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44 Cards in this Set

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the subject matter of a work of art; what the art is about


An Approach that examines a work of art as the product of a particular time, place and culture

What is art the product of?

Its creator and the cultural, political, economic and social forces that shaped that artist

is it possible to have the same content, same subject matter, but different context


What is representational art?

art that Seek to reproduce the world around us

What is abstract art?

art that is less “realistic”

What is non-representational art?

art that does not seek to reproduce the world around us

What is an illusion?

greater degree of reality

What are the primary colors?

Red, yellow, blue

What are complementary colors?

colors that are directly opposite from one another

What do complementary colors do?

they intensify each other

What is Hue?

the name of the color

What is Value?

how light or how dark a color is

What is Saturation/Intensity?

how pure a color is

What is a highly Saturated/intense picture?


What is a low saturation?


What is Linear perspective?

A way of depicting space which imitates how a person sees

What are the two things linear perspective does?

1) Formsseem to be smaller as they recede from us

2) Parallellines seem to converge until they meet at a point in the distance. This point is called the vanishing point.

What is the vanishing point?

the point where the parallel lines seem to converge

What is the foreground?

Thearea of a image or scene of vision, often at the bottom, that appears to beclosest to the viewer

what is the middle ground?

Thepart of an artwork that lies between the foreground (nearest to the viewer) andthe background.

What is the background?

Thepart of a image orscene that appears to be farthest away from the viewer, usually nearest thehorizon. This is the opposite of the foreground.

What is atmospheric perspective?

art that depicts objects in far distance in bluish grey hues and with less clarity than nearer objects (sky near horizon is lighter)

What is Foreshortening?

art in which objects appear larger the closer they are to the picture

What is Symmetry?

art that forms on either side of imaginary vertical or horizontal axis correspond to one another in size, shape and placement

What is perfect symmetry?

mirror images

What is Asymmetry?

Compositions where 2 sides do not match

In Asymmetry, what two things are heavier?

Large size and bright colors

In asymmetry, what is lighter?

objects high on picture plane

What do contour Lines do?

Lines that defines a shape and separates one object form another

What is rhythm?

when one or two elements are used repeatedly to create a feeling of movement

what is composition?

the way visual elements- line, shape, light, color, texture, space- are organized are arranged

What is Scale?

size in relation to "normal size"

What is Proportion?

size relationship between part of whole, usually human body

what is Hieratic scale (hierarchy of scale)?

representing the sizes of figures according to their importance, rather than how they would objectively appear in reality

What is the Theory of Sympathetic Magic?

the belief that image and object represented is the same and that affecting image will also affect object

Whatre the small boob statues referred to as?

Fertility Symbols and Venus figurines

What country is Catal Huyuk located in?


Where is the horse heads image from?

Chauvelt Cave

how many different animal species are represented in the Chauvet Cave?


TRUE OR FALSE: Catal Huyuk had no streets and the entrance was through the roof


TRUE OR FALSE: In Catal Huyuk the dead were buried in mass graves

False, they were buried under platforms in residential spaces

In what time period was Catal Huyuk

the transition from nomad to settler

What was big in Catal Huyuk?

painting and scultpture