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9 Cards in this Set

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Describe Population

Group of individuals of the same species in the same area. (Similar organisms)

What is Community

Populations occupying and interacting in the same area

A forest

What is an Ecosystem

Community and physical environment function together

Rocks and organisms

What is a biome?

Name a few examples of biomes (4+)

Biomes are geographic areas distinguished by particular dominant plants and represent the worlds major communities.

Ex. Desert, tundra, tropical rain forest, deciduous forest, grassland, coniferous forest

(Temperate deciduous forest or mixed)

What is a food chain/food web

Name the order of the chain

Energy transfer through organisms.

Producer (photosynthetic organisms) - primary consumer (herbivore) - secondary consumer (carnivore) - tertiary consumers (top carnivores)

What is an energy pyramid

Never more than 4-5 trophic levels because only 10% of energy gets transferred.

What is Bioaccumulation

What is biomass

- The higher the food chain = the more bioaccumulation/ biological magnification.

- toxic chemicals are lipid soluble (stored as fats and low degradation/rate of bio transformation )

- and so they enter the plasma membranes because of their high partition coefficient

- biomass : total dry weight of all organisms in a given level ( the lower usually have the largest)


Toxic chemicals?

Describe the carbon cycle

- autotrophs , primary producers, self feeders

- heterotrophs, consumers, obtain organic matter,

- organic matter of dead organisms gets recycled into inorganic molecules by decomposers

-in material is used as nutrients for for autotrophs (fertilizers)

- photosynthesis->cellular respiration process

Renewable resources
