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35 Cards in this Set

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Amazon ec2 gives you a choice of numerous Linux distributions and

A Microsoft Windows Server

Amazon EC2 is integrated with what?

Amazon simple storage Service(S3), Amazon Relational Database Service(RDS) and Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

Spot fleet automates the management of

Spot instances

Spot will automatically _________________ so your applications can start right where they left off

Pause and resume your work around interruptions

EC2 autoscaling does what three things

Monitor the health of running instances, replace impaired instances automatically, balance capacity across availability zones.

What is dynamic scaling?

Also known as auto scaling allows you to adjust the number of ec2 instances as needed

What is predictive scaling?

Scheduled autoscaling

What is ECR

Elastic Container Registry- easily store, manage and deploy container images

ECR transfers your container images over


What is Kubernetes?

Open source software that allows you to deploy and manage containerized applications at scale. Kubernetes manage clusters of Amazon EC2 compute instances and runs containers

What are containers run in logical groupings of?

A pod

Each pod is given a _____ and a ________

A IP Address and a single DNS name

Kubernetes lets you define complex containerized applications and run them across a cluster of _________.


Name three companies using EKS

Godaddy, Verizon, and Snapchat

Light sail runs in how many regions?

13 and 38 availability zones

What’s included in all Lightsail plans? 7 things

Static IP Address, DNS management, Server monitoring, SSH terminal access, Intuitive mgmt console, RDP access, Securekey mgmt

What is AWS Batch?

Enables everyone to easily and efficiently run thousands of batch computing jobs on AWS

Elastic beanstalk is what?

An easy to use service for deploying and scaling web applications and services

Elastic beanstalk handles the what?

The deployment, from capacity provisioning, load balancing, autoscaling to app health monitoring

Is there an additional charge for elastic beanstalk?

There is no additional charge

What is AWS Fargate?

Fargate is a compute engine for ecs that allows you to run containers without having to manage servers or clusters

What are the two types of ECS modes?

Fargate launch type and EC2 launch type

With AWS Fargate you only have to think about the __________ so you can just focus on building and operating your application


AWS Fargate reduced its price by up to _______


What does AWS Lambda do?

AWS lambda lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers

What do you pay for in AWS Lambda?

The compute time you consume, no charge when code is not running

For how many ms are you charged for executing code

Every 100 ms

Name 2 companies that use Lambda

Coca Cola and iRobot

What are two AWS Outposts?

VMware Cloud and native AWS Outpost

AWS serverless application repository does what?

Enables teams, organizations, and individuals to store and share reusable apps

What does SAM stand for

Serverless Application Model

What does ELB stand for?

Elastic Load Balancing

What does ELB do?

Automatically distributes incoming application traffic across multiple targets

What are the three types of load balancers in ELB?

Application, Network, Classic