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413 Cards in this Set

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In the last stage of aerobic respiration,____ is the final acceptor of electrons that originally resided in glucose.
In alcoholic fermentation,____ is the final acceptor of the electrons stripped from glucose.
Glycolysis reactions start and end where?
So to speak, the ship of the desert (camels) sails (depends) on_____?
metabolic water
When molecules are broken apart in respiration____.
the energy released in respiration is channeled/used into making ATP
Which of the following has the most energy?
The most widely used source of chemical energy for most animals and also humans is____.
Glycolysis depends upon a continuous supply of____.
Sour cream and sour milk are produced by bacteria that form____ anaerobically.
The Krebs Cycle CANNOT take place in cells that lack ____.
To break down a glucose molecule completely to CO2 and H2O requires how many passes/turns through the Krebs Cycle?
The first compound produced in the Krebs cycle is____, where as the last compound produced in the Krebs cycle is____.
citrate, oxaloacetic acid
Animals that live where there is no oxygen and rely on glycolysis (such as parasitic worms, tapeworms) must have ____ to survive.
lots of sugar for making ATP
The compound that is produced by yeasts that causes bread to rise is____.
carbon dioxide
Enzymes lower the reaction energy between two molecules so they can react more easily. T/F?
Loss of heat energy occurs in essentially all chemical reactions. T/F?
Only sugar, not amino acids or lipids, can net two ATPs by glycolysis. T/F?
During aerobic metabolism via glycolysis and Kreb's cycle, how many (NET) NADs and FADs are reduced, respectively?
Metabolizing lipids/fats is associated with aerobic exercise, but not anaerobic exercise. T/F?
Animals like gerbils live in the desert would be wise to eat as many___ containing seeds as possible because it produces more___.
fat, water
If hydrogens and electrons enter the electron transport chain at FAD/FMN___ or NAD____, how many ATPs are produced from each site?
The enzymes of glycolysis occur in the ____, while those of Kreb's cycle occur in the ____.
cytosol, mitochondria
For amino acids to be used for energy, they must first lose the nitrogen/amino group. T/F?
If oxygen is present, each turn of the Kreb's cycle will produce____ ATPs.
Some amino acids can be converted into____.
-pyruvic acid
-alpha-ketoglutaric acid
-oxaloacetic acid
Aerobic metabolism requires oxygen and will burn only carbohydrates and proteins, but NOT fats.
Electrons and hyrdrogens start out in a high chemical energy state and gradually release their chemical energy, which is used to form ATP. T/F?
Catabolism refers to glycolysis and Kreb's cycle, while anabolism would refer to protein and starch synthesis as examples. T/F?
Reduced compounds have more chemical energy than do oxidized compounds. T/F?
Where or in which reaction is glucose split in half___?
PGAL (phosphoglycheraldehyde)
Glycolysis is rare in all animal cells. T/F?
Where or in which reaction is ATP FIRST used to "jump start" glycolysis?
Going from Glucose-->glucose-6-phosphate--->fructose-6-phosphate-->fructose-1,6-diphosphate---->PGAL---->pyruvic acid results in the production of a NET of____ ATPs and ____ NADHs.
The reaction in glycolysis of phosphoenolpyruvic---->pyruvic acid results in the production of____.
Glycerol from fats can be made into carbohydrates, but fatty usually CANNOT be made into carbohydrates. T/F?
Excess carbohydrates, such as eating two cakes and a pie each day, will be _____.
stored as fat
All the different kinds of plant sugars can be used for energy by first being converted to ____.
During the cell cycle the two organelles, other than the nucleus, that have the ability to divide would be ____ and____?
chloroplasts, mitochondria
Fatty acids from dietary or stored fat cannot be converted to____.
When the chromosomes are lined up in a row with the members of homologous pairs side by side (synapsed) rather than in different places along the equator, this stage would be____ of ____?
first metaphase, meiosis
When the chromosomes are migrating to opposite poles of the cell, this phase is called?
DNA is lined up along the equator during:
In telophase of mitosis each chromosome consists of a single chromatid that will become a new chromosome. T/F?
Cytokinesis or cytoplasmic division always occurs along with or shortly after telophase of mitosis. T/F?
Synapses is first noted and occurs during the first prophase of meiosis. T/F?
In man, the cells produced by meiotic divisions typically develop into gametes or sex cells. T/F?
During the cell cycle, replication/duplication of the genetic material (DNA) takes place during which stage?
S1 stage
How many chromatids would you expect to find in a cell whose diploid chromosome number is 10 at that stage in the mitotic cycle when the nuclear membrane disappears?
Spindle fibers are microtubular structures that function in the separation/migration of chromatids to opposite poles. T/F?
The stage of mitosis in which a new nuclear membrane forms and the nucleolus reappears is called:
When one chromosome (DNA) replicates or duplicates itself to form two identical chromatids, and these two identical chromatids then migrate together to one end of the cell. This is called?
reduction division
The orderly sequence of the phases of mitosis are: prophase, interphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. T/F?
After a cell divides into two new cells, organelles for the new cells are made during what phase of the cell cycle?
When the chromosomes are moving (migrating) to opposite poles of the cell, this phase is called:
Identical twins have the same genetic info and should be identical in every way. T/F?
In which phase of mitosis do sister chromatids detach from one another, pull apart and become visibly distinct chromosomes?
The chromosome count of a haploid human sperm cell is___?
half that of a diploid kidney cell
When mitosis of a single-celled organism results in two completely separate and independent daughter cells, the process is called:
asexual reproduction
In humans, each diploid oocyte gives rise to___?
one ovum and three polar bodies
An animal cell having two rather than one of each type of chromosome has a____ chromosome number.
After mitosis, the chromosome number of a new daughter cell is____ parent cell.
the same as
Proteins that form little spools on which the chromosomal DNA is wound are called:
The distribution of cytoplasm to daughter cells is accomplished during:
G1, G2, and S are the three stages of____that of its parent cell.
In which stage of the cell cycle are the chromosomes replicated?
How many pairs of homologous pairs of chromosomes will a liver or kidney cell from a human contain?
none of these correct
What is the sequence of bases on the complementary DNA strand to this I-DNA strand (3' ATCCTTCAGCCT 5')?
What is the sequence of bases on the strand of mRNA that is synthesized from the I-DNA strand?
Name the organelle where the synthesis of mRNA takes place.
What is the anticodon on the tRNA for the (1st) codon on mRNA transcribed from this segment of DNA (TAGGAAGUTCGGA)?
Name the organelle where the codon and anticodon couplings take place.
____ is coiled in a double helix.
____ contains thymine.
____ contains cytosine.
____ contains uracil.
___ brings amino acids to the ribosome.
___ is present in the ribosome.
ribosomal RNA
___ is involved in transcription.
DNA polymerase
___ is involved in translation.
RNA polymerase
A certain gene codes for a polypeptide that is 126 amino acids long. The portion of the gene that codes for this polypeptide is probably how many nucleotides long?
How many possible codes are there from the universal genetic code of three bases?
The enzyme that put an amino acid on a TRNA is called DNA synthetase. T/F?
Helicase opens up the DNA molecule, while DNA polymerase hooks nucleotides together on the new forming chain. T/F?
Chlorophyll is located in thylakoids of the mitochondria. T/F?
Cells that have chloroplasts, cell walls and a large vacuole would be called ____ cells?
Which correctly indicates the sequence of increasing organization of living organisms?
cell,tissue,organ,organ system
The smallest unit of life is the ____.
Living things differ from non-living things by having which of the following characteristics?
adaptability and assimilation
That reactions go from useable energy to non-useable energy (heat), or to more random, or more entropy, or things run down hill, or *No free lunch law are all statements that apply to the____ law of thermodynamics.
Because carbon can share___electrons it can form millions of carbon compounds-proteins, carbs, DNA, RNA, and lipids. Therefore, life is built around the carbon atom.
In reference to population growth pyramids of countries, which one of the following statements would be true about Mexico and Egypt?
many more children than old people & middle aged people
As the world population continues to explode, it will be ___ to improve food shortages, the environment, save many animals and plants from extinction, and to educate people.
very difficult
According to the second law of thermodynamics, all forms of energy will eventually change to or show up as___ energy.
Eukaryotes would NOT include:
The sum of the increase in carbon dioxide in the air is due to the release of large amounts of stored carbon from ancient deposits all except one of these are examples.
Oxidizing agents are reduced when they gain electrons from some other atom, while reducing agents are oxidized when they lose electrons from some other atom. T/F?
The genetic code depends on how many bases side by side? T/F?
During DNA replication/duplication, ____ are joined by ____.
deoxyribonucleotides, DNA polymerase
Disaccharides are two monosaccharides bonded together by ____ bonds, while amino acids are held together by ____ bonds.
glycosidic, peptide
Amino acids differ from one another by what the "R" group is. T/F?
Name the organelle where the synthesis/production of TRNA and ribosomal RNA takes place____.
The conversion of nuclear energy to light energy %% then to chemical energy all can be explained by the ____ law of thermodynamics.
Plants first convert light energy into chemical energy of ____ and then into other foodstuffs.
There are 22 different kinds of amino acids used in ____.
A positive subatomic particle would be called a/an_____, while a negative one would be called a ____?
proton, electron
Oxygen, carbon dioxide, water, and other small molecules cross the plasma membrane through the process of ____ through membrane pores:
simple diffusion
Proteins that form little spools on which the chromosomal DNA is wound around are called:
The CH3 group is called the ____ group, while the COOH group is known as ____ group.
methyl, carboxyl
According to the second law of thermodynamics when converting one form of energy to another, which form of energy always show up to some amount?
Fat soluble vitamins are A, D, E, & K and water soluble ones are Vitamins B & C. T/F?
Which type of energy on/in the sun drives or is responsible for the energy on earth?
The NH2 group is called the ____ group.
An acid is any substance that can donate:
a proton (H+ ion)
The number of protons determines which element and atom it is. T/F?
Ionic bonds are formed with gain or loss of electrons, whereas covalent bonds involve sharing of electrons. T/F?
Vitamins are organic molecules that are needed for survival and growth in all cells, but are not made by plants. T/F?
Wood consists mostly of ____ along with some other compounds?
Phospholipids have two fatty acids and a phosphate group each forming an ester bonds with glycerol. T/F?
To dissolve in water, a molecule must have an electric charge(+ or -). T/F?
Thomas Jefferson and James Madison had read Malthus' essay and were concerned as to its predictions. T/F?
Malthus predicted that populations of animals would grow exponentially and would eventually cover the earth if not controlled by _____.
-lack of space
-lack of food
DNA consists of thousands of deoxyribonucleotides, each of which consists of glucose, phosphate, and purines or pyrimidines. T/F?
Human population growth entered exponential/geometric growth starting about 1400 AD and really increased after 1950 because ____ and ____.
industrial revolution, dev. of antibiotics
Because of their population structure/growth pyramid today, which countries will probably continue to have large numbers of poor children?
Mexico and India
Populations increase in size when ____?
births are greater than deaths
As human populations increase, the world will be able to feed more people by having them eat more meat, and thus they will be healthier. T/F?
What part of the plant has the most nutrients for animals?
Cell membranes consist of mostly phospholipids and cholesterol with proteins scattered on both surfaces and in the middle. T/F?
The world is facing a protein shortage, or actually a shortage of____.
dietary essential amino acids
Fast growing children that need large quantities of protein, usually cannot meet their needs alone by eating plants. T/F?
Immigration in and emigration out of a country/population can have an important impact on population of the country. T/F?
Most carbs are soluble/dissolve in water because of nonpolar hydroxyl groups. T/F?
The most common disaccharide in nature and the sweetest disaccharide are ____ and ____.
maltose, sucrose
Starch is easier to digest than cellulose because it has the alpha type glycosidic bond, while cellulose has the beta type glycosidic bond. T/F?
Saturated fatty acids have one, two, or more double bonds (C=C) and are less dangerous to the cardiovascular system than unsaturated fatty acids. T/F?
Dietary essential amino acids are NOT synthesized in large enough quantities (arginine) or must be synthesized by some other organism (plants usually, 8 others). T/F?
Of the fatty acids, mammals appear to have dietary requirements for ____?
only lenoleic, and lenolenic
Amino acids are bonded together by a reaction of a/an ____ with ____ on another amino acid.
amino group, a carboxyl group
The flame of life is fueled by ____?
Primary structure refers to the chain of amino acids, secondary structure refers to coiling of chain due to hydrogen bonding, and the tertiary structure refers to the folding of the protein chain due to R group interaction. T/F?
The order or sequence of ____, determines the order or sequence of ____ in the chain, which determines the ____ of the protein molecule that thus determines how protein works (its unique biological properties)
DNA bases/nucleotides
The concentration of glucose is 10 times more concentrated in a cell than outside the cell, yet glucose is continuously moving into the cell against a concentration gradient. The process by which glucose moves is by____?
active transport
The golgi apparatus functions in ____.
packaging molecules like glycoproteins and hydrolytic enzymes into vacuoles for export out of the cell
Unidirectional transport of molecules into or out of the cell with the expenditure of chemical energy (ATP) would be called ____?
active transport
Glycoproteins and other proteins of the plasma membrane could participate in which of the following ____?
-hormone receptor
-active transport
-structural support
-cell to cell recognition
A process by which large particles and fluid can enter a cell may be by ___, while large particles and fluid can leave a cell by ____.
endocytosis, exocytosis
In the cell cytoplasm, the cytoskeleton is composed of ____.
-intermediate filaments
Membrane sacs of digestive enzymes that function in removing "old" cell parts and in general digesting unwanted cell structures are called ____?
In osmosis, movement or diffusion of water is always from a lower water concentration/less water molecules toward the solution with the higher water concentration/more water molecules. T/F?
The ribosome's function in/as____?
of protein synthesis
Protein synthesis for export out of the cell occurs primarily on/in____.
ribosomes on the rough er
As a source of protein in nutrition, among seeds, ____ would have the highest quality/more dietyary essential amino acids.
soy beans
The sharing of electrons is called _____, while gain or loss of electrons leads to ____.
covalent bonding, ionic bonding
Which of the following statements are NOT true/false?
we, (the world) are running out of water (false)
Carbon forms four covalent bonds rather than gaining or losing electrons because it takes too much energy to gain or lose four electrons. T/F?
All the following are features of the scientific method except ___?
supernatural causes
Alexander Fleming observed a patch of mold that bacteria were not able to grow near. Which of these statements was his hypothesis?
the mold produced a substance that killed nearby bacteria
In the scientific method, controls differ experimental in only one variables and the scientific method is "nothing but trained or organized common sense"- Darwin. T/F?
Put simply, the scientific method is "nothing but trained or organized common sense." T/F?
Before photosynthesis evolved,___ was rare in Earth's atmosphere.
The products of photosynthesis are:
glucose and oxygen
What structural feature of a leaf allows a leaf to obtain CO2 from the air?
The vast majority of chloroplasts found in a leaf are located where?
Specifically, molecules of chlorophyll are located in membranes of sacs called:
What factors influence the rate of photosynthesis?
-light intensity
-water availability
All of the following compounds are required at some state of green plant photosynthesis EXCEPT:
The cellular organelle of eukaryotic organisms which is responsible for photosynthetic activity is the:
Imagine a scientist discovers a mutant plant seedling that appears to lack stomata. What would be the effect of this?
CO2 would not be able to enter as a reactant for photosynthesis
Imagine a plant in your garden doesn't receive an adequate amount of water. Which of the following would be most affected by this?
both the light dependent and light independent reactions of photosynthesis
The grana are disk-shaped, interconnected membranous sacs embedded in the stroma that form thylakoids when stacked on one another. T/F?
The majority of the leaf's chloroplasts are found in the mesophyll cells. T/F?
Give the chemical equation for photosynthesis. For each reactant, indicate where the plant acquires it. For each product, note during what part of photosynthesis it is produced.
photosynthesis is: 6CO2+6H2O+light energyC6H12O6+6O2
CO2 comes through the stomata, water comes from the vascular bundles to the mesophyll cells, and chlorophyll molecules embedded in the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast absorb sunlight. The glucose is produced during the light-independent reactions and the oxygen is produced during the light-dependent reactions.
Explain how the leaf is adapted for capturing energy from the Sun and acquiring carbon dioxide and water.
CO2 comes through adjustable pores (stomata) and water comes from the vascular bundles to the mesophyll cells. Leaves are broad and flat, and provide a large surface area to the sun. Chlorophyll molecules embedded in the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast absorb sunlight.
Light dependent reactions occur in the ____ and light independent reactions occur in the ____ of the chloroplast of a typical mesophyll leaf cell.
thylakoids, stroma
The cells in the ____ layer of the leaf contain the majority of a leaf's chloroplasts.
The process of photosynthesis converts solar energy into ____ energy stored in the bonds of glucose.
Albino corn has no chlorophyll. You would expect these seedlings to:
fail to thrive
The energy source in photosynthesis is:
visible light
Energy is passed around different chlorophyll molecules until it reaches a specific chlorophyll molecule called the:
reaction center
Where are carotenoid pigments found?
in the thylakoid membranes of the chloroplasts
The pigments that absorb light energy to drive photosynthesis are:
A pigment that absorbs red and blue light and reflects green light is:
Which of the following is NOT true of chlorophyll?
it is found in mitochondria
You are experimenting with different types of lighting for your indoor green plants. Which of the following colors of light will be most effective?
Which statement is TRUE regarding the light-dependent reactions?
without water, the system would shut down
The replacement electrons for the reaction center of photosystem II come from:
Which sequence accurately reflects the flow of electrons in photosynthesis?
H2O->Photosystem II->Photosystem I->NADP
The ATP and NADPH synthesized during the light dependent reactions are:
dissolved in the stroma
What is produced in the electron transport system associated with photosystem II?
Light-dependent photosynthetic reactions produce:
Where the O2 released during photosynthesis come from?
During the process of photosynthesis, solar energy is converted into:
chemical energy
The light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis result in which of the following?
phosphorylation of ADP
What is the role of water in photosynthesis?
to provide electrons
Which of the following is a source of electrons used for reduction reactions by green plants?
According to the chemiosmotic theory, hydrogen ions cross the thylakoid membranes from the stroma by:
active transport
The energy of the movement of electrons down their concentration gradient via electron transport within chloroplasts and mitochondria is used to generate molecules of:
The energy of the movement of electrons down a concentration gradient via electron transport within the thylakoid membrane generates:
Which process of photosynthesis is linked to the production of ATP?
photosystem II
Suppose you are studying photosynthesis in a research lab. You grow your plants in a chamber with a source of water that has a radioactively labeled oxygen atom. What photosynthetic product will be radioactive?
Glucose synthesis requires which of the following?
products of energy-capturing reactions must be available
Which of the following is TRUE about the light-dependent reactions?
photosystem II generates ATP, while photosystem I generates NADPH
Which of the following statements about the light reactions of photosynthesis is FALSE?
The proton gradient is used to reduce NADP
The NADPH required for carbon dioxide fixation is formed:
during the light reactions
The primary function of the light reactions of photosynthesis is:
to produce energy-rich ATP and NADPH
You are carrying out an experiment on an aquatic plant in your fish tank. You decide to expose the plant to varying wavelengths of light to determine which wavelength is best for the light dependent reactions. Which of the following products could you measure to determine what wavelength of light is optimum for the light dependent reactions?
oxygen bubbles
You are carrying out an experiment on several aquatic plants in your fish tank. You decide to expose 2 of the plants to green light and 2 of the plants to blue light. You want to determine which type of light is best for the light dependent reactions so you decide to measure the amount of oxygen bubbles produced to reach your conclusions. Which of the following results would be expected?
There would be more bubbles from the plants in blue light compared to green light.
The photosystems are involved in the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis. T/F?
Carbon dioxide is required in the light-dependent reaction. T/F?
The carotenoids and other accessory pigments in the chloroplast help harvest light energy toward the reaction center chlorophyll molecules. T/F?
_____ is the main light-capturing molecule in chloroplasts and is responsible for giving most leaves their charcteristic green color.
What is the role of green pigment chlorophyll in photosynthesis?
Critical in light-dependent reactions to harness light energy and begin the flow of electrons which in turn creates the proton gradient allowing for chemiosmosis ATP formation which is required for the light-independent reactions.
In the process of photosynthesis, ____ and ____ are required from the light dependent reactions to completely reduce carbon dioxide to glucose in the Calvin Cycle.
During the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis, the synthesis of ____ is coupled to the diffusion of protons.
Describe the two major comoponent of a photosystem. What is the function of each?
The light harvesting complex absorbs light and passes the energy to a specific chlorophyll molecule called the reaction center. The electron transport system is a series of electron carrier molecules that are responsible for directly donating electrons to the elctron carrier molecule NADP+ and indirectly driving the synthesis of ATP.
Light harvesting pigments in the chloroplast include chlorophyll and the accessory pigments,____.
The ____ is composed of a light-harvesting complex and an electron transport system.
Imagine you are conducting a photosynthesis experiment on a plant in the lab. You block any sunlight from reaching the plant. Explain the specific effect this will have on the light dependent reactions.
Light will not be present to hit the chlorophyll and electrons will not be excited. Therefore the light reactions will not occur and no energy will be produced to be used in the dark reactions.
In C3 photosynthesis, what fixes the carbon?
How many molecules of CO2 are fixed to form one molecule of glucose?
The term "cycle" is used to describe the light-independent reactions (Calvin-Benson Cycle) because:
the process begins and ends with RuBP
Where is glucose synthesized?
What is the correct order for the reactions of the Calvin-Benson cycle?
carbon fixation, synthesis of G3P, regeneration of RuBP
Which of the following occurs during the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis?
carbon dioxide is converted into sugars
All of the following are part of the Calvin-Benson cycle EXCEPT:
generation of ATP
Suppose the stomata of a typical C3 plant close in the middle of the day. What will occur?
the rate of photosynthesis will decrease
Which of the following are required for the C3 cycle?
-RuBP enzyme
Which of the following provides O2 as an end product?
light-dependent reaction
In the C3 cycle, where does the carbon come from to form glucose?
from atmospheric CO2
What happens to CO2, when it moves into the stroma?
It becomes a carbohydrate
In green plants, the primary function of the Calvin cycle is to:
construct simple sugars from carbon dioxide
Glucose is made during which of the following reactions?
light-independent reactions only
During photosynthesis when is CO2 utilized?
during the light-independent reactions only
ATP is required during which of the following reactions?
during the light-independent reactions only
Enzymes are required during which of the following reactions?
during the light-dependent reactions only
Water is required during which of the following reactions?
during the light-dependent reactions only
NADPH is synthesized during which of the following reactions?
during the light-dependent reactions only
You are conducting an experiment to track what happends to the carbons from CO2 molecules used in the light independent reactions of photosynthesis. You add a radioactive tag to the carbons of the CO2 reactants and then collect the products following the reactions. Which products would then be radioactive?
Why is no glucose produced if a plant is kept for long periods in the dark, even though the sugar producing reactions are called light-independent?
The light-indepedent reactions require ATP and NADPH produced from the light-dependent reactions to drive the synthesis of glucose in the Calvin cycle reactions.
Is glucose a direct product of the Calvin-Benson cycle reactions?
No, G3P is the carbohydrate produced and two of these molecules must combine to form one molecule of glucose
Which component of the Calvin-Benson cycle is recycled and why is this important for the light-independent reactions?
The RuBP molecule is recycled and this is essential for the cycle nature of the process to be maintained
Differentiate the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis from the light-independent reactions:
The light-dependent reactions capture solar energy and convert it to energy carrier molecules, ATP and NADPH, while in the light-independent reactions the ATP and NADPH is used to drive the chemical reactions required for the synthesis of glucose.
Photosystem II generates____ and Photosystem I generates____, both of which are required by the light-dependent reactions.
How are the light-dependent and light-independent reactions related to one another?
The light-dependent reactions produce the ATP and NADPH required to drive the light-dependent reactions which results in the synthesis of sugar(glucose).
What happens to the photosynthetic reactions when there is no sunlight present?
ATP and NADPH levels from the light dependent reactions become limiting and that in turn can lead to the decrease in sugar production from the light independent reactions.
In the reduction of CO2 during C4 photosynthesis, which of the following initially combined with CO2?
Where does one expect to find the reactions of a C4 pathway occurring in a plant such as corn?
-mesophyll cells
-bundle-sheath cells
In the C4 cycle, what is the source of carbon?
carbon dioxide
What kind of habitat does a C4 pathway plant favor?
hot and dry
Photorespiration is bad for a plant because:
no ATP is produced
Where does the C4 cycle get its name?
the first product in the cycle has four carbons
If C4 photosynthesis prevents photorespiration, why haven't all plants evolved to use the C4 pathway?
C4 is not advantageous in all climates
When water supplies are plentiful for the plant:
-CO2 uptake will increase
-the stomata remain open
C3 plants are adapted to____ conditions, while C4 plants are adapted to____ environmental conditions.
In C4 photosynthesis, where does the carbon come from to synthesize glucose?
from atmospheric CO2
Under dry conditions, a C4 plant is more photosynthetically efficient than a C3 plant. T/F?
The combination of oxygen with RuBP during the light-independent reactions, rather than carbon dioxide, is called____.
Some plants, called the____ plants, have evolved a way to reduce photorespiration.
During the process of ____, RuBP combines with oxygen instead of carbon dioxide.
In C3 plants, the Calvin cycle occurs in the chloroplasts of ____cells, but in C4 plants the cycle occurs in the ____ cells.
mesophyll; bundle sheath
Many plants have evolved leaves that have adjustable pores, called____, which allow for gas exchange and water loss.
Why does photorespiration reduce photosynthesis efficiency?
Photorespiration doesn't produce any useful cellular energy and it prevents the synthesis of glucose in C3 plants
What is photorespiration? Describe how C4 plants have evolved the ability to reduce photorespiration.
Photorespiration occurs when RuBP combines with O2 rather than CO2 not allowing the plant to fix carbon and produce glucose. C4 plants use a two stage carbon-fixation pathway where PEP is used instead of RuBP which specifically reacts with CO2 and O2, the CO2 is then shuttled to the bundle-sheath cells and creates a high CO2 concentration that favors the regular C3 cycle reactions without competition from O2.
The dinosaurs died off from a lack of sunlight. What does this statement imply about the extinction of the dinosaurs?
Meteor hit or massive volcano eruptions both would have led to reduced sunlight which would have had an immediate impact on photosynthesis and reducing the food source for herbivores which then limited the food source for the carnivores (chain reaction type event)
The two hormones of birth control pills would be ____.
estrogen and progesterone
After about 4 months into pregnancy, the placenta begins to produce____, and removal of the ovaries has ____ effect on pregnancy.
progesterone, a lot
The pituitary gland of both males and females produced FSH and LH, but the cell receptors are different. T/F?
Follicles in the ovary rupture to release the egg on/or about____ days in the cycle.
In controlling "mall/bull" fertility, the urethra is ligated/cut to stop sperm from leaving the testes. T/F?
The fertilized egg develops to term in the ____.
The characteristic/gene that causes maleness is located on the___?
"Y" chromosome
The tip of the clitoris which has lots of touch responding sensory neurons like its homolog, the penis, would be called the ____.
glans clitoris
More than one sperm is required to fertilize an egg because the ____ surrounding the egg must be separated.
follicle cells
Seminal fluid, excluding the sperm, is produced by all except____.
vas deferens
Approximately how many sperm probably actually reach the egg for fertilization and what is the sugar sperm use for energy?
several hundreds to a thousand, fructose
Which hormone stimulates milk production____, and the uterine smooth muscle activity and cause milk release from mammary glands during sucking____?
oxytocin, prolactin
The sugar fructose in the seminal fluid provides the sperm nutrition, while pH buffers protect the sperm from acids. T/F?
The labia major and minor of females are derived from the same tissue as the supporting tissue of the scrotal sac and penis of males. T/F?
The hormone progesterone inhibits production of ____?
Initiation of both egg and sperm production is controlled by___, whereas testosterone production by the interstitial cell of Leydig is controlled by___.
The egg must be fertilized in the upper 1/3 of the oviduct because the egg only lives about 24 hrs after ovulation. T/F?
Sperm are no longer ejected after a vasectomy because the ___ is or ligated?
vas deferens
Sperm is produced by the seminiferous tubules of the testes, while eggs are produced by the germinal epithelium of the ovaries. T/F?
Both the clitoris and penis become erect because of ____?
blood pressure
By filling with blood, which tissues play a major role in the penile erection?
-corpora cavernosa
-corpora spongiosum
The female hormone that influences female secondary characters (higher voice, less hairiness, less mascular), female behavior, and guides female development in the fetus would be____?
The so called abortion pill "RU-486", blocks the action of ____.
In females the urogenital opening and canal of the developing fetus becomes the ___ and ____?
urethra, vagina
The menstrual cycle begins when which hormone starts being produced again?
In days it takes about how long for an ovum or egg to travel down the oviduct (fallopian tubes)
The endometrium or lining of the uterus prepares for pregnancy each month by becoming more cellular and vascular under the influence of which two hormones.
The tip of the penis which has lots of touch responding sensory neurons like its homolog the clitoris would be an extension of the____?
corpora spongiosum
Sperm are stored mostly in____?
seminal vesicle
The production of sperm occurs in the____under the influence of ____.
seminiferous tubules, FSH
In males, the urogenital opening and canal of the developing fetus becomes the___and___.
only the urethra
If the oviduct is ligated/cut, the egg can not be fertilized or reach the uterus/womb. T/F?
In the human ejaculate of 2.5 ml, if there are ___million sperm or less a person is considered sterile.
In men when the supply of sperm is adequate which hormone is produced____ to stop more sperm being made?
The egg must be fertilized before ovulation. T/F?
Which of the following will give males trouble in the future if they live long enough?
prostate gland
Two hormones that occur in both males and females would be____.
When pregnancy occurs, the hormone that will keep the corpus luteum functioning is____?
human chorionic gonadotropin
Castration or removal of the testes after puberty will effect___?
The initiation of egg formation and development at the beginning of each menstrual cycle is caused by____?
Follicles in the ovary rupture to release the egg, some blood, and there are many follicle cells surrounding the egg. T/F?
The fertilized egg develops initially deep inside the ___ of the uterus.
Some of the anabolic steroids taken by athletes cause a lower production of testosterone. T/F?
In mammals the testes must be descended outside of the body for the sperm to viable. T/F?
The midpiece of the sperm carries the hyaluronidae while the acrosome contains the mitochondrium. T/F?
The energy used by the sperm to swim up the female system comes primarily from glycolysis. T/F?
If two sperm enter the ovum at the same time, the embryo will develop into a functioning triploid adult. T/F?
The labia major and minor of females are openings that open and lead directly into the uterus. T/F?
In the breasts the milk producing glands are modified sweat glands. T/F?
Sex interest or drive of females is controlled by____?
none of these
Sperm is produced by the seminiferous tubules of the testes, whereas eggs are produced by the germinal epithelium of the ovaries. T/F?
The so called abortion pill "RU-486" blocks the aciton of___.
In females the urogenital opening and canal of the developing fetus becomes the ____ and ____?
urethra, vagina
The uterus from outside to inside has which layers___?
serosa, myometrium, endometrium
The endometrium or lining of the uterus prepares for pregnancy each month by becoming more cellular and vascular under the influence of which two hormones?
estrogen & progesterone
The highest concentration of FSH, LH, and estrogen ____ ovulation, whereas progesterone levels are highest____?
before, after
Bishop Ussher decided the earth was created 4004 BC, and Buffon proposed the earth was 70,000 years old and that some species might change over time. Who disproved both of these views by using geologic evidence.
Lyell and Hutton
The two products of primitive cyclic photophosphorylation____,____, but not____?
That it requires about 1.4 times as many ATPs to make glucose in photosynthesis than you get back when you use it for energy does not matter because there is so much light energy. T/F?
The products of the light reactions necessary to drive the Calvin-Benson Dark reactions are ____.
The light reactions of photosynthesis take place in the ___ of the chloroplast whereas the dark reactions take place in the ____?
thylakoids, stroma
Many of the cells in the mesophyll of a ___leaf are usually arranged in a ring around the bundle sheath.
In a C4 plant, carbon dioxide is first combined/fixed with a compound called____, which is then converted to____ which next enters the bundle sheath cells.
oxaloacetic acid, citric acid
Under conditions of high light intensity, intense heat, and dryness, a C-3 plant would ____, and produce only ___ as much glucose.
photorespire, 50%
The "first step" in photosynthesis is the ____.
energizing of an electron of chlorophyll by a photon light
The light reactions of photosynthesis____.
provide the energy required for the dark reactions
In biology a "limiting factor" is a condition or substance that, by its absence or short supply, limits the rate at which a biological process can proceed. Which one of the following would be most likely to be a limiting factor for photosynthesis?
carbon dioxide
Which of the following occurs in noncyclic, but not in cyclic photophosphorylation?
synthesis of NADPH
The oxygen in our atmosphere is a product of ____.
only noncyclic photophosphorylation
In a C-3 plant like an oak tree, most photophosphorylation takes place in ____.
the mesophyll cells of the leaves
Which of the following compounds is involved in both the light and dark reactions of photosynthesis?
All of the following take place in both photosynthesis and respiration EXCEPT:____.
transfer of electrons to carrier molecules
About ____% of the carbon dioxide released into the air is consumed by the algae in the ocean.
The most productive parts of the oceans are located in____.
in the surface waters along the shores
____light penetrates deepest in the ocean.
With the increasing release of carbon dioxide from fossil fuels, the earth should see a/an____in plant growth.
It is easy to walk through the forest of tall trees because the high light penetration and abundant moisture reduces growth of weeds, bushes and grasses from growing. T/F?
Most of the fossil fuels come from passed/ancient____.
The waxy coating on the surface of a leaf functions ____.
keeps water from evaporating
Stomata open and close in relation to water conditions. T/F?
The cells that control the amount of water, CO2, and O2 that enters and leaves the leaf are called____.
guard cells
At night___ plants fix most of their CO2, while in the hot afternoon___plants fix some CO2 and in the hot afternoon____plants do not fix CO2.
CAM, C-4, C-3
Corn arose in the tropics and therefore is a ___ plant that can carry out photosynthesis at lower concentrations of carbon dioxide, whereas trees and bushes are ___plants.
C-4, C-3
The P700 chlorophyll will not use wavelengths of light greater than 700nm, while the P680 chlorophyll will not use wavelengths of light greater than 680nm because the higher wave lengths have less energy. T/F?
From six RuBP and 6 carbon dioxides how many glucose____ and PGAL molecules are made?
1, 12
RuBisCO, the enzyme that fixes carbon dioxide is absent in Mesophyll of C-4 plants, but not C-3 plants. T/F?
To complete one cycle of the Calvin-Benson cycle and making one glucose requires about how many ATPs equivalents?
Carbon dioxide is fixed on PEPA and then is converted to oxaloacetic acid; oxaloacetic acid then moves into the bundle sheath cells where CO2 is released and put on RuBP. T/F?
Shading reduces light and effects NADPH and ATP formation thus increasing plant growth. T/F?
When forests burn, grasses and bushes which were not found growing in the forest, now appear with the trees killed because of ____.
more available light
Photons are packets of light energy; those with the most energy travel as the longest wavelenths(blue-violet light); shorter wavelengths has less energy(yellow-red light). T/F?
Other colored pigments such as carotenoids and xanthophylls absorb the same wavelengths of light as does chlorophyll. T/F?
Recessive characteristics like hemophilia occur on the___, and therefore show up____.
"x" chromosome, more often in males
Assuming no linkage and independent assortment in the polygenic cross of two parents both A/A B/b, what would be the number of offspring A/A b/b in the F1 generation?
Mendel's paper on inheritance did not include:
prin. of unit of isolation
Genetic info flows from___.
Genetic variation observed in natural populations arises from___?
-new mutations
-migration of individuals in and out of the population
-recombination of sex cells
-independent assortment of chromosomes
Considering only independent assortment of chromosomes, an animal with 20 pairs of chromosomes could make___different sex cells.
To determine the genotype of an individual, it must be test crossed with a ___.
homozygous recessive individual
The physical expression of characteristics are referred to as___, while the genetic makeup is referred to as___.
phenotype, genotype
Many different genotypes intermediate to their parents, like intelligence & height, would most likely be controlled by___.
multiple gene effects
A monohybrid cross will usually result in___phenotypes and ____ genotypes if both parents are heterozygous.
2, 3
A mutation in the DNA occurs such that adenine is substituted by guanine. This would be called a ___ mutation.
Which of the following would NOT usually be important in the formation of new species of animals, but would be in plants?
A gene that has many different copies in a chromosome would be an example of ___, while a loss of a gene would be a ___.
duplication, deletion
Nature selects___, not____.
phenotypes, genotypes
Benjamin Franklin stated "There is in short, no bound to the prolific nature of plants and animals, but what is made by their crowding and interfering with each others means of subsistence" Franklins views were similar to those of___, but occurred earlier?
In a dihybrid cross where both parents are heterozygous for both characters (EeVgvg X EeVgvg), about how many offspring out of 16 will be homozygous dominant?
A,B,&O characters would be an example of ___?
multiple allele characters
The concept of a non-random/non-representative small sample of a population establishing a new population somewhere else is referred to as___?
genetic drift/neutral selection
Breeding the F1 offspring back to one of the parents is referred to as____.
The intense selection for average sized snake eggs is an example of ___selection, while selection against medium sized monkeys would be an example of___ selection.
stabilizing, disruptive
All of the characters that Mendel chose were___,and____.
dominant recessive, not linked
If two plants are crossed, one white flowered and the other red flowered, and some of the F1 flowers were pink, this is an example of___.
Mendel discovered reduction division when he discovered the Principle of___.
Characters that do not show up together are usually____.
unlinked characters
The occurrence of large numbers of marsupials and monotremes on Australia and no where else would be best explained by___&___.
geographic isolation, continental drift
One of the best fossil records of vertebrates is that of the___, which arose in___.
horse, north america
Dogs, coyotes, and wolves are isolated from one another by___isolation, while horses and donkeys are isolated by___.
behavioral genetic
If two different alleles are present in the organism, it is referred to as being___.
Natural selection operates on populations that usually grow exponentially and are usually limited by ___.
-shortage of space
For severe selection to occur environmental resources must become limiting. T/F?
During a storm a small flock of sparrows were driven out to sea. The establishment of a new population of birds on an island where none had previously existed is an example of___.
founder's effect
Nondysjunction of chromosomes occurs in all chromosomes of species, but has little effect on survivors except with the___.
sex chromosomes
When the spanish invaded the Americas only a few thousand soldiers were ever in Cuba and Mexico at one time, and the Spanish didn't bring women over to colonize their territories as did the Dutch, French and English. So, breeding by the Spanish soldiers was with millions of native American/Indian women that they did not murder. The migration of Spanish alleles into the Indian population would have had a ___ genetic effect on the native population?
when a few individuals of a species survive a natural catastrophe such as a fire by chance or luck, change in allelic frequencies in surviving population is referred to as having passed through a/an____:
evolutionary bottleneck
The corn, squash, tomatoes, and many peppers arose in____, while the wheat arose in___.
north america, africa
Vestigial characters, like the appendix or poorly formed hind limbs on some snakes, are characters that were in ones ancestors but have now lost their function. T/F?
That glycolysis, Kreb's cycle, meiosis, mitosis, protein synthesis are all similar in all cells suggests:
common ancestors to all cells
Klinefelder's or Turner's syndrome are examples of ___.
The region of the chromosome occupied by a gene is called a locus. T/F?
A gene is a portion of DNA that resides at a particular locus or site on a chromosome and encodes a protein that is used in a particular function/trait. T/F?
Multiple gene effects would include all but___.
A,B,O blood groups
Mendel's paper on inheritance did not include___?
prin. of unit isolation
A recessive allele is one___?
whose effect is masked by a dominant allele
Blood typing is often used as evidence in paternity cases in court. In one case, the mother had blood type B and the child had blood type O. Which of the following blood types could the father NOT have?
Two little miracles were caused by___?
independent assortment of chromosomes
The technique used in cloning Dolly, and also possibly cloning a mammoth, is called nuclear transfer technology. T/F?
The correct order of events for introducing genetic info from one kind of sheep into a different kind of sheep would be___?
Because the recipient egg has MRNA and many organelles iin its cytoplasm unfamiliar to the introduced nucleus, the clone may be slightly different from the donor. T/F?
The resulting genetic changes will be passed on to the patient's offspring only in___?
germline gene therapy
A vector, like a virus, is simply a "transporter" for the genetic material that allows it to enter the target cell. T/F?
Which of the following allows the vector to penetrate the cell?
protein outer protective viral coat
The type of cell that a given virus will infect is determined by the ___?
protein outer protective viral coat
Who predicted such events as the famine in the 1840s in Ireland where the introduction of a new food source for the Irish allowed their population to soar until along comes the potato blight?
Which of the following individuals read Malthus' paper and also came up with the idea of natural selection, but didn't get much credit for it?
Anaximander, who believed that organisms evolve through time and become different kinds of organisms and Empedocles tried to further the concept of one organism changing into another organism. T/F?
If 5 chondrodystrophic dwarfs are born to normal parents (dd) out of a total of 200,000 babies, what is the mutation rate of the normal allele to the dwarf allele?
Any debate on evolution in ancient Greece died with the rise of Christianity and the decline of science. T/F?