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34 Cards in this Set

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Four main phyla of bacteria

Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria

Human Digestive Tract

Simple gastric pouch and small intestinal tract with small amounts of microbial digestion in the large intestine

Dog Digestive Tract

Simple gastric pouch and intestinal tract with small amounts of microbial digestion in large intestine

Horse Digestive Tract

Simple gastric pouch but large intestine has substantial microbial digestion; cecum contributes to microbial digestion

Rat Digestive Tract

Simple gastric pouch but substantial microbial digestion in cecum

Sheep Digestive Tract

Substantial pregastric fermentation; some potential for microbial digestion in large intestine and cecum

Kangaroo Digestive Tract

Substantial pregastric fermentation; some potential for microbial digestion in large intestine and cecum

Pregastric Fermentor Species

Ruminants: Cattle, sheep, deer, antelope, camel

Nonruminants: Hamster, kangaroo, hippo, hoatzin(bird), colobine monkey

Postgastric Fermentor Species

Cecal Digestors: Capybara, rabbit, rat, mouse

Colonic Digestors: Elephant, horse, zebra, pig, human, panda, dog, cat

Pregastric Functions

Mastication, Salivation, Deglutition


Physical reduction of feed, CHEWING, especially important in nonruminant herbivores


Serous- water and electrolyte rich

Mucous- protein and enzyme rich

Mixed- produces both serous and mucous secretions

Salivary Glands

Parotid, Submaxillary, Sublingual

Parotid Gland

Serous (water, enzymes, ions)

Submaxillary Gland

Mucous or mixed (mucin, mucin plus enzymes, water)

Sublingual Gland

Mucous or mixed (mucin, mucin plus enzymes, water)

Saliva functions

To lubricate and moisten feed

Starch digestion

Rumen buffering

Nitrogen recycling



Reflex initiated by presence of food in pharnyx

Propulsion of food to stomach my esophageal peristalsis


Convoluted pleats in interior lining of stomach, mechanoreceptors are used to trigger a feeling of fullness

Gastric pits contain:

Exocrine cells(parietal, cheif, mucus cells): release water, HCl, enzymes, mucus, forms mucosal barrier

Endocrine cells(G cells): Release hormones into blood



Regulates gastric juice

Released by G cells

Stimulates release of HCl, intrinsic factor, and pepsinogen


Dissolves food particles

Destroys bacteria

Provides acidic environment for enzymes

Converts pepsinogen to pepsin

Nursing neonate

Rennin is produced by the gastric mucosa in calf, lamb, and kid

Chief cells produce

Pepsinogen and gastric lipase

Parietal cells produce

HCl: denatures proteins and assists in pepsinogen to pepsin

Intrinsic factor: important for binding and absorption of vitamin B12

Segments of the Small Intestine

Duodenum, Jejunum, Ileum


15% of SI

Rich in endocrine cells and receptors

Regulation of digestion and absorption

Receives secretions from pancreas and liver


Major site of absorption



Connection to large intestine

Sphincter of Oddi

Regulates flow of pancreatic juice and bile into small intestine

Colon Cancer

2nd leading cause of death from cancer in men and women

High red meat and animal fat and low fiber and calcium

Role of Pancreatic Fluid

Alkaline solution rich in buffers

Neutralizes chyme as it enters duodenum

Provides enzymes for starch, protein, lipid, and nucleic acid digestion

Role of Bile in Digestion

Disperses fat globules into smaller droplets assisting with lipid digestion

Made in liver-transported to gall bladder

Reabsorbed through ileum-returned to liver via hepatic portal vein

Enzymatic Digestion in Small Intestine

Pancreatic enzymes released into duodenum

Intestinal enzymes mad in epithelial cells

Enzymes facilitate chemical breakdown of nutrients