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29 Cards in this Set

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What are living organisms distinguished by?

their ability to reproduce their own kind

the transmission of traits from one generation to the next is called:

heredity or inheritance

define genetics

the scientific study of heredity and variation

when offspring differ somewhat from parents and siblings this is called:


after fertilization, genes from both parents are present in the nucleus of:

the fertilized egg or zygote

where are DNA found in a eukaryotic cell?

almost all in the nucleus, tiny amounts in the mitochondria and chloroplasts

every living species has a _____ ______ of chromosomes

characteristic number

every chromosome consists of a _____ ____ ______ associated with ____ _____

single DNA molecule, various proteins

each chromosome has hundreds or thousands of genes, each at a specific:


only organisms that reproduce _____ can produce offspring that are exact copies of themselves


single celled eukaryotes can reproduce asexually by ____ _____ _____ to produce two genetically identical _____ _____

mitotic cell division, daughter cells

some multicellular eukaryotes, like ______, can reproduce by _______, producing a mass of cells by _______

hydra, budding, mitosis

an individual that reproduces asexually gives rise to a ______, a group of genetically identical individuals


members of a clone may be genetically different as a result of:


what is sexual reproduction?

two parents produce offspring that have unique combinations of genes inhererited from the two parents

homologous chromosomes have the same ____, ______ _____ and ______ _____

length, centromere position, staining pattern

images of the 46 human chromosomes can be arranged in pairs in order of size to produce a _______ display


what are somatic cells?

all other cells that are not reproductive cells

X and Y are the exception to the general pattern of homologous chromosomes in human somatic cells. they are called:

sex chromosomes

the 22 other pairs of chromosomes that are not sex chromosomes are called:


"n" is referred to:

the number of chromosomes in a single set

what is a diploid cell?

any cell with two sets of chromosomes, and has a diploid number of chromosomes, abbreviated as 2n

gametes have:

only one set of chromosomes - 22 autosomes and an X, and 22 autosomes and an X or Y

what is a haploid?

a gamete with a single chromosome set, abbreviated as n

when a haploid sperm cell fuses with a haploid ovum this is called: _____ resulting in ______

syngamy, fertilization

what is a zygote?

a fertilized egg

what is the characteristic of a zygote?

it is diploid because it contains two haploid sets of chromosomes, genes from each parent

gametes which develop in the _____, are not produced by _____

gonads, mitosis

gametes undergo the process of ______ in which the chromosome number is ______

meiosis, halved