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132 Cards in this Set

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Biological evolution
change in frequency of an inherited character from one generation to the next, or across many generations
Biological species
speices are group of interbreeding natural populations that are reproductively isolated from other such groups
natural selection
differential survival and reproduction of individuals in a population
ability to survive and reproduce
characteristic of an organism that is the result of natural selection
hardy-weinberg equilibrium theory
1. observed allele frequency - f(a)=q, f(A)=p
2. predicted genotype freq - f(AA)=p*p, f(Aa)=2pg, f(aa)=q*q
3. observed geno freq. f(AA)=#AA/N, f(aa)=#aa/N
In h-w equilibrium if 2 and 3 match
Disruptive selection
AA ^, Aa\/, aa^
*maintains both alleles at high frequencies
Stablizing selection
AA \/, Aa^,aa \/
*increases genetic variation in a population
Directional selection
AA ^, Aa \/, aa \/
AA\/, Aa \/, aa^
*decreases genetic variation in a population
changes in dna or order, ultimate source of genetic variation
non random mating
mating preferences cause changes in genetic makeup of population
immigration/ emigration
movement of genes into or out of a population
genetic drift
random genetic changes in a population
natural selection
differential survival and reproductionamong individuals in a population
relative fitness
1. divide after/ before
2. divide all by largest in #1 = relative fitness (1-s)
phyletic gradualism
species evolve slowly
punctuated equilibrium
species evolve rapidly
change in lineage without speciation
change in lineage with specialization
reproductive isolation
areas as a by-product of genetic change
prezygotic isolation
mating or zygote formation is prevented
*temporaral, behavioral, ecological, mechanical
postzygotic isolation
hybrids often dead, sterile, or weak
-mating occurs but the offspring can't reproduce
allopatric speciation
no touch or overlap, no gene flow
parapatric speciation
ranges touch but do not overlap significantly, gene flow is small
sympatric speciation
ranges overlap significantly
speciation by polypoidy
duplication of chromosomes
ordovician silurian extinction
440 mya, changes in sea levels due to glacian and deglacian, eliminated about 60% of genera marine organisms
late devonian extinction
360 mya, 57% marine genera extinct
permian triassic extinction
250 mya, biggest, comet/ asteroid impact- 95% all species extinct
end triassic extinction
200 mya, lava floods from formation of atlantic ocean basic - 52% marine genera extinct
cretaceous tertiary extinction (K-T)
65 mya, asteroid impact in Gulf of mexico - 52% marine genera, 18% land vertebrates, dinosaurs
tree w/ fewest # assumptions
species are similar aand related, same structure, different function
analogy/convergent evolution
species similar, unrelated
3 main groups of fishes
1. jawless- gave rise to all other vertebrates, 550mya
2. osteichthyes-470mya, bony fishes=hinged jaws, vertebrate, paired fins
3. chondrichthyes-cartilagnious fishes- sharks, rays -bones in teeth and jaw
swim bladder
located in osteichthyes, internal, air filled sac- provides buoyancy in water
3 main groups of amphibians
1. order apoda(caecilians)legless and blind, burrow in soil and eat arthropods
2. order urodela(salamanders)regenerate lost tail and limbs, terrestrial and aquatic species
3. order anura (frogs and toads)terrestrial and aquatic, catch food w/ sticy tongue, strong hind legs
reaching reproductive maturity while still in immature form
4 major evolutionary innovations in reptiles
1. dry scaly skin prevents dehydration on land
2. expandable rib cage increase breathing efficiency
3. legs beneath body = more efficient
4. amniotic eggs (on land)
egg white, water source for egg
garbage bag
yolk sac
protein and fat - energy source
shock absorber, fluid filled sac
membrane around amnion- where gases diffuse
bird hipped dinosaurs
lizard hipped dinosaur, gave rise to birds
characterisitcs of birds
1. feathers/ flight
2. warm blooded
3. air sac system
4. 4-chambered heart
5. no teeth in modern birds
6. no bony tail in modern birds
muscular stomach for grinding food
adaptations for nocturnal hunting in owls
1. quiet plummage
2. big eyes fixed in socket = good night vision
3. neck grooves = turn 180
4. assymetric ears
mammals evolved from...
characteristics of mammals
1. warm blooded
2. mammary glands and milk to nourish offspring
3. hair made of kerotin (protein)
4. 4-chambered heart
5. well developed brain
articular and quadrate bones in reptilian skull become what in mammals
malleus and incus of inner ear
only living mammals that live eggs
young develop in marsupium, pouch
placental mammals
developing embryo nourished by placenta in mothers uterus
3 main lineages of mammals
1. monotremes
2. marsupials
3. placental mammals
characteristics of primates
1. all primates except humans have big toe seperated from others
2. thumb seperate from fingers
3. binocular vision
4. large brain and short jaws
5. flat nails on fingers and toes
2 groups of primates
1. prosimians (lemurs, lorises, tarsiers of old world)
2. anthropoids (monkeys, apes, humans of new and old worlds)
3 main groups of arthropoids
1. new world monkeys - arboreal, terrestrial, prehensile tail, nostrils open to the side
2. old world monkeys (no prehensile tail, arboreal and terrestrial, nostrils \/)
3. great apes (no tail, arboreal, terrestrial, large body, nostrils \/)
prosimian most closely related to anthropoids
most closely related to humans
chimps/ bonobo
most closely related to great apes and humans
old world monkeys
geographic origin of humans
first appearance of primates
65 mya
humans and chimps diverged on seperate evolutionary branches ... mya
6 mya
branches of evolutinary tree most closely related to humans
1st hominid species to migrate our of africa
homo erectus 1.8 mya-200,00 years ago
multiregional hypothesis
1.8 mya homo erectus left africa to europe, aia, and australasia and over time evolved into homosapiens
replacement hypothesis
left africa, colonized in europe, asia, australasia. homosapeins evolved 200,000 years ago in africa. independently 100,000 years ago the population left africa and replaced all neanderthals
innate behaviors
instinctive behaviors
fixed action patterns (FAP)
a sequence of innate behaviors that is unchangeable and once initiated is carried to completion
recognition, response, attachment of young to a particular adult or object
loss of responsiveness to unimportant stimuli, cry wolf effect
associative learning
ability of many animals to laren to associate one stimulus with another... pavlov's dog
operative conditioning
trial and error learning
reasoning, insight learning
formulating a course of action by understanding the relationships bw the parts of the problem.
difference in gamete size in males and females
male and female mate for life, sexes are monomorphic= look alike
one male, many females... males showy, females drab
one female, many males... females showy, males drab
arena where males gather to display and females choose the best male among males present
inclusive fitness
your fitness plus the fitness of your closest relatives
individuals of the same species present together in the same area at the same time
population ecology
study of populations in relation to the enviornment
population size
how many individuals
population density
how many individuals per unit area
population dispersion
pattern of spacing among individuals... clumped (most common), uniform, random
proportion of individuals alive during any given time interval
type 1 survivorship
high survivorship through early and middle ages - humans
type 2
relative constant survivorship through life -birds
type 3
low survivorship early in life - acorn
fertility/ fecundity
age specific summary of the reproduction rates in a population
why important in conservation bio to know which age class produces the most offspring
want to preserve age class where the maximum # eggs occurs
life history
the traits that affect an organisms schedule of survival and reproduction
large numbers of offspring produced in a single repoductive bout
small numbers of offspring
exponential population growth
maximum growth rate under ideal conditions
logistic population growth
population growth is limited to carrying capacity
carrying capacity
max population an enviornment can support
density dependent factors
population size controlled by disease, competition, parasites, territorality, accumulation of wastes
allee effect
individuals in a population may have a hard time surviving or reproducing if population size is too small or too large
density independent factors
population size affected by natural disasters, climate changes... ice ages, hurricanes, etc...
how organisms interact with each other and their enviornment
organisms of different species living in teh same geographic area at the same time
place when an organism lives
organism's functional role in a habitat or community
allens rule
mammals that live in the cold have shorter faces and limbs than mammals living in warmer areas
bergmanns rule
warm blooded animals that live in the cold are bigger than those that live in warm areas
competition (-,-)
nobody benefits
intra specific competition
competition between individuals of the same species... bad for population size, limits population size and growth
inter specific competition
competition between different species
character displacement
species evolve non-overlapping traits so they dont have to compete with each other
resourse partitioning
when species have divided the resources so they dont have to compete for the same food
competitve exlusion
one species excludes another through competition
herbivory, parasitism, predation (+,-)
one species doesnt the other is harmed
eating the whole plant
eating only part of the plant
most important herbivore in south and central american rainforests
leaf cutter ants and fungal gardens
one organism feeds on the living tissues of another organism
usually consumes it while its alive
one organism benefits the other dies
commensalism (+,0)
an interaction that benefits one species but has no effect on the other
ex: birds nest benefits birds no effect on tree
mutualism (+,+)
an interaction that benefits both species
oldest mutualism on earth
eukaryotic cell between bacterial and archaen cell
reciprocal adaptations of two different species.
cryptic coloration
for hiding (Camo)
aposematic coloration
warns of poision
deceptive patterns or behaviors
to distract or food potential predators
batesian mimicry
when a harmless species mimics a harmful species
8. The loss of alleles due to Genetic drift in a very small population can be 'fixed' most easily by which of the following evolutionary forces?

A. Gene flow
B. Immigration
C. Migration
D. Mutation
E. Natural selection
9. The evolution of unfeathered heads in the unrelated North American Turkey Vulture and the African Griffon Vulture illustrates what concept discussed in class?

A. Analogy
B. Convergent evolution
C. Homology
D. Frequency-dependent selection
E. a and b
12. Which two character types are the least informative when constructing and evaluating a phylogentic tree?

a. Apomorphy
b. Shared-derived
c. Ancestral
d. a and b
e. a and c