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356 Cards in this Set

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What does Theophilus mean?
"theo"- God
"philus"- lover of
lover of God
What does the term for Matthew, Mark, and Luke literally mean?
seeing at the same time
The term used to refer to the four accounts of who Jesus was.
the name used to refer to the first three Gospels.
Synoptic Gospels
Why did some people think that John the Baptist was more important than Jesus?
John the Baptist came first
What is a docetist?
a doubter of Jesus' human nature
The Gospel contains what?
Everything necessary to explain who Jesus is/was
The Gospel tell us that Jesus was....
A man, God, Savior, and Messiah
Mark's other name was....
John's other name was....
Son of Zebedee/ Son of Thunder
Why did the Jews reject Jesus?
He didn't come to set up the type of kingdom that they wanted
What are the "I am" statements of Jesus?
I am:
the bread of life
the door
the good Shepherd
T/F- Jesus is never mentioned in any way in the Old Testament
T/F- The main purpose of the Gospels is to witness to who Jesus is.
T/F- Every Gospel writer was either an eyewitness or knew someone who was
T/F-Jesus did not fufill OT promises
T/F- Having four different Gospel writers is a disadvantage because they each have a different perspective
T/F- Paul and Peter both helped Gospel writers to complete their Gospels
T/F- all four Gospel authors were eyewitnesses of Jesus' life.
T/F-One of the four Gospel writers was present at Jesus' birth
List the seven miracles of Jesus that John mentions in his book
1.Water into Wine
2.Healing the official's son
3.Healing at the Pool of Bethesda
4.Feeding of the 5,000
5.Walking on Water
6.Healing the man born blind
7.Raising Lazarus from the dead
What is the main purpose of the Gospels?
To give an eyewitness account of Jesus' life
These Gospels include Jesus' trial
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
This Gospel includes that raising of Lazarus
This Gospel includes the changing of water into wine
These Gospels include Jesus' birth
Matthew and Luke
What three thing do all of the Gospels include?
John's death and resurrection
Jesus' trial
Jesus' baptism, incarnation
Why is it important to understand the audience of a Gospel?
So that we can understand why the author wrote their book the way they did
How do we know who Mark wrote his Gospel for?
Translates Hebrew phrases into Greek
List all 13 disciples
2.John, son of Zebedee
3.Judas Iscariot
6.James, son of Alpheus
10.James, son of Zebedee
11.Simon the Zealot
What OT prophet was similar to John the Baptist?
True of False: Baptism is necessary in order to go to heaven.
True or False: Baptisn actualy washes away our sins.
How did Satan tempt Jesus in the wilderness?
He used Scripture verses out of context
The Hebrew term for "teacher" is...
The Hebrew therm for "student" is.....
How many rules did traditional Jewish teachers abide by?
What was the first miracle that Jesus performed?
Turning water into wine
What book of prophecy foretells of Jesus' first miracle?
What was so significant about the water Jesus turned into wine?
It was the water used for ceremonial cleansing
How did Jesus clear the Temple?
He made a whip and drove them out
What did Jesus clear out of the Temple?
Moneychangers and people selling animals
What is "dead" water, literally
Water collected in a well or a cistern from rainwater
What is "living" water, literally
Water from a spring, stream, or river
What is "living" water, metaphocally and according to Jesus?
The Holy Spirit
Why was the Samaritan woman surprised that Jesus spoke to her?
Samaritans and Jews did not associate with each other
What does this show about Jesus?
His salvation is open to all peoples, not just Jews
What was the root heart condition of the Samaritan woman's sin?
The need for acceptance
True or False: "seeing is believing" requires more faith.
Why did the Galileans believe in Jesus?
They believed because of His miracles
Why did the Samaritans believe in Jesus?
They believed because of His word
Who asked Jesus to heal his sick son?
Royal Official
After Nicodemus's conversation with Jesus he.....
Helped bury Jesus' body
What was Jesus' original religious title, or what were the disciples and the people calling Jesus at first?
Adressing Jesus mother as "woman"was a sign of what?
Who came to Jesus at night with questions?
What was the key theme in John's message?
What two book prophecy the coming of John the Baptist?
Isaiah and Malachi
Where did John the Baptist live and minister?
Galilean wilderness
What was John the Baptist's purpose?
to "prepare the way of the Lord"
List the four reasons Jesus was baptized
1.to make the prophecy rightous
2.to publicly announce His ministry
3.to symbolize cleansing of sin
4.to show Himself as fully man
How many days did Jesus fast in the wilderness?
What three ways was Jesus tempted?
1.to jump from the temple
Give three reasons why Jesus chose the men He did as apostles
1.in God's kingdom, anyone is accepted
2.He can make godly men out of anyone
3.they needed His help the most
Why did the Samaritans have faith?
thet heard His words
Why did the Galileans have faith?
they saw His miracles
After asking for a drink, what did Jesus offer the woman at the well?
"Living Water"
Define "logos"
word, speech, foundation
Define parable
an earthly story with a heavenly meaning
Define legalism
following the "letter of the law" while losing its intention
Define transfiguration
complete change in outward appearance
Define tradition
custom or understanding that is passed down from generation to generation
Why doesn't the world recognize Jesus for who He really is?
The world is blinded by the darkness of sin
True of False: The Incarnation is not Jesus being created at birth
Why was it so difficult for Jesus' friends and family to believe He was the Son of God when he started preaching?
Jesus had grown up like any normal person
What was the differance between Jesus' preaching and that of the Pharisees?
He taught as one with authority
Who was Jesus on a collision course with?
Jesus never broke God's law, but He did break....
The Pharisees' Laws
Jesus came to do what?
Rescue us from satan
Do Parables exist only in Jesus' teaching in the New Testament?
Which part of the parable is the most important?
The whole thing
Why was Jesus rejecting from His hometown?
Everyone thought He was just a normal guy
How did they insult Mary, His mother?
Implying that she was a whore
What is "corban"?
The practice of legally devoting something to God
What group was famous for its legalism and hypocrisy?
How did Jesus show that salvation was now open to Gentiles?
Performing miracles and healing for them
Who were the Gentiles?
Greeks, or anyone not Jewish
Since Jesus accepts the Gentiles into God's kingdom, does that mean the Jews have been "replaced"?
What is "Christ"?
Jesus title, not a name
Why does Jesus call Peter satan?
Peter was trying to keep Jesus from the Cross
Metamorphosis is....
a change of substance of structure
Jesus is "Elijah" because of His message of.....
Judgment and repentance
What key quality does it take to be the greatest?
How does Jesus show that He is the greatest?
He sacrifices Himself to save those He loves
Why does Jesus embrace children?
They represent the lowly and forgotten in society
What two things kept the rich young ruler from heaven?
wealth and independence
What group always recognized Jesus as the Son of God?
The spiritual realm
Why is Jesus being fully human and fully divine so important?
Jesus' being fully human means that He can take on our sin. His full divinity means that He can take our sins away, give us eternal life and atone for all of the world's sin.
Jesus was involved in _________ as God's _______
Jesus is the ________________ for everything that ___________
What is the incarnation?
Jesus' being fully human and fully God
The Pharisees tried to do the ______ ______, but they did it in the _______ ____.
right thing;wrong way
Why did Jesus teach in parables?
God created us to remember stories (parables) better than anything else
Describe some "storms in life. Does God rescure us from all of them right away? Why? And what does He want us to do during the storm?
Divorce, loss of a loved one, etc. can be storms in one's life. God doesn't always rescure us right away because He wants us to see that He can save us on His own time. God wants us to look to Him for provision and rely on Him.
After being rejected, what two-step reaction does Jesus model?
Disregarded their disrespect and continued His ministry
Explain why Jesus healed the deaf and mute man the way He did. Describe His actions, and give two things they signifie.
He put His fingers in the man's ears and took hold of his tongue. He wanted the man to see what He was doing and that His power comes from God.
Where is Peter's confession of Christ found in Mark's Gospel?
In the very middle
What does Jesus mean when He says, "You must lose your life to save it"?
If we want to go to Heaven, then we must give up our earthly possessions. We need to love God more than our lives here and glorify Him with the hundreds of little things we do everyday.
During Jesus' transfiguration, what did the presence of Moses and Elijah represent? What did Jesus do to what they represented?
They represented the Law and the Prophecy. Jesus was to fufill the Law and Prophecy by dying on the Cross to save us from our sins
What was the biggest Jewish holiday? Where was it celebrated?
Passover. Jerusalem
Why did the rich young ruler think he deserved to be allowed into heaven?
He did good deeds
King Herod thought that Jesus was John the Baptist risen from the dead because of his _______
guilty conscience
What is the first word of Romans 12?
Explain the difference between a test and a temptation
God gives us tests and satan gives us temptation. God only wants what is best for us which is why He tests us. Satan tempts us to pull us away from God.
Explain the traditional Jewish relationship between students and teachers. How did Jesus change that?
Talmids traditionally chose their rabbi. Jesus reversed that by choosing the disciples.
Define "passio" and give its original language
suffering; Latin
What was significant about the crowd spreading their cloaks on the ground before Jesus during His triumphal entry into Jerusalem?
Showed that He was "reserved for royalty"
______ & ______ are now the way to God, instead of the ______.
Prayer; Faith; Temple
Define "messiah"
anointed one
The three purposes of the woman's anointing of Jesus with perfume were......
the preparation for Jesus' burial, a sacrifice (of something expensive), and showing Jesus is Messiah
The mob of Jewish priests that came to arrest Jesus were armed with swords and clubs. What two things did this show?
they completewly misunderstood Jesus' power; they thought He came to set up a military kingdom, not a spiritual one
How are we guilty for jesus' death?
He died for OUR sins and we (Jews) wanted Him dead
Define atonement
to fix a broken relationship
"Passion Week" refers to.....
the week before Jesus' crucifixion
A palm branch is a symbol of.....
Jewish nationalism
Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey fufilled which prophecy?
Zechariah 9
Why was the crowd celebrating Jesus' entry?
they thought He would overthrow the roman government
the "action parable" of the fig tree frames what story?
Jesus cleansing the Temple
why was Jesus angry when he entered the temple?
moneychangers and salesmen had defiled the temple
what does Jesus teach about knowing when the world will end?
no one knows except God the Father and man should not worry about when the world will end
the perfume used to anoint Jesus was worth how much?
1 year's wages
Judas betrayed Jesus for....
30 pieces of silver
the Old Covenant elies on what for atonement?
the blood of animal sacrifice
the New Covenant relies on what for atonement?
the blood of Jesus' sacrifice
the bread of the Lord's Supper symbolizes....
Jesus' body, sinless and broken for believers
the wine of the Lord's Supper symbolizes....
Jesus' blood, poured out for redemption of believers
how did Judas single out Jesus to the priests?
he greeted Him with a kiss
why was this a normal occurence?
students would greet a rabbi with a kiss
what did Jesus pray for in the Garden of Gethsemane?
that He would not have to be crucified
what are the ways that the Sanhedrin's trial against Jesus was illegitimate?
it was illegal for trials to be held at night, none of the accusations had at least two witnesses, and it was held in the home of a member of the Sanhedrin
what was Jesus finally convicted of?
why did they take Him before Pilate?
only the Roman court could sentence executions
What is the cross like today?
the electric chair
how is Jesus like an organ donor?
He gives His own heart of flesh to replace our hearts of stone
What is one of the Hebrew phrases we studied in Mark's Gospel?
Abba- Father
Christmas, the celebration of Jesus' birthday, is December 25th. What time of year was Jesus really born?
The Fall
What happened to JEsus after He was buried?
He rose again from the dead after three days
Who first discovered the empty tomb?
What makes Mark 16 so interesting to study?
Verses 9-20 were added later
Jesus' resurrection brings....
hope and foundation for faith
How is "fire" mentioned in Luke 24:13-35?
the hearts of the men burned within them
What is significant about that "fire"?
their hearts burning was a sign of Jesus teaching them in the Holy Spirit
Who met Jesus on the road to Emmaus?
Cleopas and another man
who did they think Jesus was at first?
a stranger from out of town
why did they belive that?
because he pretneded not to know about his own crucifixion
while on the road to Emmaus, what did Jesus do?
he revealed the truth about himself from the OT
Once he left the men, what did they believe about Jesus?
that he was the true Son of God and way of salvation
What evidence did Mary Magdalene have that Jesus has risen?
She saw and spoke to Jesus near the tomb.
What proof did Thomas demand to believe that Jesus has risen?
to touch the scars on Jesus hands and the wound in His side
what evidence did Thomas receive that Jesus has risen?
Jesus appeared to him and provided the proof he asked for
Which type of belief takes greater faith?
Believing in something you have not seen
What verses in the Bible teaches us the truth about believing in somehing you have not seen?
John 20:29
Who did Jesus appear to after His resurrection?
Mary Magalene and Thomas
Who did Jesus intentionally not appear to?
The Sanhedrin
How did Jesus make his post-resurrection appearances?
quietly and humbly
when Jesus appeared to Peter, what did He do?
asked Peter three times if he loved Him
what was so important about Jesus' questioning Peter?
it redeemed Peter from denying Jesus three times
Where is the Great Commission found?
Matthew 28
who does the Great Commission apply to?
all christians everywhere
what does jesus command in the GC?
for christians to make disciples
what two things does the GC involve?
teaching and baptism
what promise comes with the Great Commission?
that Jesus would be with them always
what books of the Bible did Luke write?
Luke and Acts
How long was Jesus on earth between his resurrection and ascension?
40 days
Where did Jesus take the disciples for His ascension into heaven?
the Mount of Olives
What promise did Jesus make before ascending?
that He would come back the same way He left
Explain the importance of what makes Mark 16 so interesting.
Mark 16 was written in a later style. It was also told in a later time. These things are important because the point of this was for Mark's gospel to end on a note of hope for the people who need it
If Jesus didn't rise from the dead, our faith is ____.
If Jesus didn't rise from the dead, the Bible is _________.
What is the main idea of the teachings found in 1 Corinthians 15:14-17?
Jesus' resurrection is the foundation of our faith
List three ways God used fire in the OT
1.Elijah's sacrifice
2.the burning bush
3.the pillar of fire
are questions and doubts in your faith normal and good?
When Jesus asks Peter, "Do you love me?" three times, what is the definition of that type of love?
That type of love means showing it in your actions. It also means having emotional feelings. Most importantly, that type of love is a commitment.
How is the GC carried out?
Jesus wants us to make disciples. If there was someone who really needed the Word of God, we would need to go and tell them, and anyone else, what God has done for us.
Describe Jesus ascension into Heaven.
Jesus took the disciples out "as far as Bethany" and went up to Heaven on the clouds. He left the disciples by telling them that He would come back the same way He left, on the clouds.
the date that Stephen was martyred
35 AD
the year Jesus was crucified
33 AD
length of time apostles spent in Jerusalem after JEsus' death
2 years
length of time covered in Acts 1-12
15 years
the years of the first stage of the GC
33-35 AD
length of time Peter was the dominant influence over the Church
16 years
Approximate date the book of James was written
4-45 AD
Who was the book of acts written for?
Theophilus- lover of God
What is the REAL name of the book of Acts?
Acts of the Apostles
Define Church
church means the true followers of Chirst, not the literal building
What does Pentacost mean? Why?
50th because it was celebrated fifty days after the Passover
What did the Jews hope to accomplish by crucifying Jesus?
eliminate Jesus' influence and uphold own righteousness
Christian Communism
Voluntary, Redistribution of wealth, Described not commanded
Scripture can fall into two categories. Name and define them below
descriptive: telling what happened and knowing between right and wrong
Prescriptive: telling what to do right
Define martyr
a person who voluntarily chooses death as a penalty of witnessing
what was God's purpose in Stephen's martyrdom?
spread Apostles to Samaria
start stage 2 of GC
Who was Philip? What was his role in the Church?
Philip was an Apostle and one of the seven leaders of the Curch
What lesson do we learn from Simon the Magician?
the Holy Spirit can't be bought
Who did Saul study with?
What calling did God give to Saul?
to be a Missionary to the Gentiles
Specifically, what divided the early Church?
Jewish belief that only they receive Salvation because they were God's people
Define episte
leter from and Apostle
What is the focus of the book of James?
practical "how do I live" issues
T/F: Theophilus wrote the book of Acts
T/F: Peter and John performed miracles together
T/F: Ananias and Saphira died for not contributing all of their money
T/F: The Church can only grow when we work to make it attractive
T/F: Stephen was crucified upside down as the first Christian martyr
T/F: Philip began the 3rd stage of the GC to the Gentiles
T/F: Simon the Magician is a good example of how to respond to the Gospel
T/F: Saul encountered the Resurrcted Christ on the road to Damascus
T/F: James som of Zebedee wrote the book of James
T/F: Communication within the early church was relatively fast and easy
T/F: Paul was the dominant influence over the Church before Peter arrived.
Why did the Jews crucify Jesus?
they wanted to end His influence against their power
what happened after Jesus' death?
His influence and power continued to spread
why did the disciples remain in Jerusalem after the crucifixion/
Jesus commaned them to wait there for the Holy Spirit
What miracle did Jon and Peter perform in the Temple?
made a crippled man rise and walk
How did Peter take advantage of this miracle?
he preached the Gospel with power from the Holy Spirit
How did the Sanhedrin respond to this miracle?
They asked in whose name were Peter and John healing
What is different about Peter's interaction to accusation here, compared to befre when he denied Jesus?
he was bold in proclaiming Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit
What did Ananias and Saphira do to try to support the early church?
Sold property and donated money to the chruch
How did that turn out for them?
Not so well, they were struck down by God
What happened to the Church, following this incident?
the Church continued to grow in spite of their deaths
Where did Philip meet the Ethiopian eunuch?
on a road
how was the eunuch converted?
Philip explained the Scriptures to him
What did the eunuch want?
to know the Truth
What was Saul/Paul's faimily background?
Jewish, Roman citizen from Tarsus
What did Saul study as a student of the Law?
The TOrah
What happened after Saul was called by God?
He was blinded by the light
Birds of a feather........
........flock together
What divides people, in general?
In Acts 12, what does Peter do to help the Church change?
Prominent Jew that testified that God poured out the Holy Spirit on the Gentiles
What did the name "Christian" serve to do? What name did it replace?
Unify the Church; Followers of the Way
Who was the book of James written for?
Jewish Christians outside Palestine
How did the early Church communicate? How long would it take?
by sending epistles; months
Why did Ananias and Saphira die?
they lied and said that they gave all of the money the gained by selling their property.
T/F: Antioch is the first stop on the first missionary journey
T/F: Church members laid hands on Paul and Barnabus to heal them.
T/F: The Roman Empire stretched from Europe to China at this time
T/F: Acts 9:9 is the first place where Saul is called Paul
T/F: The Judaizers taught the true Gospel wherever they went
T/F: Freedom in Christ is freedom from persecution
T/F: We must work very hard to earn the Fruits of the Spirit
T/F: A "schism" is the separation of the missionary party
T/F: John, Mark, and John Mark are three different people
Who is the driving force behind the growth of the Church?
Holy Spirit
What happened for the first time ever at Antioch?
the Holy Spirit commissioned missionaries to the Gentiles
What is the Gospel "wrapped" in?
a Jewish package
What is the world "wrapped" in?
a Gentile package
Which of the following best describes Barnabus?
Jewish leader, from Cyprus
Whic of the fololowing best describes Paul?
Jewish, Roman citizen, from Tarsus
Which of the following best describes Salamis?
large sea port, large Jewish population, many synagogues
who lived in the city of Paphos?
Bar-Jesus, Sergius Paulus, and Elymas
What happened at Perga?
John Mark left and returned to Jerusalem
What happens in Acts 13:13?
Saul is first referred to only as Paul
Which of the following bests describes Pisidian Antioch?
large city, located on a big east-west trade route
Which of the following best describes Iconium?
center of agriculture and trade
why does Luke emphasize the man's condision before being healed at Lystra?
to highlight the power of God
What is significant about Derbe?
It was the last stop on the journey
What problem does the book of Galatians primarily deal with?
How to get right with God
Who were the Judaizers?
Jewish Christians
What did God ignore that makes Christianity so revolutionary?
race, social status, and gender
What is "what is freedom in Christ" freedom from?
ourselves, death, the OT ceremonial law, Satan, and hell
What is "freedom in Christ" not freedom from?
Persecution and obeying God's commands
What does the absence of the Jerusalem Council in the epistle to the Galatians tell about their chronology?
The Jerusalem Council happened after the writing of Galatians
Why was the Jerusalem Council held?
to discuss the validity of the Judaizers demands
What did the council eventually decide?
Gentiles would not have to obey the ritual purity laws of the OT
How was that decision communicated to the churches?
Paul took a letter from the council to the churches in Galatia
Who is John?
Son of Zebedee, called Son of Thunder by Jesus
Who is Mark?
Also called John Mark, travelled with Paul and Barnabas, and the Author of the book of Mark
Who is John Mark?
Travelled with Paul and Barnabas and wrote the book of Mark
Why is the dispute between Paul and Barnabas in the Bible?
to show that Paul and Barnabas are normal people
What causes the disagreement between Paul and Barnabas?
Barnabas wanted John Mark to acompany them again, Paul did not
How did God redeem the dispute between Paul and Barnabas?
Insteas of just one team going to the Gentiles, two were sent
What difficulties do the different "wrappings" of the Gospel and the world present?
the gap between Jewish tradition and Gentile culture
Jews and Greeks
Name three things that the Roman Empire did for the spread of the Gospel
controlled so much of the world that there were no wars
common language-greek-so there was no language barrier
built roads so that it was easier to get around to other cities
name and describe two aspects of the Holy Spirit's strategy furing this missionary journey
wanted to go to the Jews then the Gentiles- Jews were God's people
wanted to reach the big cities to be able to impact surrounding countryside
Describe the crazy events that took place at Lystra
*mistaken for gods
*Ovid's myth-Zeus and Hermes went to Lystra and were treated badly by the people. So they put a curse on the city. People thought that Paul was Hermes because Hermes was a messenger and Paul was preaching. They were also both short and hairy. Zeus and Barnabas were both tall. The fact that Paul and Barnabas did miracles and Zeus and Hermes cursed the city is another reason why they were thoguht to be gods
What is the only way to God?
Faith in Christ
How do we obtain the Fruits of the Spirit?
They come from the Holy Spirit, not by ourselves or works, and through prayer in humility
Define "schism"
the splitting of the Curhc
Give two other names for the Judaizers
Party of the pharisees
group of the circumcision
Because of the decision made at the Jerusalem Council, is it wrong to follow OT ceremonial rituals?
no because VOLUNTARILY choosing to follow them is not wrong, although there were still some things that the Gentiles needed to stay away from
What is the modern day name of Derbe?
Kerti Huyuk
What city did Paul and Silas start their third journey?
What city is modern day Salonika?
What city is 65 miles southwest of Thessalonica?
What city had an Acropolis?
Which city do you always travel "up" to, no matter what?
Which city is a capital of Macedonia?
Which city is a small mountain island?
Which city is modern day Kavalla?
Which city is located near prosperous gold mines?
Which city is known for artesians and stonecutters?
Which city is located 15 miles south of legendary Troy?
Which city had an Areopagus?
Which city was the 4th largest city in the world?
Which city is modern day Ayasoluk?
Which city is the center for magic in the ancient world?
T/F: We are supposed to "just believe" that Jesus is real
T/F: Paul and Silas fled Berea because Roman authorities were attempting to arrest them for proclaiming another king besides Caesar.
T/F: The Acropolis is a kind of "religion approval committee".
T/F: Paul and Silas met Aquila and Priscilla in Corinth
T/F: The Corinthians believed prophecy to be the most important gift
T/F: 1st century Jews didn't even agree if there would be a resurrection
T/F: Paul's second missionary journey was shorter than his first
T/F: Paul wrote the letter to Thessalonica while in Corinth
T/F: Aquila was a woman and Priscilla was a man
T/F: Corinth was popular for sexual immorality
T/F: Timothy was preaching in Ephesus before Paul arrived
T/F: Aquila symbolizes Christ's acceptance of everyone
T/F: The Athenians loved sexual immorality more than anything
T/F: Jews in Amphipolis were unique in eagerly accepting the Gospel
T/F:An epistle is letter written by an apostle in the New Testament
T/F: The letter to the Corinthians was written in 46 A.D.
T/F: It does not matter how we use our Spiritual Gifts
T/F: Paul and Silas experienced no miracles on their second journey
T/F: Brownies are delicious and should be in every Bible class (inside joke!)
Who was the first person to become a Christian in Philippi?
How does Lydia symbolizze Christ's acceptance of everyone?
She symbolized that race, social status, and gender does not matter to Christ because she was a woman, rich, and lived with the Gentiles
While Paul and Silas were in prison what happened and how did that lead the guard to Christ?
*giant earthquake
*all doors opened
*guard thought it was his fault
*gonna kill himself
*Paul told him not to and that Christ still loved him after all that he had done
Where did Paul and Silas flee after Berea?
Give another name for the Areopagus
"Mars Hill"
How do we know the exact dates that Paul and Silas spent in Corinth on the 2nd missionary journey?
Archaeologists found a rock that said when Gallio, who was the proconsul there when Paul and Silas were there, was proconsul, which was from 51-52 A.D.
What are the two main themes of Thessalonians?
Practices that new Christians should avoid and Christ's resurrection (very confusing)
How do we know that they visited Jerusalem on this journey, even if it isn't mentioned by name in the Bible?
The Bible says, "up to Jerusalem" and, "down to Antioch". "Up" refers to Jerusalem because it is holy and it is on a hill.
What was the only part of the Gospel that the Ephesians did not receive before Paul arrived?
What was the only flaw in the message?
They did not receive the Holy Spirit's baptism. They only received John the Baptist's baptism
Define interdependence
depending on each other
How did Paul argue for the resurrection of Jesus? give examples
1.logical reasoning- if Christ didn't resurrect......
*He died for nothing
*our faith is dead
*we misrepresent God
*God is a liar
2.gave witnesses-
*12 apostles, 500+ people, Peter (Cephus), James (brother of Jesus), Paul, and all of the apostles
What is the only way to know if you're a Christian?
You have to have the Holy Spirit and mean it. You can profess, "Christ is LORD" and mean it
Why were Paul and Silas thrown into jail in Philippi?
They cast out a demon
What motivated the people who threw Paul and Silas into jail?
Neapolis was the port city of.....
What "hill" did Paul preach on?
Mars Hill
Who were the men who wanted to cast demons like Paul?
Sons of Sceva
What happened to the Sons of Sceva when they tried be like Paul?
They failed and were attacked by the demon who mocked them
Approximately when was Thessalonians written?
50-51 AD
How did Paul escape the Jewish riots in Samothrace?
there were none
WHat date(s) did Paul and Silas stay Corinth?
50-51 AD
What were the final four stops of the 2nd missionary journey?
Cenchreae, Ephesus, Caesarea, and Jerusalem
What is the truth about Spiritual gifts?
Every Christian has one, they are all equaly important, and God uses them all together for His Kingdom
Why is the resurrection such a big deal?
Without it, our faith is useless
The letter to te Corinthians was written from.....
What happens in Thessalonica that is similar to events in the 1st journey?
They are chased through multiple cities by jealous Jews
How long was the 2nd journey in time and distance?
2-3 years and over 2,000 miles
List and define the six parts of an epistle
Opening-who it's to and from
Greeting-blessings, often mentions specific people
Thanksgiving-thanking God for who he is writing to; buttering them up
Teaching-explain Christian beliefs
Application-call to live out the teachings
Closing-benediction/doxology, blessing
How does interdependence relate to spiritual gifts and the body of Christ?
Not everyone has the same spiritual gifts and God uses our gifts and us together to spread His kingdom
What does "polis" mean and in what language?
city; Greek
What was Athens famous for?
Center of learning
How long did the demon-possessed girl follow Paul ans Silas?
3 days