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19 Cards in this Set

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Sympathetic Division - Exception
- Innervation of the Adrenal Medulla: Preganglionic neuron to adrenal medulla - Passes thru paravertebral ganglia & synapses directly on adrenal medulla - No postganglionic neuron (neurotransmitter released to Blood Stream)
Adrenal Medulla: Inner Portion of Adrenal Gland
- Modified parasympathetic ganglion, no postG neuron
- Produces catecholamines (mostly epinephrine (80%)
- Sympathetic drive for systems w/out direct ANS innervation (e.g. skeletal muscles)
- Effects last longer on other tissues (e.g. smooth muscle)
Parasympathetic Nervous System
- Cell bodies:
-- In brain: cranial nerves III, VII, IX, X
-- In sacral spinal cord
- Ganglia: Terminal ganglia in or near effector organ
Peripheral Nervous System: Somatic, Autonomic
- Autonomic: aka visceral motor division
- Sympathetic division
- Parasympathetic division
Somatic Nervous System
- Axons of motor neurons: Cell bodies in ventral horn of spinal cord
- Innervate skeletal muscle: only stimulate, unlike ANS
- Inhibition takes place in CNS only
Actions of ANS: Regulates visceral activities (homeostasis) - visceral motor system
- Glands, cardiac and smooth muscle: all effectors other than skeletal muscle
- Both divisions are usually partially active
- Tonic Activity: Autonomic Tone
Sympathetic Nervous System: Fight or Flight (Emergency Response)
- Usually Global, Provides energy & fuel, Prepare for physical exertion,
- Increases: Sweating, Heart rate, Blood pressure, Blood glucose levels
- Decreases: Digestion, Urination
Parasympathetic Nervous System: Rest and Relax System
- Rest and Digest
- Usually acts Locally
- Increases: Digestion, Urination
- Constricts Pupils
- Decreases heart rate
Dual Autonomic Innervation: Most organs have both
- Sympathetic and Parasympathetic usually oppose each other: Conservation of energy, faster responses
- Exceptions: Sympathetic only, Parasympathetic only, Cooperative Dual
- Symp: Adrenergic, Parasymp: Cholinergic
Dual Autonomic Innervation: Exceptions - Sympathetic Only
- Adrenal Medulla: Stimulates secretion of epinephrine
- Sweat Glands: Stimulates secretion
- Most blood vessels: Stimulates vasoconstriction
Dual Autonomic Innervation: Exceptions - Parasympathetic Only
- Lacrimal Glands
- Nasal Glands
Dual Autonomic Innervation: Exceptions - Cooperative
- Two divisions act on effectors to produce a unified overall effect
-- Salivation
Anatomy of ANS: (Both Para & Sympathetic)
- Two neuron chain. - Preganglionic fiber: myelinated, CNS to Autonomic ganglion, soma in brain to lateral horn of spinal cord. - Postganglionic fiber: unmyelinated, Autonomic ganglion to effector organ, soma outside CNS, ends in swellings (vericosities)
Somatic vs. Autonomic Pathways
- Somatic: one cell from CNS to Effectors (Muscles)
- ANS: Two cells,
- ANS: Ach (PSNS) or NE (SNS) at second synapse
- Both ACh at first synapse
Sympathetic Nervous System
- Cell bodies: Preganglionic
- Lateral horn
- Thoracic & Lumbar levels
- Ganglia: Sympathetic chain ganglion
Sympathetic Division Pathways:

1. Synapse with Postganglionic Neuron at Same Level
- Leave spinal cord thru ventral root to Spinal Nerve
- SN to chain ganglia via white ramus communicans
- Synapse w/ post-GN at same level
- Reenter SN via shunt called gray ramus communicans
- On to the effector
Sympathetic Division Pathways:

2. Synapse with Postganglionic Neuron at Different Level
- Enter Sympathetic Chain Ganglia via white ramus communicans at same spinal level
- Synapse with post-GN at different level
- Leave via gray ramus communicans at different level
- On to effector
Sympathetic Division Pathways:
3. Splanchnic Nerves Do Not Synapse in the Chain Ganglia
- Most synapse in collateral ganglia
- Not segmentally arranged
Parasympathetic Division: Anatomy - Cranial Nerve X
- Vagus "Wandering" nerve: 90% of all parasympathetic fibers