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53 Cards in this Set

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Theory of special relativity

A description of mechanics and electro magnetic theory formulated by Einstein according to which measurement of distance time in mass are affected by the observer's motion

Molecular cloud

Nebula that cool enough for molecules to form often these are regions of much larger bodies of gas and dust

Overcontact binary

A close by and airy system in which the 2 stars share a common atmosphere

Accretion disk

An orbiting disk of matter spiraling in toward a star or black hole

Gravitational redshift

Do you read shift of protons leaving the gravitational field of any massive object such as a star or black hole

Planetary nebula

Low mass giant stars puff away the outer layers as successive stages of Shell fusion burnout. The expanding material is seen as a planetary nebula and the exposed oxygen core is a white dwarf.

Supernova remnant

A nebula left over after a supernova detonates


The break up of new Kali in the core of a massive star due to the effects of Energetic gamma rays.

Theory of general relativity

A description of space time formulated by Einstein explaining how gravity affects the geometry of space and the flow of time


Expresly hot rapidly rotating neutron stars whose motion helps generate extra strong magnetic fields

Asymptotic giant branch star

A red giant star that has completed core helium fusion and has reexpanded for a second time

Event horizon

The location around a black hole where the escape velocity equals The speed of light, the boundary of a black hole

Cosmic censorship

The notion that the only connection between a black hole in the universe is the black hole's event horizon

Black hole

An object whose gravity is so strong that the escape velocity from it exceeds the speed of light

Light house model

The Explanation. a pulsar pulses by rotating and funneling energy outward via magnetic fields that are not aligned with the rotation axis.

Xray burster

A neutron star in a binary star system that a creeks mass, Undergoes thermonuclear fusion on its surface, And therefore emit short burst of x-rays.


The concept from special Relativity that space and time are both ascensional in describing the position, Motion, And action of any object or event.

Virtual particle

A particle and its anti particle created simultaneously in pairs in which quickly disappear without a trace.

Hawking process

The formation of real particles from virtual ones just outside a black hole's event horizon, The means by which black holes evaporate.

Neutron star

A very compact dense stellular remanent composed almost entirely of neutrons.


A pulsating source associated with a Rapid rotating neutron star with an off axis magnetic field.

Population 1 star

A star such as a son who spectrum exhibits spectral lines of many elements heavier than helium, A metal rich star.

Cosmic ray

High speed particles traveling through space.


A sudden speedup in the period of a pulsar.

Schwarzschild radius

The radius of a sphere that just enclosed the event horizon of a black hole.

Sunspot maximum

The time during the solar cycle when the number of sunspots is greatest.

Spectroscopic binary

A double star who's bi nary nature can be deduced from the periodic Doppler shifting of lines in its spectrum

Hertzsprung Russell diagram

A plot of the absolute magnitude or luminosity of stars versus their surface temperature or spectral class.

Stellar parallax

The apparent shift in a nearby stars position on the celestial sphere Resulting from Earth orbit around the Sun

Absolute magnitude

The apparent magnitude that a star would have if it were 10 parsecs from earth.


A dark curve seen above the Sun's photosphere that is the top view of a solar prominence.

Eclipsing binary

A double star system in which stars periodic Li pass in front of each other as seen from Earth.


an outward flow of particles mostly Elektron and protons from the Sun.

Transition zone

Region between the Sun's chromosphere and Corona where the temperature skyrockets to about 1 million k


A temporary cool region in the solar photosphere created by protruding magnetic fields.


A hot ionized gas


Claim like protrusion seen near the limb of the Sun and extending into the solar Corona. The side view of a filament.

Coronal mass ejection

Large volumes of high energy gas released from the Sun's Corona.

Close binary

A binary star whose members are separated by a few stellar diameters.

Thermonuclear fusion

A reaction in which the nuclei of atoms are fused together at a high temperature.

Solar flare

A violent eruption on the Sun's surface

Main sequence star

A star fusing Hydrogen to helium in its core, Whose surface temperature and luminosity place it on the main sequence of the HR diagram

White dwarf

A low-mass stellar remanent that has exhausted all its thermonuclear fuel and contracted to size roughly equal to the size of Earth.

Cherenkov radiation

Radiation produced by particles traveling through a substance faster than light can.

Inverse square law

The gravitational attraction between 2 objects and the apparent brightness of a light source are both inversely proportional to the square of the distance.

Hydrostatic equilibrium

A balance between the weight of a layer in a star and the pressure that supports it.

Sunspot minimum

The time during the solar cycle when the number of sunspots is least.


The Sun's outer atmosphere

Semidetached binary

A close binary system in which one star fills or is overflowing its roche lobe.


A hypothetical Connecting passage between black holes and other places in the universe

Evolutionary track

On the HR diagram the path followed by a point representing an evolving star.


The process of can burning low mass element Into higher math elements


The region of space immediately outside the event horizon of a rotating black hole where it is impossible to remain at rest.