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114 Cards in this Set

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Is the basic unit of life

Prokaryotic cell

Cells with no membranes bound structures inside the cell.



Cells that do have a membranes bound structures inside the cell

Plants, animals etc.

Cell membrane

Is the dictator of the cell. It determines what goes into or out of the cell.


Is a gelatin like material that fills the cell.


Specialized parts that move around the cell and perform functions that are necessary for life.


Is a membrane that contains the cell's hereditary information and controls the cell's growth and reproduction.

What are Chromosomes made up of?



Determines the characteristics and traits of the organism.


Are the storage containers of the cell. They may store waste until eliminated or food.

In plant cells what do the vacuoles hold?



Produces energy for the cell.

Through what process is energy created in a cell?



What is the process of respiration?

A series of chemical reactions that combine food and oxygen to create energy and a waste by product, carbon dioxide.

In plants what does the cell wall provide?

Gives the cell a firmer shape and support.

What is the plant cell wall made of?


Chloroplasts found in plant cells provides what function?

Contains chlorophyll, which is uses the process of photosynthesis to make food for the plant cell.

What color is chloroplasts?



Chloroplasts interacts with light energy, combining carbon dioxide from the air with water to make food.

DNA molecule contains

A sugar component, a phosphate component, and four different bases.

What are the four bases found in DNA?

Adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G).

How do the 4 bases in DNA pair?

Adenine always with thymine.

Cytosine always with guanine.

What does a DNA molecule look like?

Two long strands that form a double helix. It spirals around like a twisted ladder.

DNA can be found where?

In chromosomes located in the nucleus of a cell


Are instructions for the appearance and function of a new organism.

What are the two types of cell divisions?

Mitosis and meiosis


Is the cell division that replaces old or worn-out cells.


Is the cell division for sexual reproduction.

What is the number of cells formed and the number of chromosomes in each new cell in mitosis?

There are two cells formed and in each new cell there are 46 chromosomes.

What is the number of cells formed and the number of chromosomes in each new cell in meiosis?

The number of cells formed are 4 and the number of chromosomes in each new cell is 23.

How many chromosomes are in an egg?


How many chromosomes are in sperm?


When an egg and sperm join up how many chromosomes are there?


What are the two different ways organisms reproduce?

Sexual reproduction between a sperm and egg or asexual reproduction.


Is basically a piece of hereditary material surrounded by protein coating.

What do viruses need?

A host cell in order to reproduce and function.

Viruses can not....

Generate or store energy, but take theirs energy from the host cell.


Use outside energy source, such as sunlight to produce energy.


Cannot make their own energy; to live, they need to eat other organisms.


The study of plants

Vascular plants

Transport water from the roots to the steps and to the leaves by means of tube like structures.


Plants absorb water through their surface.

What are two ways plants reproduce?

Seeds or spores.


Produces a flower


Don't produce a flower

Annuals plants

Go through their entire life cycle in one growing season.

Biennials plants

Have a two year growing cycle.

Perennials plants

Live for many years.

Deciduous plants

Loses their leaves in the winter

Evergreen plants

Keep their leaves or needles throughout the year.

Fruit is..

a ripened ovary or group of ovaries containing seeds.

Vegetable is..

Any edible part of a plant that isn't a flower.

Vertebrates are..

Animals that's have a back bone.

Invertebrates are..

Animals that do not have a backbone


Animals that primarily eat plants


Animals that feed mostly on meat.


Eat both plants and meat

Canine teeth

Teeth that are Sharp


Teeth with a flattened surface for grinding.


Animals who's body temperature follows or matches the external temperature around it

Warm blooded

Animals that can control their body temperature.


All the places in earth where life can exist.


Collection of all living creatures and non living features or condition in a particular environment.


The study of ecosystems. The interactions between and among theses living creatures and non living features.


Is the variety of life forms that exist.


A geographic area with conditions that support the continued reproduction of the species.

Global warming

Resulting from sending carbon dioxide into the atmosphere can raise temperatures and affect biodiversity.


Deals with the parts of the body, their function,and the various bodily processes.


Is made up of a group of cells


Various tissues that work together

Organ systems

Organs working together

Muscular system

Allows movement and locomotion

Skeletal muscles

Help move the bones

Cardiac muscle

Is found in the heart

Smooth muscles

Muscles that are found in some of your internal organs, such as your intestines and bladder.

Skeletal system

Is a living system that provides shape and support to your body


Places where your bones come together


Bands of tissue that holds joints together

Ball and socket joint

Like the shoulder and hip

Pivot joints

Like the elbow

Hinge joints

Like the knee

Integumentary system

Skin or integument is your outermost protective layer


Gives the skin color

Respiratory system

Takes in oxygen and moves out waste material of carbon dioxide


A muscle that moves up and down which allows air to enter our lungs

Digestive system

Is accomplished by mechanical and chemical means breaking food into particles small enough to pass into the bloodstream

Small intestine

Where absorption of food takes place

Circulatory system

The main job is to move oxygen carbon dioxide, nutrients, waste products, immune components and, hormones through your body.

The main components of the circulatory system

Heart, arteries, capillaries, and veins


Is a strong muscle that operates as an engine of the circulatory system

Blood contains

Red blood cells and white blood

Red blood cells

Are shaped like disk and contain hemoglobin which carries oxygen and carbon dioxide

White blood cells

Fight bacteria, viruses, and other Intruders in the body.


Are carried along with the red and white blood cells, plug holes in small blood vessels to stop bleeding, they help clot blood.

Lymphatic system

Is composed of lymph vessels lymph nodes in certain organs the system absorbs excessive fluid from the body and returns to the bloodstream

Immune system

Defends our bodies from invading microorganisms of viruses called pathogens as well as cancerous cell growth

Excretory system

Removes waste

Nervous system

Coordinates and Control such actions as memory, learning, and conscious thoughts.

The nervous system

Also maintains such functions as heartbeat, breathing, and Control involuntary muscle actions.


Is the largest organ in the nervous system is sort of a control center, as it sends and receives messages through a network or nerves.

3 major part of the brain

The cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the brain stem.


Is the largest part of the brain; it takes care of our thinking processes.


Is the second largest part of the brain. Its job is to coordinate are muscle movements and maintaining normal muscle tone and posture.

Brain stem

Is the closest to the spinal cord

Spinal cord

Is a thick bundle of nerves running down the center of the spine

Endocrine system

Secretes hormones that regulate body metabolism growth and reproduction

Reproductive system

The purpose is to continue the species for another generation


Sound is vibrating air vibrating air creates sound waves


Substances such as food perfume and gases give off molecules into the air these molecules stimulate some nerve cells in your nose


There are about 10,000 taste buds on your tongue


Is used by the body for replacement and repair of body cells and for growth


Are a good source of energy for your body


Provide energy and help to absorb vitamins and contain twice as much energy as carbohydrates


Can regulate the chemical reactions in your body