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42 Cards in this Set

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APS Code of Ethics

Three general principles

- Respect for the rights and dignity of people

- Propriety

- Integrity

Privacy and Personal Information Act


Health Records and Information Privacy Act


Anti-discrimination Act


Involuntary Treatment

Section 34-49 Mental Health Act 2007

Informed Consent

Clients are made aware of all the potential risks, costs, nature of treatment, treatment alternatives and potential risks/benefits of treatments

Mandatory Reporting Guidelines

Child abuse, elder abuse, domestic violence, criminal acts, unsafe sexual practice, suicide risk

Test Reliability

Degree to which a test produces stable and consistent results

Test Validity

Extent to which a test accurately measures what it purports to measure

Structured interview

Formal questions asked in a set or standardized order. Does not require probing responses or answers

Unstructured Interview

'Guided conversation'. A structure may be followed however, open ended questions will dictate the path of the interview

Systematic Behavioural Observation

A calculated form of observation. A formal version of 'people watching'


Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale


FSIQ based on 10 core subtests




Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children


FSIQ based on 10 core subtests




Personality Assessment Inventory

Assesses adult personality and psychopathology

344 questions, self administered

22 non overlapping full scales

Tscores greater than or equal to 70 (2 SD) indicate deviation from typical responses


Depression, Anxiety and Stress scale

42 item self administered test


Kessler Psychological Distress Scale-10

10 item questionnaire

Yields a global measure of distress over 4 weeks

20 normal-24 mild-29 moderate


Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire

Behavioural screening questionnaire


25 questions divided into five scales

Emotional symptoms/Conduct problems/Hyperactivity/Peer problems/Prosocial behaviour

1-4 'Total Difficulties' score


Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence




Stanford Binet V

Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale


Covers 5 factors of cognitive ability

Fluid reasoning/Knowledge/Quantitative reasoning/Visual-spatial processing/Working memory


Kaufman Adolescent and Adult Intelligence Test


Based on Cattell-Horn model of fluid/crystalised intelligence

6 Subtests

Definitions/Auditory comprehension/Double meanings/Rebus learning/Logical steps/Mystery codes


Mental Status Exam

A structured way of observing and describing a patients current state of mind though their appearance, attitude, behaviour, mood and affect, speech, thought process, thought content, perception, cognition, insight and judgement


Unconscious redirection of feelings from one person to another

Therapeutic Alliance

The relationship between a psychologist and a client, regarded as important for the outcome of effective psychological therapy

Ecological Systems Theory

"you and your environment"

- human development influenced by different types of environmental systems

- attempts to explain and understand why we may behave differently when we compare behaviour in presence of family vs school vs work etc.

5 systems: micro, meso, exo, macro, chrono

Psychodynamic Theory

Carl Jung

- Personal unconsciousness

- Collective unconsciousness

- Multiplicity of mind

- Wants the self/consciousness to be in control

Attachment Theory

John Bowlby

- Discusses connection between baby and caregiver

- Bond/Attachment types

Secure (playful safe soothing)

Avoidant (dismissive attachment/not valued)

Ambivalent (not dismissive but preoccupied)

Disorganised (harsher in ambivalence)

Behaviour Therapy

Joseph Wolpe/John Watson/BF Skinner

- Focus on specific learned behaviours and how the environment has impacted the behaviour

- Stimulus-Response Therapy

Conditioning as a part of learning (classical/operant/modelling/mirroring)

- Environment is very reinforcing/positive

- Treatment focuses on shaping the problem/behavioural interventions

Cognitive Therapy

Aaron Beck/Albert Ellis

- Focus on maladaptive beliefs influencing behaviour

- Antecedent/Belief/Consequence

- Belief system schema

- Treatment focuses on reality testing beliefs, substituting realistic beliefs, cognitive restructuring

Systematic Desensitisation

Joseph Wolpe

- Exposure based therapy for treatment of phobias, traumas

- Training in relaxation around phobic situations

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy

Marsha Linehan

- Addresses 'both sides of the fence'

- Equal balance of boundaries/rules/consequences and empathy/understanding/support

- Focus on emotion regulation and managing emotional 'waves'

Humanistic Therapy

- Emphasizes people's capacity to make rational choices and develop to their maximum potential

- Involves themes of concern and respect for others

Person Centered Therapy

Carl Rogers

- Form of talk-psychotherpay

- Provide clients with the opportunity to develop a sense of self whereby they realise their attitudes, feelings and behavious are being affected

- Focus on problem over person, self actualisation

Motivational Interviewing

- Developed to help people find motivation for change

- express empathy -> develop discrepancy (use of pros and cons) -> roll with resistance -> avoid arguments -> support self efficacy

- Help client develop a vision

Transtheoretical Model of Change

Asquisition of problem > Pre contemplative > Contemplation > Preparation or Determination > Action (exit) > Maintenance of Relapse

Narrative Therapy

- Clients describe their problems in a story fashion

- Problem is externalised

- Re-authoring can redirect a client's story

- Identity is shaped by new meaning or stories

- Story meanings can be created by the client, however they wish

Solution Focused Brief Therapy

- Focus on goals, future, what can be done here and now

- SMART goal setting

- Miracle question in first session

- Look for exceptions to the problems

Acceptance and Commitment Therpay

Stephen Hayes/Russ Harris

- Uses a mindful acceptance of cognition

- Acceptance/Defusion/Present Moment/Observing Self/Values/Committed Action

Behaviour Modification

- Aims to increase or decrease a behaviour or reaction

Classical conditioning - stimulus or signal (Pavlov)

Operant conditioning - reward or punishment (Skinner)

Structural Family Therapy

- Caretakers fill executive (adult) roles children do not

- Transactional patterns occur based on who is relating to who


Systemic Family Therapy

- Focus on relationships in system, not individuals

- Problems occur between relationships not in individuals

- Solutions are also in relationships

- Use of socratic questioning to obtain multiple perspectives

- Teases out family strengths and coping mechanisms

Bowen Family Therapy

- Concept of differentiation of self from others

- Triangulation between family members (third element brings stability to relationships)

- Family members adopt certain behaviours based on their place in the family.

- Each family member has their own 'pathology'

- Tension between togetherness causes distance and a counterbalance occurrs