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42 Cards in this Set

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is a short-lived art movement which began in Switzerland in _ and ended in _

It got its name from the French word dada which means

Dadaism (1916-1922)

“hobby horse”.

It sought to ruin art for a world which did not deserve it. It attacked the bourgeois (capitalists) for allowing war to happen and this movement became known as an

anti-art association

basis is nonsense.

It began as a protest movement against World War I for it sees war as an absurd and barbaric exercise.


With the order of the world destroyed by World War I, _ was a way to express the confusion felt by many people as their world turned upside down.

There was no attempt to find meaning in disorder, but rather to accept disorder as the nature of the world


This movement rejects the traditional way of art appreciation and how art is defined contemporary art scenes.

Dadaists produced art works that showed the sad and sorry state of the world which the capitalists did not like and opined as


“ridiculous and irrelevant and therefore should be destroyed.”

This movement attacks the reason and logic of the capitalist society by producing works of art which uses chaos and irrationality.

This method ignores aesthetics and intends to offend man’s sensibilities.

If art was to have at least an implicit or latent message, Dada strove to have no meaning — interpretation of Dada is dependent entirely on the viewer


became a commentary on art and the world, thus becoming art itself.

It rejects traditional culture and aesthetics which hoped to reach a personal understanding of the true nature of the world.


This method then uses chaos, irrationality, and nonsense as a way of presenting its subject.


Fauvism is rooted in the French word “_ ” which means “_ ”.

this is an _ movement (1898 -1906) in painting begun by a group of French artists and marked by the use of bold, often distorted forms and vivid colors

fauve ( Wild Beast)


early-20th-century (1898-1906)

the movement’s name is derived from the judgment of a critic who visited the Fauvists’ first exhibit in _ (1905) and referred to the artists disparagingly as “_ _” (“wild beasts”).


les fauves

Painters who use this method use bold colors, oftentimes unmixed and straight from commercially-produced tubes, spontaneous and rough execution

(oftentimes referred to as abnormal painting techniques) coupled with turbulent emotionalism


The dominant figure of the group was Henri Matisse; others were André Derain, Maurice de Vlaminck, Raoul Dufy, Georges Braque, and Georges Rouault.


is a combination of two words, super and realism. developed out of the Dada activities of World War I

and the most important center of the movement was



believe that excessive rational and bourgeois thinking brought about World War I.


Its leader, _ _ a medical/psychiatric doctor who treated shell-shocked army soldiers using psychoanalysis, believed that Freud’s work with free association, dream analysis and the hidden unconscious was of great importance in developing methods to liberate imagination

Andre Breton

It aimed to revolutionize human experience, including its personal, cultural, social, and political aspects, by freeing people from what they saw as false rationality, and restrictive customs and traditions.


In literature, surrealists believe in “_ _”, spontaneously writing without censoring one’s thoughts.

It values the significance of dreams and disdains literal interpretations of objects, It gives more significance to poetic undercurrents as well as to connotations and overtones.

automatic writing

may appear to be spontaneous and totally unplanned,

“it is actually edited and well thought of”, according to Breton

automatic writing

In music, several works by musicians like _ _ _ was inspired by a dream sequence

is also found in the improvisation in jazz and blues music

Edgard Varese’s Arkana



is leftist, anarchist or communist, believing in man’s freedom and in anti-colonial revolution.


In the visual arts, it is a method which is a combination of the depictive, the abstract

psychological— to stand for the alienation which many people felt in the modern period, combined with the sense of reaching more deeply into the psyche, to be


surrealism ( depictive & abstract)

“made whole with one’s individuality"

In theater, he tried to create a new theatrical form which would be “immediate and direct, linking the unconscious minds of performers and spectators"

where emotions, feelings, and the metaphysical were expressed not through text or dialogue but physically, creating a mythological, typical, symbolic vision, closely related to the world of dreams.

” This was called the _ _ _ the predecessor of the theater of the absurd."

Antonin Artaud

Theater of Cruelty

In this method, the artist draws, paints or chooses subjects borne out of modern technology or products of modern living and tries to capture the essence and vitality of modern life.


they admire speed, technology, youth and violence, the car, the airplane and the industrial city, all that represented the technological triumph of humanity over nature, and they are passionate nationalists.

Suffice to say, they do not like the past and abhor tradition.

The Futurists

They often painted modern urban scenes and vehicles in motion while futurist music rejected tradition and introduced experimental sounds inspired by machinery.

In literature, it can be characterized by its “unexpected combinations of images and hyper-conciseness (not to be confused with the actual length of the poem).


The Futurists called their style of poetry _ (word autonomy) in which all ideas of meter were rejected and the word became the main unit of concern.

In this way, the Futurists managed to create a new language free of syntax punctuation, and metrics that allowed for free expression

parole in libertà

In theater, are characterized by scenes that are of few sentences long, have an emphasis on nonsensical humor, and attempt to discredit the deep rooted traditions via parody and other devaluation techniques.


as an art movement and method began in Paris during the late 1860’s and early 1870’s.

was spontaneous, colour-sensitive style of painting. It rejected the conventions of the academic art and gave way to naturalistic and down to earth treatment of subject matter.


French impressionism

are artists that sought to capture fleeting moments and use natural colour schemes offering a whole new pictorial language.

_ painting includes visible brush strokes, light colors with emphasis on light in its changing qualities to accentuate the effects of passage of time and unusual visual angles.



In literature, presents a subject through the prism of the artist’s sensibility and thru the creative process to bring about aesthetic awareness.

writing seeks not to convey a message but rather to evoke a mood or an atmosphere where both artist and reader find significant meaning.


Notable writers like _ claimed to have applied impressionistic techniques in his literary works and praised Monet’s Naturalism

Emil Zola

Stephane Mallarme’ called by Victor Hugo “Cher Poete Impressioniste”

novelists James Joyce in his novels Ulysses” and his semi-autobiographical work “A Portriat of the Artist as a Young Man”

Virginia Woolf in her novel “The Lighthouse” and “Mrs. Dalloway

used literary techniques called

stream of consciousness

where character unfolds by means of the ebb and flow of personal impressions, feelings and thoughts.

literature attempts to represent through syntactic variation the fragmentary and discontinuous nature of the sensations of modern men in urban civilization

Stream of Consciousness

refers to “art that expresses intense emotion”.

The artists work is an expression of his inner experience rather than solely realistic portrayal.


is “an artistic style in which the artist attempts to depict not objective reality but rather the subjective emotions and responses that objects and events arouse in him.

He accomplishes his aim through distortion, exaggeration, primitivism, and fantasy and through the vivid, jarring, violent, or dynamic application of formal elements.


is one of the main currents of art in the later 19th and the 20th centuries,

its qualities of highly subjective, personal, spontaneous self-expression are typical of a wide range of modern artists and art movements


artist substitutes to the visual object reality his own image of this object, which he feels as an accurate representation of its real meaning.

The search of harmony and forms is not as important as trying to achieve the highest expression intensity, both from the aesthetic point of view and according to idea and human critics.


In literature, the writer uses through disturbing incidents, tense dialogue, exaggerations and distortions characterized by chaotic, frenzied imagery and vehement tone.


In music, it puts the emotional expression above everything else.

is often dissonant, fragmented, and densely written, portraying what is going on inside the composer’s mind; it is an expression of what is felt


In theater, plays often dramatize the spiritual awakening and sufferings of their protagonists, The protagonists in a typical expressionist play journey through a series of incidents that are often not causally related, often dramatizing the struggle against bourgeois values and established authority.

The speech is heightened, either expansive and rhapsodic, or clipped and telegraphic; most speeches consist of one or two lines, though these sections of short speeches alternate with long lyrical passages


plays are often highly subjective: the dramatic action is seen through the eyes of the protagonist which seems distorted or dreamlike.

Expressionist drama is often opposed to society and the family.


In architecture, refers to architecture of any date or location that exhibits some of the qualities of the original movement such as distortion, fragmentation or the communication of violent or overstressed emotion.
