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39 Cards in this Set

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recording environment where overdubs are often used to build up a song over time.
live vs. multitrack, what is live recording?
is created on the spot in real time, often during a single in-studio or on-stage performance with little or no post production other than mixing.
recording spaces
acoustic room, recording environment, control room; mixing environment, project studios and protable studios
steps in the recording process
1. pre production- getting everything together
2. recording (basic tracks)
3. Overdubbing (adding recordings to existing recordings)
4. Mixdown (levels, spatial placement,EQ, Dynamics, Effects)
5. Mastering- Final edited mixdown (relative levels, dynamics, EQ, Overall levels.)
what does a transducer do?
it converts 1 form of energy into another
what are some examples of a transducer?
Ear, Speaker, Microphone, Guitar, Record Head
What is amplitude?
The greater distance - or +. the maximum negative or maximum positive is the peak.
Meatusre the number of cycles in 1 second.
What is RMS?
it is the meaningful average of output
What is phase?
It is the difference in timing.
Harmonic Content
Fundamental overtone
Harmonic overtone
octave whole # multilpe of the fundamental.

example; Concert A=440Hz
Up an octave equals 880Hz
The voice- THe harmonics and the relative intensity levels that make the "voice".
The Funadmental Frequency
Pitch being played
What are the envelope Characteristics?
Time it takes for initial build of a sound.
increases or decreases volume after time.
begins to fade or reduction once note has stopped playing.
digital- final release time.
measures loudness
Amplitude of signal.
threshhold of pain
pain in a listener 140 dB or 200Hz-10kHz.
range of human hearing
sampling rate
number of measurements taken of an analog signal taken in 1 second.

standard is 44.1 kHz Rate
Bit Rate
Deals with freq and amplitude. the hight the bit rate- the better the quality is.
Nyquist Theorem
Sampling rate needs to be atleast twice the highest frequency
Dither and what does it do?
Small amount of random noice add through the a/d path.

reduces harmonic distortion
helps improve resolution
What does DSP stand for?
and what does it do?
Digital Signal Processing. processing a signal into a digital domain in real time or non real time
Non real time DSP is?
rewriting the file, apply the effect, can't undo
real time DSP is?
using as an insert, file has been rewritten
edit window
shows, i/o, comments, sends, size, tracks, colors, track order
mix windo shows
tools:handtool, waveform editor, scrub tool(edit with hearing), trimmer, zoom
modes of protools
grid mode
slip mode
Musicial Instrument Digital Interface.

doesnt cary audio/only data.
on/off notes
program change (voice)
ch. assignment (1-16)
velocity (volume)
controllers (pitch bend, keyboards, drum contorllers, pads/triggers)
numbering system of MIDI
0-127...128 Values.
what is SMF?
standard midi file, able to read files and play them back
general midi?
deals with voices or program changes.
Tall: Frequency
Depth: Ambience, reverbs, delays
Wide: Soundscape, every element can be heard quickly, panning and placement within the stereo.
6 elements of a great mix
1. balance- level of relationships, are the tracks balanced? Are they blended well together/
2. Frequency Range, having frequencies properly represented. not dominating with bass.
3. Panorama- placement/soundfield. placing something. panning left or right. masking.
4. Dimension- adding the ambience often done with reverbs, delays, mic. or the placement of the room itself.
5. Dynamics- volume envelopes, levels
6. Interests- making it special.