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7 Cards in this Set

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Precision approach

GLIDESLOPE Alive- flaps 30

1 dot - gear down, before landing checks

GLIDESLOPE intercept

Runway made flaps full

Non precision approach

3-5 miles FAF or course alive - flaps 30

1 mile FAF - gear down before landing checks

Map- landing assured flaps down

Visual approach

Below 200 knots

Mid field - flaps 30

Abeam - gear down before landing checks

Base turn - vapp

Landing assured - flaps down

Steep turns

1. Clean configuration, set heading

2. Set bank, 800-1000 torque

3. Roll out and reduce 800 torque

Clean stall

Stabilized cruise- reduce 200 torque

Maintain attitude, first indication, disconnect autopilot , lower nose set max power

Minimal altitude loss recovery

Approach to landing stall

Establish TPA and field elevation

Torque 400,

Below 170- flaps 30

Below 150 a gear down

500 fpm descent

White arc- flaps full

Power 200

200 above field elevation - flare

Stall- climb power flaps 30

Positive rate - gear up

Blue line- flaps up

Return to set up altitude

140 knots - 800 torque

Departure stall

Torque 200

Below 150 gear down

100 knots - 800 torque

Pitch -18° (add bank maybe)

Stall -lower nose, add power

Positive rate - gear up

Level off and establish cruise