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22 Cards in this Set

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1607: Jamestown, Virginia is founded
1619: Virginia House of Burgesses is formed
1620: Pilgrims found Plymouth, Massachusetts
1630: Puritan migration to Massachusetts
1634: Calverts found Maryland
1639: Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
1642-48: English Civil War
1650: First Navigation Act (mercantilism)
1675-76: King Philip's (Metacom) War (Massachusetts)
1676: Bacon's Rebellion (Virginia)
1682: Pennsylvania is settled
1688-89: English Glorious Revolution and English Bill of Rights
1691: Massachusetts becomes a royal colony
1692: Salem Witch hunts
1707: England, Wales, and Scotland unit into the United Kingdom (Great Britain)
1702-13: Queen Anne's War
1733: Georgia is founded
1734-41: First Great Awakening
1735: John Peter Zenger Trial
1744-48: King George's War
1754: Albany Congress
1754-63: French and Indian War
1760: King George III accedes to the throne
1763: Prolamation of 1763
1765: Stamp Act and protest
1770: Boston Massacre
1773: Tea Act and Boston Tea Party
1774: Intolerable Acts; First Continental Congress
1775: Battles of Lexington and Concord; Washington appointed commander and chief
1776: Paine's Common Sense, Declaration of Independence
1777: Articles of Confederation; Battle of Saratoga
1778: French alliance
1776: Declaration of Independence ; states adopt new constitution
1777: Articles of Confederation drafted and ratified
1781: Articles of Confederation ratified; Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown
1783: Treaty of Paris
1783: Treaty of Paris; Newburgh Conspiracy
1784: Ordinance of 1784
1785: Land Ordinance of 1785
1786: Shay's Rebellion; Indian Ordinance of 1786; Annapolis Convention
1787: Constitutional Convention; Northwest Ordinance, the Federalist Papers
1788: Constitution is ratified by all states except Rhode Island and North Carolina
1789: New government forms; Washington elected president; Congress meets; French Revolution begins
1790: Hamilton issues the Report on Public Credit
1791: First Bank of the United States
1793: Washington begins second term; Proclamation of Neutrality; cotton gin is patented
1794: Whiskey Rebellion; Battle of Fallen Timbers
1795: Jay's Treaty; Pinckney's Treaty
1796: Washington's Farewell Address; John Adams elected president
1798: XYZ Affair; Quasi War with France; Alien and Sedition Acts; Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
1800: Washington D.C. becomes the nation's capital
1801: Congress narrowly selects Jefferson as president; Adams appoints John Marshall and the "midnight judges"
1802: Congress recalls most "midnight judges"
1803: Marbury v. Madison; Louisiana Purchase; Lewis and Clark Expedition
1804: Aaron Burr kills Alexander Hamilton; Jefferson is re-elected
1805: British seize American ships
1807: Embargo Act; Burr acquitted for treason
1808: African slave trade ends; James Madison is elected president
1809: Congress boycotts British and French trade
1810: Fletcher v. Peck
1811: Battle of Tippencanoe, BUS charter expires; first steamboats on Ohio and Mississippi rivers
1812: War of 1812; Madison re-elected
1813: Battle of Lake Eerie and Thames
1814: British burn Washington D.C.; Battle of Lake Champlain; Hartford Convention; Treaty of Ghent
1815: Battle of New Orleans, Treaty of Ghent
1816: James Monroe is elected president
1818: Andrew Jackson seizes Florida from Spain and the Seminoles
1819: McCulloch v. Maryland
1819-22: Missouri Compromises1815
Treaty of Ghent ends war of 1812
1816: James Monroe is elected president
1818: Andrew Jackson seizes Florida from Spain and Seminoles
1819: Adams-Onis Treaty
1823: Monroe Doctrine
1824: John Quincy Adams defeats Andrew Jackson in a controversial election
1828: Tariff of Abominations; Jackson defeats Adams
1823: Monroe Doctrine
1824: John Quincy Adams defeats Jackson in controversial election
1828: Tariff of Abominations; Jackson defeats Adams
1831: William Lloyd Garrison publishes first issue of The Liberator
1832: Nullification Crisis; Worcester v. Georgia
1836: Texas independence; Martin Van Buren elected president
1837: Panic of 1837
1830: Indian Removal Act becomes law
1831: William Lloyd Garrison publishes first issue of The Liberator
1832: nullification crisis; Worcester v. Georgia; bank re-recharter and veto
1836: Martin Van Buren elected president; Alamo overrun by Santa Anna; Battle of San Jacinto makes
Texas and independent Republic; Specie Circular
1837: Panic of 1837
1838-1839: Trail of Tears
1841: William Henry Harrison elected president
1844: James Polk pledges to annex Texas and Oregon Territory
1845: Texas annexation
1846-1848: Mexican American War; Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo; annexation of Oregon Territory and
Southwest (California, New Mexico, Nevada, and Utah); Zachary Taylor elected president
1849: Gold discovered in California