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58 Cards in this Set

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What is Cell reproduction
Creation of new cells from already existing ones
All the DNA molecules plus their associated protein in the nucleus
An individual DNA molecule plus its associated protein
How many Chromosomes in a human and how many Pairs?
46 Chromosomes in a human
23 pairs
Homologous chromosomes:
Two members of a pair of chromosomes that are similar in size and shape and that carry the same genes
A picture of your chromosomes
What does The last pair of chromosomes do?
Determines the sex
What are genes?
Unites of instructions that influence a partcular trait
What is a Locus
Location of a gene on a chromosome
What are Alleles?
Alternative forms of a gene
What is a Dominant Allele
One allele of a pair that suppresses the effect of the other allele in the pair
What is a Recessive Allele
The allele in the pair that is suppressed
What is Homozygous
If the two alleles are in a pair are the same
What is heterozygous
The two alleles are in a pair are different
What is Genotype
Genetic makeup of an individual
What is Homozygous dominant individual
has two dominant alleles for the trait being studied
Homozygous recessive individual
has two recessive alleles for the trait being studied
Heterozygous individual
has two different alleles
What is Phenotype
external manifestation (expression) of the gene
Diploid Cells
Has two chromosomes of each type
What are haploid cells
Have only one chromosome of each type
Describe germ cells
Cells that produce gametes (diploid) ovary cell – 46 and testis cell - 46
What are Gametes
egg and sperm (sex cells)
What is chromatin made of?
DNA + Proteins
are bead like structures formed of DNA wound around 8 proteins
DNA duplicates
(46) -> (92)< (46) & (46)
Sister Chromatids
the two parts of a chromosome just before cell division. (Remain attached at the centromere)
What is the cell cycle?
Comprises all the events in the lifetime of a cell, from the time it is produced to the time it completes division itself.
4 Main Events in the lifetime of a Cell
Duplication of DNA
Nuclear Division
Cytoplasmic Division
What can the cell cycle be divided into?
Interphase and Mitosis
Events in Interphase
G1 phase, S phase and G2 phase
G1: The first gap (resting stage)
S phase: Synthesis phase (replication of DNA phase)
G2 phase: 2nd gap interval (resting stage)
Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, and Cytokinesis
5 Events in Prophase
In the nucleus
-Nucleolus disappears
-Nuclear membrane starts disintegrating
-chromosomes shorten and condenses
In the cytoplasm
-Spindle fibers are formed
-Centrioles duplicate
Events in Metaphase?
- Nuclear membrane completely disappears
- Spindle fibers attach to centromeres of chromosomes
- And they pull on them until they are oriented in the equatorial region of the cell
Events in Anaphase?
-Spindle fibers start pulling sis chromatids to the opposite poles
-Sister chromatids are pulled apart which they are then called chromosomes
Events in Telophase?
-Chromosomes arrive at poles
-Return to being thread-like
- Nuclear membrane and nucleolus reappear
Cytoplasm divides after nucleuos
Cytokinesis in Plant Cells
Vesicles containing (come) from Golgi complex cell wall material get lined up at the equator combining to make a cell plate then a new cell wall is formed to parent cells.
Cytokenis in Animal Cells
The formation of cleavage furrow which (then divides the cell) which divides from the contracting ring of microfilaments at the equator that get aligned
What happens in Meiosis?
Leads to gamete formation (sperm and egg)
Diploid germ cells –meiosis Haploid gametes
*Reduced to half*
Germ cells undergo meiosis gets 4 daughter cells
What does meisois have that mitosis does not have?
Synapsis (they look for their partner and pair homologous chromosomes) and then crossing over take place (Non sister chromatids cross over and exchange genes and chromosomal segments in Propahse 1
What is Mitosis for?
Growth and repair and Asexual reproduction
What is Meiosis for?
Gamete formation
End result: (# of daughter cells produced) in Mitosis
2 diploid daughter cells
End result: (# of daughter cells produced)
4 haploid daughter cells
Chromosome #: in Mitosis when finished
Maintaining from generation to generation
Chromosome #: in Meiosis when finished
What is Variation in a species brought about by?
a. Independent assortment of Chromosomes
b. Random Fertilization
c. Crossing over
What is Independent assortment of Chromosomes
random segregation (separation) and assortment (packaging) of chromosomes during gamete formation (gametogenesis) to produce unique gametes.
What is random fertilization?
-Any one of the 8 million eggs can unite with any one of the 8 million sperms out there
- Hence, you could get a zygote that could have any one of the 64 trillion possible combinations of chromosomes (8x10*6 X 8x10*6 = 64X10*24)
What is Crossing Over?
-The exchange of chromosomal segments between non sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes in Prophase 1
-Gametes formed get random mixes of paternal and maternal chromosomes
-This gametes formed are different (varied), resulting in variation in the population
What are some errors in meiosis?
Non-disjunction, Trisomy 21
What is Non-disjunction?
-Sis chromatids do not disjunct causing gametes formed to have one less or one more than the normal number of chromosomes it should have
What is Trisomy 21
When women produces (n+1) egg, the extra chromosome being chromosome #21
Thus zygote formed has 3 copies of #21 (47 chromosomess). This is also called Downs syndrome.
What is Turner Syndrome
-Females that are short, infertile because no functional ovaries
Lack One X chromosome (45 Chromosome)
What is Klinefelter syndrome
-Taller than average
-Testes abnormally small and do not produce sperm
- Gynecomastia (partial breast development)
What is XYY condition (Jacobs Syndrome)
-Taller than average
- Mildly retarded
- Gets into a lot of trouble
What is XXX condition?
- Slightly lower IQ
-Emotional behavioral problems
- Females with triple X syndrome have normal sexual development and are to conceive children.