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33 Cards in this Set

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A bright spot on the sun believed to be associated with emerging magnetic field

Solar model

A set of equations that describes the internal structure and energy generation of the sun.


The rice grain like structure of the solar photosphere due to convection of solar gases.


A star of very high luminosity.

Optical double

A pair of stars that appear to be near each other but are unbound and at very different distances from Earth.

Radioactive zone

A region inside a star where energy is transported outward by the Movement of photons through a gas from a hot location to a cooler one.

Giant star

A star whose diameter is roughly 10 to a 100 times that of the Sun.

Zeeman effect

A splitting of spectral lines in the presence of a magnetic field.


A sub comic particle with no electric charge and little mass not is important in many nuclear reaction and supernovae.

Convective zone

A layer in a star where the energy is transported outwards by means of convection also known as that convective envelope or convection zone.


The study of vibrations of the solar surface.

Apparent magnitude

A measure of the brightness of light from a star or other object as seen from Earth.


Lightly colored convection Features about a 1000 mm in diameter seen constantly in the solar photoshphere

Super granule

A large convective cell in the Sun's chromosphere containing Many granules


The measurement of light intensities


The region in the solar atmosphere from which most of the visible light escapes into space.

Spectral types

A classification of stars according to the appearance of their spectra

Visual binary star

A double star in which the 2 components can be resolved through a telescope.

Stellar spectroscopy

Study of the properties of stars encoded in their spectra


The layer in the solar atmosphere between the photo sphere and the Corona.

Mass luminosity relation

The direct relationship between the masses and luminosity of main sequence stars

Solar cycle

A 22 year cycle during which the Sun's magnetic field reverses in polarity twice

Main sequence

A grouping of stars on the HR diagram extending diagonally across the graph from the hottest brightest stars to the dimmest coolest stars.

Limb darkening

The phenomenon where the Sun is darker near its limb then near the center of its disk.


The sequence of stellar spectral classifications from the hottest 2 coolest stars.

Magnetic dynamo

A theory that explains phenomena of the solar cycle as a result of periodic winding and unwinding of the Sun's magnetic field in the solar atmosphere.


The apparent edge of the Sun as seen in the sky.

Luminosity class

The classification of a star of a given spectral type according to its luminosity and density, the classes are supergiant, bright giant, giant, subgiant and main sequence.

Light curve

A graph that displays variations in the brightness of a star or other astronomical object over time.

Red giant

A large cool star of high luminosity.


The rate at which electro magnetic radiation is emitted from a star or other objects.

Binary star

To stars revolving about each other a double star

Hydrogen fusion

The thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen to produce helium.