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57 Cards in this Set

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What is Genetics
The science of heredity
Who is Gregor Mendel
Father of genetics monk who studied inherited traits in peas. His experiments suggested that traits are determined by heredity units
What is F1 generation
Offspring from cross
What is F2 generation
Offspring from self pollinated F1
What is Allele
Variation of a gene that encodes a particular trait and has a specific location on the chromosome. Can be represented by a letter and can be dominant or recessive
What is Mendel's Law of Segregation
Each organism has two factors for each trait and each gamete contains only one factor of each pair
What are two identical alleles called
What are two different alleles
What is Genotype
alleles, indicated by letters
What is Phenotype
Physical appearance
What is co-dominance
Both traits are expressed
What are are some examples of co-dominance
Blood type and Some flower colors
What is Mendels Law of Indendent Assortment
Each pair of factors segerates independently of the other pairs
All possible combinationsof factors can occur in the gametes
What is testcross
Cross between an individual with the dominant phenotype and an individual with the recessive phenotype. The resulting phenotypic ratio indicates whether the dominant phenotype is homozygous or heterozygous
What is autosome
any chromosome other then a sex chromosome
What is incomplete dominance
exhibited when the heterozygote has an intermediate phenotype between that of either homozygote
What is incomplete penetrance
Dominant alleles that are not always expressed, often for unknown reasons
What is Pleiotropy
It occurs when a single mutant gene affects two or more distinct and seemingly unrelated traits.
What is Multifactorial Traits
controlled by polygenes subject to environmental influences
What is the term for x-linked used for
genes that have nothing to do with gender and yet they are carried on the X choromosomes
What is Polygenic inheritance
a trait is governed by two or more sets of alleles
What is a carrier
Unaffected but "carry" the trait, since they are hetrozygous for a recessive disorder
What is the chance that two carriers of cystic fibrosis will have an affected child
What are the characteristics of a chromosome disorder
Not inherited from a specific gene.
Mistakes during meosis, like breaks in chromosomes or duplicated chromosomes
Determined by karyotyping ; visulization of chromosomes
The sex of the offspring is by the what
Sex chromosomes
What are the females sex chromosome
What is a carrier
Unaffected but "carry" the trait, since they are hetrozygous for a recessive disorder
What is the chance that two carriers of cystic fibrosis will have an affected child
What are the characteristics of a chromosome disorder
Not inherited from a specific gene.
Mistakes during meosis, like breaks in chromosomes or duplicated chromosomes
Determined by karyotyping ; visulization of chromosomes
The sex of the offspring is by the what
Sex chromosomes
What are the females sex chromosome
What is a carrier
Unaffected but "carry" the trait, since they are hetrozygous for a recessive disorder
What is the chance that two carriers of cystic fibrosis will have an affected child
What are the characteristics of a chromosome disorder
Not inherited from a specific gene.
Mistakes during meosis, like breaks in chromosomes or duplicated chromosomes
Determined by karyotyping ; visulization of chromosomes
The sex of the offspring is by the what
Sex chromosomes
What are the females sex chromosome
What are the sex chromosomes of the female
What are the sex chromosomes of the males
Who determines the sex of the baby
What genes cause disorder
The X or Y
What are examples of disorder
that are X linked
Colorblindness hemophila
Who has those conditons more
What does a pedigree chart show
The inheirtance of a disorder in a family
What is the sturcture of DNA
Deoxyribose (Sugar), Phosphate group, Base(nitrogen-containing)
What are the types of bases in DNA
What is Chargaff's data suggested
A pairs with T
G pairs with C
In 1953, who proposed the double helix
James Watson and Francis Clark
What does a double helix resemble
Spiral staircase
What are the Telomeres
Repeats of short nucleotide sequences keeps ends of chromosomes from fraying to much loss of telomeres signals to stop cell division
What can replication errors can cause.
Genetic mutations
What is RNA
Similar in structure to DNA, but ribose is the sugar and Uracil(U) replaces thymine(T) of DNA
What are the types of RNA
Messenger Transfer
What is messenger
Takes genetic message from DNA in nucleus to ribosomes in cytoplasm
What is transfer
Transfers appropriate amino acid to ribosome.
What are the steps of transcription
DNA unzips. RNA nucleotides bind to exposed DNA. Resultsin mRNA complementary to one gene in the DNA.
What are the steps of translation
mRNA migrates to rough ER and attaches to ribosomes. tRNA binds specific amino acid the mRNA transcript. Each tRNA transfers a specific amino acid to the growing chain in the ribosome forming a protein
How many letters make up a codone