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16 Cards in this Set

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Radial artery

Start: Medial to biceps + radial nerve


- beneath brachioradialis

- above supinator, pronator teres insertion, origin FDS + FPL, insertion PQ, lower end radius

- beneath abductor PL + EPB

Ends: anatomical snuff box


- anterior and posterior carpal


Ulnar artery

Start: medial to biceps


- beneath pronator teres, FDS

- above FDP


- Common interosseous splits to anterior and posterior

- anterior interosseous between FDP + FPL, through interosseous membrane to extensors + nutrient artery to radius + ulna

- posterior interosseous through interosseous space, assisted by anterior branches then replaced in extensor compartment by anterior interosseous

- anterior + posterior carpals

Brachial artery

Splits into radial and ulnar

Cephalic vein

Radially in anatomical snuffbox up to lateral upper arm in deltopectoral groove, perforating clavipectoral fascia to drain into axillary vein

Basilic vein

Ulnar side of dorsal venous arch, piercing fascia between elbow and axilla to join brachial vein and form axillary vein

Median forearm vein

Drains subcutaneous tissue front wrist and forearm.

Divides at elbow to form median basilic and median cephalic which join same named veins. Deep communicating vein then joins median basilic to make larger.

Thoracoacromial artery

4 main branches: Clavicular, humeral, acromial, pectoral

Pierces clavipectoral fascia

From second part axillary artery

Axillary artery

Continuation of subclavian artery, becoming brachial artery after teres major

Route: enters apex of axilla, surrounded by brachial plexus cords as per their name, axillary vein medially

It is laterally convex when arm is at sides, straight when arm is laterally rotated and abducted, leaving median nerve lax

Surface marking: curved line from mid clavicle, below coracoid, to groove behind coracobrachialis

Surgical approach: splitting clavicular fibres pec major and clavipectoral fascia

Branches: superior thoracic, thoracoacromial, lateral thoracic, subscapular (circumflex scapular branch, terminating as thoracodorsal), anterior + posterior circumflex humeral

Superior thoracic artery

Supplies pectorals. From 1st part axillary artery

Lateral thoracic artery

Follows lower border pec minor to supply pectorals and breast. From second part axillary artery.

Subscapular artery

Largest branch. From 3rd part axillary artery. Runs down posterior axillary wall, giving off circumflex scapular artery passing medial to long heads of triceps. It then continues to become the thoracodorsal artery to lat dorsi

Anterior circumflex humeral artery

Deep to coracobrachialis and biceps. Passes around surgical neck of humerus.

Posterior circumflex humeral artery

Larger branch. Through quadrangular space. Supplies deltoid, latersl + long heads triceps and shoulder joint. Anastomoses with anterior and profunda brachii vessels

Axillary vein

Venae comitantes of brachial artery and basilic vein join to form axillary vein in posterior wall axilla. Medial to axillary artery. Exits through apex (anterior to subclavian artery) over first rib, in front of scalenus anterior to become subclavian vein

Posterior circumflex humeral artery

Larger branch. Through quadrangular space. Supplies deltoid, latersl + long heads triceps and shoulder joint. Anastomoses with anterior and profunda brachii vessels

Axillary vein

Venae comitantes of brachial artery and basilic vein join to form axillary vein in posterior wall axilla. Medial to axillary artery. Exits through apex (anterior to subclavian artery) over first rib, in front of scalenus anterior to become subclavian vein