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74 Cards in this Set

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Motherese or Child directed speech (CDS)

speech that includes several characteristics that help babies attend and respond to what they are hearing

1 higher pitch

2 greater pitch fluctuations

3 slower rate

4 clear and fluent

5 simpler utterances

6 longer pauses

characteristics of CDS or motherese

quality of interaction with caregivers

language development of a child is highly dependent on what

1 amount of talking

2 caregiver response

two factors associated with more rapid, rich language devt in infants and young children

line of regard

technical term to what the child is looking at

birth - 3 months

AGE where child displays startle response to loud sounds

birth - 3 months

AGE where child visually tracks or moves eyes to source of sound

birth - 3 months

AGE where child attends or turns head towards voice or sound source

birth - 3 months

AGE where child smiles reflexively

birth - 3 months

AGE where child cries for assistance

birth - 3 months

AGE where child quiets when picked up

birth - 3 months (by 2 months)

AGE where child ceases activity or coos back when a person talks

birth - 3 months

AGE where child vocalizes predominantly vowels

4 - 6 months (by 6 mos)

AGE responds by raising arms when mom reaches out and says come here

4 - 6 months

moves or looks at family members when theyre named

4 - 6 months

explores vocal mechanisms through vocal play

4 - 6 months

AGE begins to peoduce adult-like vowels

4 - 6 months

AGE begins marginal babbling (baba)

4 - 6 months

AGE puts lips together for /m/

4 - 6 months (5 mos)

AGE responds to name

4 - 6 months

AGE vocalize pleasure and displeasure

4 - 6 months

AGE varies volume, pitch, and rate of vocalizations

7 - 9 months

AGE looks at common objects when names are spoken

7 - 9 months

AGE comprehends no

7 - 9 months

AGE begins to use some gestural language like shaking head

7 - 9 months

AGE uses a wide variety of sound combinations

7 - 9 months

AGE uses inflected vocal play

7 - 9 months

AGE imitates intonation and speech sounds of others

7 - 9 months

AGE uses variegated babbling or non reduplicated babbling

7 - 9 months

AGE uncovers hidden toys, beginning of object permanence

10 -12 months

AGE understands up to 10 words

10 -12 months

AGE understands one simple direction like sit down especially when accompanied by gesture

10 -12 months

AGE uses first true word; begins to relate symbol and object

10 -12 months

AGE gives items upon request

10 -12 months

AGE understands and follows simple directions regarding body action

10 -12 months

AGE looks in correct place of hidden objects

10 -12 months

AGE turns head instantly to own name

10 -12 months

AGE gestures and vocalizes to indicate wants and needs

10 -12 months

AGE uses wide variety of sounds and intonations; varies pitch when vocalizing

perlocutionary behavior

used by the infant wherein signals have an effect but lack communicative intent

illocutionary behavior

intentional communication like pointing or laughing

9-10 months

AGE illocutionary behavior is observed

12 months

AGE locutionary stage

locutionary stage

stage wherein child begins to use words

joint reference

the ability to focus attention on an event or objects as directed by another person

12 - 18 months

use one-word sentences or holophrastic single-word phase

holophrastic single-word phase

phase wherein one word represents a complex idea

12 - 18 months

AGE child uses sentence-like words amd communicates relationship by a word plus vocal and body cues

18 months

most children produce 50 words by what age

18 - 24 months

AGE begins to put two words together

24 months

may use 3-4 word responses

24 months

AGE 3-4 words 50% OTT and 2 words 50% OTT

24 months

AGE 200-300 words EL

24 months

AGE use "and" to debote additive

24 months

AGE approx. 51% of vocabs is nouns

18 - 24 months

AGE SOMETIMES they say holophrastic speech

12 - 18 months

AGE understands some words and simple commands

18 months

AGE child understands about 200 words

nominals and verbs

most frequent lexical categories by 24 months old

by 24 months

AGE child uses semantic relations

1 - 2 years

AGE use overextension

1 - 2 years

AGE answers "what's this?"

1 - 2 years

AGE responds to yes or no

1 - 2 years

AGE emerging negation

1 - 2 years

AGE one-step commands with gesture

19 - 24 months

AGE follow with 1-2 spatial concepts

18 - 24 months

AGE points to recognized objects

18 - 24 months

AGE listens to simple stories

18 - 24 months

AGE asks for more

19 - 24 months

AGE personal pronouns

18 - 24 months

AGE verbalizes immediate experiences

18 - 24 months

AGE uses some verbs and adjectives

1 - 2 years

AGE child uses expressions with shared meaning

1 - 2 years

AGE use non verbal and verbal skills to signal intent