary Sinus
Right atrium
atrioventricular valves
bicuspid and tricuspid
semilunar valves
aortic and pulmonary
action potential through the heart
step 1: Depolarization - threshold is reached and AP starts, opens Na+ gated channels (fast) and inflow into muscle fibre produced rapid depolarization
step 2: Plateau - maintains depolarization, Ca+2 gated channels (slow) open and inflow into cy...
step 1: Depolarization - threshold is reached and AP starts, opens Na+ gated channels (fast) and inflow into muscle fibre produced rapid depolarization
step 2: Plateau - maintains depolarization, Ca+2 gated channels (slow) open and inflow into cytosol through the sarcolemma into the cardiac fibre
step 3: Repolarization: Recovery of Resting Membrane Potential, K+ gated channels are opened and outflow closes Ca+2 and Na+ channels
hypovolemic shock
caused by decreased blood volume
function of baroreceptors
send impulses to the cardiovascular centre to help regulate blood pressure
location of the cardiovascular centre
the middle of the medulla oblongata
signs and symptoms of shock
systolic blood pressure lower than 90 mmHg
resting heart rate is rapid
weak pulse
cool, pale, and clammy skin
altered mental state
reduced urine formation
the person is thirsty
pH of blood is low
response of the cardiovascular system to a decreased frequency of action potentials from the baroreceptors
the cardiovascular centre decreases parasympathetic stimulation of the heart and increases sympathetic stimulation of the heart
tunic layers of arteries
tunica interna: endothelium, basement membrane, internal elastic lamina
tunica media: smooth muscle, external elastic lamina
tunica externa (elastic and collagen fibres)
tunic layers of veins
tunica interna: endothelium, basement membrane
tunica media: smooth muscle
tunica externa (elastic and collagen fibres)
tunic layers of capillaries
basement membrane
elastic arteries vs. muscular arteries
elastic: largest, thin vessel walls, internal and external elastic laminae, "conducting arteries", help propel blood onward while the ventricles are relaxing
muscular: "distributing arteries", more smooth muscle and fewer elastic fibres, maintain proper vascular tone
the movement of fluid through the walls of the capillary into the interstitial fluid
the movement of fluid from the interstitial fluid back into the capillary
Released from the adrenal medulla as an endocrine auto regulatory response to sympathetic stimulation
Increase cardiac output by increasing rate and force of heart contractions
antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
Released from the posterior pituitary gland in response to dehydration or decreased blood volume
Causes vasoconstriction, increases BP
atrial naturetic peptide (ANP)
A natural diuretic polypeptide hormone released by cells of the cardiac atria
Participates in auto regulation by lowering blood pressure (vasodilation) and reducing blood volume (promoting loss of salt and water as urine)
fate of lipids
may be oxidized to produce ATP
structural molecules or molecules to synthesize other essential substances
if there is no immediate need for them, they are stored in adipose tissue
lipid profile test
LDL = Total cholesterol + HDL + Triglycerides
ATP breakdown into ADP and phosphate
ATP = ADP + P + energy
glucose movement across the plasma membrane
secondary active transport or facilitated diffusion
chemical reactions that break down complex organic molecules into smaller ones
chemical reactions that combine simple molecules and monomers to form the body's complex structural and functional components
the removal of electrons from an atom or molecule
decrease in potential energy
addition of electrons to a molecule
increase in potential energy
transportation of dietary lipids
examples of elastic arteries
common carotid
common iliac
cardiac output
stroke volume x heart rate
total blood flow