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97 Cards in this Set

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Subdivisions of the Nervous System
- Central Nervous System
- Peripheral Nervous System
Central Nervous System (CNS)
- Brain & Spinal Cord enclosed in bone

- Nucleus (nuclei):
-- Cluster of neuronal cell bodies found in the CNS
Peripheral nervous System (PNS)
- Nerves and ganglia not in CNS
- nerve: bundle of nerve fibers in connective tissue
- Ganglion (ganglia):
-- Cluster of neuronal cell bodies found outside CNS
Functional Divisions of PNS
- Sensory (Afferent) divisions: receptors signal to CNS
-- Visceral and Somatic sensory divisions
- Motor (Efferent) division: CNS signals to effectors
-- Visceral Motor aka Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
-- Somatic motor division effectors: skeletal muscles
Visceral Motor Division (Autonomic Nervous System)
- Sympathetic Division: Fight or flight system
- Parasympathetic divisions: Rest & Relax system
Central Nervous System: Consists of . . .
- Brain and Spinal Cord
Definitions: Ipsilateral
- Same side of the body
- Opposite side of the body
- Crossing of fibers from one side of the CNS to the other
- Anatomical site where fibers decussate (intersection)
- Caudal
- Rostral
- Caudal: Toward the head
- Rostral: Toward the tail
Parts of the: Hindbrain
- Pons
- Medulla oblongata
- Cerebellum
Parts of the: Midbrain
- Superior colliculus
- Inferior colliculus
Parts of the: Forebrain
- Diencephalon: -- Hypothalamus -- Thalamus
- Cerebrum: -- Basal Ganglia -- Cerebral Cortex
Anatomy of the Forebrain
- Longitudinal Fissure separates cerebral hemispheres
-- Gyrus: raised folds -- Sulcus: grooves between gyri
- Cerebral Cortex: Surface layer of gray matter
- Nuclei: Deeper masses of Gray Matter (Cell's Bodies)
- White Matter: bundles of axons (tracts)
During Embryonic Development, what tissue develops into Nervous System?
- The Nervous System develops from Ectoderm
-- By 4th week, neural tube exhibits 3 anterior dilations which become forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain
What Protects the CNS?
- Bone: Skull, vertebral column
- Meninges: Dura mater, Arachnoid, Pia mater
- Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
- Blood-brain barrier
Anatomy of the Meninges
- Dura mater: tough inner & outer layers w/dural sinuses which empty into the internal jugular veins
- Arachnoid: highly vascular
- Subarachnoid space: contains CSF
- Pia mater: gentle vascular layer supplies blood to brain
Define: Meningitis
- Inflammation of the meninges
Ventricles: Internal chambers (in the CNS) filled with CSF and lined with epenymal cells creating a blood-brain barrier
- Lateral V. found in cerebral hemispheres
- 3rd V. under corpus collosum near hypo/thalamus
- Cereral aqueduct: runs through midbrain 3rd to 4th V.
- 4th V. between pons & cerebellum
- Central canal runs through spinal cord
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF): the clear liquid that fills ventricles and canals, bathing brain's external surface in the subarachnoid space
- Produced by choroid plexus: specialized ependymal cells in 3rd & 4th Ventricles
- Escapes from 4th V. to surround the brain
- Reabsorbed by arachnoid villus into dural sinuses
- Brain produces and absorbs ~500ml per day
Flow of Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Steps 1 - 4
1. Secreted by choroid plexus in lateral ventricle
2. Flows through interventricular foramina into 3rd V.
3. Choroid plexus in 3rd V. adds more CSF.
4. CSF flows down cerebral aqueduct to 4th Ventricle
Flow of Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Steps 5 - 8
5. Choroid plexus in 4th Ventricle adds more CSF
6. CSF flows out two lateral and one median apertures
7. CSF fills subarachnoid space, bathes external brain surfaces and spinal cord - 8. CSF resorbed at arachnoid villi into venous blood of dural venous sinuses
Functions of Cerebrospinal Fluid
- Buoyancy: neutrally buoyant brain won't damage self
- Protection: cushions brain from hitting skull walls
- Chemical stability: rinses away wastes
Blood-Brain Barrier
- Limits exchange between nervous tissue and blood
- Brain Capillaries: astrocytes connect w/ tight junctions
- O2, CO2, alcohol, steroid hormones & H2O pass through membrane
- Everything else is selectively transported by carriers
Blood Supply to Brain
- Brain needs lots of blood, O2, & glucose
-- consumes 20% of body's glucose
- Brain cells are extremely susceptible to hypoxia
-- No stored O2, no energy reserves
- 4 min without blood = permanent brain cell injury
Parts & Functions of Brain Stem: Hindbrain & Midbrain
- Respiration, circulation, digestion
- Medulla
- Pons
- Cerebellum (movement)
- Midbrain: aka mesencephalon
Hindbrain: Reticular Activating System
- Clusters of gray matter (nuclei) scattered throughout pons, midbrain, & medulla: Reticular formation
- Arouses Cerebral cortex, regulates sleep & conscious attention - cardiac & vasomotor centers
- Origin of descending analgesic pathways (pain control)
Brain Waves and Sleep: EEG correlates to states of consciousness
- Sleep is temporary state of unconsciousness
- Coma is unconsciousness with no possible arousal
- Reticular formation: regulates alertness
- Circadian rhythm set by suprachiasmatic nucleus in hypothalamus
Sleep: Reticular Activating System
- Globally activate cerebral cortex
- Lower brain stem
- Arbor Vitae
- Gray matter
- Connected to brainstem by cerebellar peduncles
-- fiber tracts
- Sits atop the 4th Ventricle
Why is the Cerebellum Important?
- Balance
- Eye movement (vestibulocerebellum)
- Timing/coord of voluntary movement (spinocerebellum)
- Planning and initiation of voluntary movement (cerebrocerebellum)
Midbrain: aka Mesencephalon
- Cerebral aquaduct
- CN III and IV exit: Eye movement
- Substantial nigra (part of basal ganglia) degeneration leads to tremors and Parkinsons disease
- Red nucleus: part of motor system
Midbrain: Tectum
- Superior colliculus tracks movement, ocular reflexes
- Inferior colliculus auditory reflex turns head to sound
- Collectively referred to as the tectum (tectospinal tract)
Forebrain: Diencephalon: Thalamus
- Relays and integrates sensory information from body to cerebral cortex and basal ganglia
-- Spotlight of attention
Forebrain: Diencephalon: Hypothalamus
- Coordinates functions of the Autonomic Nervous Sys.
-- emotional expression
- Regulates: Body Temperature, Thirst & Urine output, Food intake, production/control of pituitary hormones
- Circadian rhythms: (suprachiasmatic nucleus)
Forebrain: Diencephalon: Pineal Gland
- Secretes melatonin and seratonin
-- Released primarily during darkness in response to light/dark cues from eyes
-- Entrains body's circadian rhythms with external light/dark cycles
Forebrain: Basal Ganglia
- Scattered deep brain nuclei
-- located between cerebral cortex & thalamus
-- also in midbrain & near thalamus
- Helps refine movement signal from cerebral cortex by inhibiting "incorrect" motor activity: "brake" hypothesis
Brake Hypothesis Works by Disinhibition
- Release from/inhibit ongoing inhibition
- The system wants to be on, but is kept turned off by constant inhibitory signals
- to activate the system, it simply stops the inhibition
Forebrain: Damage to Basal Ganglia
- Huntington's chorea
- Parkinson's disease
- Schizophrenia, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, others. . .
Huntington's Chorea ("dance")
- Causes:
-- Genetic overproduction of protein Huntingtin
-- Toxic destruction of cells in basal ganglia damages basal ganglia's ongoing inhibition of movements
- Major symptom: Uncontrolled movements
Parkinson's Disease: Caused by degeneration of dopaminergic cells of substantia nigra
- Major symptoms:
-- resting tremor
-- slow movement (bradykinesia) & rigidity
- Basal Ganglia no longer perform task of reinforcing the desired movement of inhibiting "wrong" ones
What is the Basal Ganglia's Function?
- It is more involved in preventing movements than in causing or allowing them
- It works by disinhibition
- It is active unless purposefully inhibited
Forebrain: Limbic System
- Loop of cortical structures surrounding deep brain
-- Amygdala, hippocampus, fornix & cingulate gyrus
- Amygdala important in emotions, esp. negative ones
- Hippocampus important in memory
- Functions of other components are unclear "Mood"?
Hippocampus: the Sea Horse
- Important in organizing sensory & cognitive information into a memory (declarative memory)
- Lesion to it causes inability to form new memories
- Larger in people with better memories (Size changes with use)
Memory: Information management requiring learning, memory and forgetting
- Anterograde Amnesia cannot store new memory
- Retrograde Amnesia cannot remember old data
- Distributed throughout brain
- 4 Different Types of Memory
Different Types of Memory
- Declarative (facts) -- Long-term: Hippocampus
- Procedural (motor learning): Cerebellum
- Short-term (working memory): Prefrontal Cortex
- Emotional (aversive learning): Amygdala
Emotion: A Feeling Plus Motivation
- Prefrontal Cortex controls emotional expression
- Emotions form in hypothalamus & amygdala
-- Artificial stimulation can produce emotions
- Much of our behavior is learned by rewards and punishments or responses others to them
Forebrain: Cerebral Cortex
- Gray Matter: Cells (neurons) - 3mm thick
- Neocortex: 6-layered tissue, each layer varied in cell shape and density and layer thickness
- White Matter: Axons
Forebrain: Four Lobes of Cerebrum (Named for Bones They Sit Under
- Occipital Lobe
- Temporal Lobe
- Frontal Lobe
- Parietal Lobe
- Insula: emotional aspects of pain
Forebrain: Cerebrum - Gross Anatomy
- Precentral gyrus
- Postcentral gyrus
- Central Sulcus
- Lateral Sulcus
- Occipital, Temporal, Parietal, Frontal lobes
Functional Areas of the Brain: Primary vs. Association
- Primary: 1st part of Cerebral cortex to receive sensory information &/or send motor information
- Assoc: where integration of sensory & motor info occurs
- Cognition: Awareness, perception, thinking, knowledge, & memory
Brain Lesions: Strokes, Accidents or other injuries lead to knowledge about the regional functions
- Parietal Lobe: contralateral neglect syndrome
- Temporal lobe: Prosop- / -agnosia inability to recognize faces/objects
- Prefrontal lobe: problems with personality & decision making, inability to plan and execute appropriately
Lobotomy of Phineas Gage: Prefrontal Cortex
- Planning
- Moral Judgment
- Emotional Control
- Damage = perseveration
Forebrain: Overview of Primary Functional Areas
- Primary Visual: Occipital lobe receives visual info
- Auditory: Temporal lobe receives info from cochlea
- Somatosensory: Parietal lobe Postcentral Gyrus receives touch/texture info from skin
- Motor: Frontal lobe, precentral gyrus sends to skeletals
Forebrain: Overview of Association Areas - Somesthetic
- Parietal Lobe
-- Limb position (proprioception)
-- Location of touch or pain
-- Shape, weight & texture of an object
Forebrain: Overview of Association Areas - Visual
- Occipital Lobe
-- Identify the things we see
-- Faces are recognized in Temporal lobe
Forebrain: Overview of Association Areas - Auditory
- Temporal Lobe
-- Remember the name of a piece of music
-- Identify a person by his voice
Forebrain: Overview of Association Areas - Motor
- Frontal Lobe
-- More commonly called the Premotor area
Somesthetic/Somatosensory Sensation
- Sense of touch
- Primary somatosensory area is in the postcentral gyrus
- Left side senses right side of body (decussation in medulla)
Sensory Homunculus: "Little Man"
- A visual representation of which portion of ht e cerebral cortex recieves information form each body region
- More sensitive regions take up more space
- Proportional to the number of receptors
Motor Control: Intention to contract a muscle begins in motor association area (premotor area) of frontal lobes
- Primary Motor Cortex in precentral gyrus processes motor control program from premotor area
- Sends signal to motor neurons in spinal cord
- Supply muscles of contralateral side due to pyramidal decussation
Motor Homunculus
- Proportional to number of muscle motor units in a region
- Areas with finer motor control are represented by larger areas of cortex (face & hands)
Language Areas of the Brain: Wernicke's Area
- Recognition of spoken & written
- Creates plan of speech (Left hemisphere)
- Angular gyrus processes text into spoken form
Language Areas of the Brain: Broca's Area
- Generates motor program for larynx, tongue, & lips
-- "Premotor" area for language
- Transmits that program to primary motor cortex for action (Left hemisphere for 95%)
Language Areas of the Brain: Affective Language Area
- Lesions produce aprosodia: emotionless speech
- Same area as Broca's on opposite hemisphere
Aphasia: Any Language Deficit
- Broca's=Nonfluent aphasia: slow speech, difficulty choosing words. - Wernicke's=Fluent aphasia: normal/excessive speech makes little sense. - Anomic aphasia: speech & understanding normal, but text & pictures make little sense
- Ability of cortex to remap functions in response to experience
- Brain not completely determined by genetics
- Remodeling of somatosensory map after loss of parts
- Growth of hippocampus in those who memorize a lot
- Decreased responsiveness to repetitive stimulation
- Close Ca++ channels on presynaptic neuron
-- smaller EPSP
- Increased responsiveness to stimuli
- Serotonin released from interneuron
- Increased length of AP
- Larger EPSP
Cranial Nerves
- 12 Pairs arise from the brain
- Part of PNS not CNS
- Input and output remains ipsilateral except CN 2 & 4
Motor Homunculus
- Proportional to number of muscle motor units in a region
- Areas with finer motor control are represented by larger areas of cortex
Language: Wernicke's Area
- Permits recognition of spoken and written language
- Creates a plan of speech
- Only in left hemisphere
- Angular Gyrus processes text into a form we can speak
Language: Broca's Area
- Generates motor program for larynx, tongue, & lips
-- Premotor area for language
- Transmits that program to primary motor cortex for action
- Left hemisphere for most people
Language: Affective Language Area Lesions
- Produce Aprosodia
-- Emotionless Speech
- Same area as Broca's area on opposite hemisphere
Cranial Nerves
* I Olfactory - VI Abducens - XI Accessory
* II Optic * VII Facial - XII Hypoglossal
- III Oculomotor - VIII Vestibulocochlear
- IV Trochlear - IX Glossopharyngeal
* V Trigeminal * X Vagus
Olfactory Nerve (I)
- Provides sense of smell
- Provides way to bypass the blood-brain barrier
Optic Nerve (II)
- Carries visual information from eyes to brain
Trigeminal Nerve (V)
- Main sensory nerve from face
-- Touch, Pain, Temperature
- Major motor nerve to muscles of mastication
Facial Nerve (VII)
- Main motor nerve to muscles of the face
- Provides facial expressions
- Sense of taste on anterior 2/3s of tongue
- Innervates salivary, tear, nasal, & palatine glands
Vagus Nerve (X)
- Major parasympathetic motor (& accessory) pathway
-- Regulation of viscera
- Provides swallowing, speech
Anatomy of Spinal Cord
- Cylinder of nerve tissue within vertebral canal
- 31 pairs of nerves divided into 4 regions:
-- Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacral
- Cervical (C4 - T1) and Lumbar (T9 - T12) Enlargements
- Cauda equinae after L1
Functions of the spinal cord
- Conduction: passing info up and down the cord
- Reflexes: involuntary, stereotyped responses to stimuli
-- Involves Brain, spinal cord & Peripheral nerves
- Central Pattern Generators control flexors & extensors
- Locomotion: repetitive, coordinated action of muscles
Spinal Nerves
- Receive sensory information
- Send motor information
- Portion of body innervated by a particular spinal nerve
- Overlap at edges by 50% so Anesthesia requires 3 successive spinal nerves
Meninges of the spinal cord
- 3 fibrous layers enclosing Spinal Cord
- Dura Mater
- Arachnoid
- Pia Mater
Cross-Sectional Anatomy of the Spinal Cord
- Gray Matter: neuron cell bodies with little myelin
-- Separated into dorsal, ventral, and lateral horns
- White Matter: myelinated axons
- Central Canal: continuous with 4th ventricle
-- Contains CSF
Gray Matter in Spinal Cord
- Dorsal Horns: where afferent neurons terminate
-- Dorsal root of spinal nerve is axons of sensory fibers
- Ventral horns: cells of efferent somatic motor fibers
-- Ventral root is axons of motor fibers
- Lateral horns: cells of efferent autonomic NS fibers
Spinal White Matter
- Bundles of myelinated axons that carry signals
-- Some ascending, some descending
Spinal White Matter: Dorsal Columns
- Ascending pathway: carries touch, vibration, some proprioception
- Decussation of 2nd order neuron in medulla
- 3rd order neuron in Thalamus carries signal to primary somatosensory cortex
Spinal White Matter: Spinothalamic Tract
- Ascending pathway: carries pain, pressure, temperature, tickle & itch
- Decussation of 2nd order neuron in spinal cord at or near where it entered the cord
-- not in the brainstem
Spinal White Matter: Spinocerebellar Tract
- Ascending: carries proprioceptive signals to cerebellum
- Uncrossed
Spinal White Matter: Corticospinal Tract
- Descending from primary motor cortex
- Carries motor control info to vertebral horn then skeletal muscles
- Allows precise coordinated movement
- Decussation in medulla
Spinal White Matter: Other Descending Motor Tracts
- Tectospinal tract: reflex movements of head based on eye and ear movement
- Reticulospinal tract: controls limb movements to maintain posture. - Descending analgesic pathways
- Vestibulospinal tract: postural activity responds to ears
Reflexes: Quick, Involuntary, Stereotyped reactions of glands or muscle to sensory stimulation
- Quick because of myelinated axons
- Few neurons = little synaptic delay
Types of Reflexes
- Visceral: organs are effectors
- Somatic Reflexes: Skeletal muscles are effectors
- Conditioned Reflexes (not really): feed forward responses
-- Unconscious reactions requiring forebrain
Stretch Reflex
- When a muscle is stretched, it contracts
Flexor Withdrawal Reflexes
- Spinal polysynaptic reflex arc
Crossed Extensor Reflex
- Shifts weight off of stimulated leg
- Extends opposite leg
- Contracts stimulated leg
- Acts via excitatory and inhibitory interneurons in cord
Central Pattern Generators
- Uses same neural circuitry as crossed extensor reflexes
- Extends opposite leg
- Contracts stimulated leg