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132 Cards in this Set

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1789 - 1797
George Washington
No Party
George Washington
Led Continental Army
George Washington
Newburgh Conspiracy
George Washington
President of Constitutional Convention
George Washington
Dream team cabinet
George Washington
Judiciary Act
George Washington
Hamilton's financial program
George Washington
Start of national bank
George Washington
Report on manufacturers
George Washington
Neutrality Proclamation
George Washington
Citizen Genet affair
George Washington
Whiskey Rebellion
George Washington
Jay's treaty
George Washington
Treaty of Greenville
George Washington
Battle of Fallen Timbers
George Washington
John Adams
John Adams
Quasi War
John Adams
Puritan heritage
John Adams
Defended Boston Massacre
John Adams
Elected Congressional Delegate
John Adams
Earliest proponent of independence
John Adams
Refused to write DoI
John Adams
Negotiated end of Rev. War
John Adams
First vice president
John Adams
Most important thing he did
John Adams
Ignored Washington's cabinet
John Adams
Refused alliances
John Adams
Ordered build up of navy
John Adams
Wanted to govern in isolation
John Adams
First president to live in executive mansion
John Adams
unfit to be chief executive
John Adams
lost reelection
John Adams
XYZ affair
John Adams
Convention of 1800
John Adams
Treaty of Mortifantaine
John Adams
Alien + Sedition Act
John Adams
Kentucky + Virginia Resolutions
John Adams
Judiciary Act of 1801
John Adams
John Marshall to Supreme Court
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson
Revolution of 1800s
Thomas Jefferson
All Republicans, All Federalists
Thomas Jefferson
Repeal of Judiciary Act of 1801
Thomas Jefferson
Marbary vs. Madison
Thomas Jefferson
Tripolitan war
Thomas Jefferson
12th amendment
Thomas Jefferson
Peaceable coercion
Thomas Jefferson
Louisiana Purchase
Thomas Jefferson
Ban an international slave trade
Thomas Jefferson
Louis + Clark
Thomas Jefferson
Agrarian Ideal
Thomas Jefferson
Essex Junto
Thomas Jefferson
Judiciary Review
Thomas Jefferson
Downsized army
Thomas Jefferson
First secretary of state
Thomas Jefferson
Second Vice President
Thomas Jefferson
Cut national debt in hal
Thomas Jefferson
Embargo Act of 1807
Thomas Jefferson
Sally Hemmings
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
Governor of Virginia
Thomas Jefferson
Non-intercourse Act
Thomas Jefferson
Burr Conspiracy
Thomas Jefferson
Chesapeake-Leopard Incident
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
James Madison
Macon's Bill #2
James Madison
James Madison
War of 1812
James Madison
Hartford Convention
James Madison
Treaty of Ghent
James Madison
Re-Charter of Bank of US
James Madison
Tariff of 1816
James Madison
Proposal of Clay's American System
James Madison
Nationl Road
James Madison
Smallest president
James Madison
James Monroe
James Monroe
Rush-Bagot Agreement
James Monroe
Panic of 1819
James Monroe
Adams-Onis Treaty
James Monroe
Oregon Treaty
James Monroe
McCullogh vs Maryland
James Monroe
Era of Good Feelings
James Monroe
Missouri Compromise
James Monroe
Monroe Doctrine
James Monroe
Last of Virginia Dynasty
James Monroe
Democratic Republican
John Q. Adams
John Q. Adams
Partisan Election, Clay, Jackson, Adams, Crawford
John Q. Adams
Corrupt Bargain
John Q. Adams
Completion of Erie Canal
John Q. Adams
Tariff of Abominations
John Q. Adams
South Carolina Exposition
John Q. Adams
Traveled World
John Q. Adams
7 different languages
John Q. Adams
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson
Tenessees First US Senator
Andrew Jackson
Death of King Caucus
Andrew Jackson
Wanted Indians to move West
Andrew Jackson
Battle of New Orelans
Andrew Jackson
Emergence of 2nd Party System
Andrew Jackson
Removal Act + Trail of Tears
Andrew Jackson
Bank War
Andrew Jackson
Webster-Hayne Debate
Andrew Jackson
Nullification Crisis
Andrew Jackson
Calhoun's resigning
Andrew Jackson
Spoils System
Andrew Jackson
Kitchen Cabinet
Andrew Jackson
People's inagural
Andrew Jackson
King Andrew I - veto power
Andrew Jackson
Peggy O'Neale - Eaton
Andrew Jackson
Maysville Road Veto
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson
Force Act/Bloody Bill
Andrew Jackson
Specie Circular
Andrew Jackson
Cherokee Nation vs. Goergia
Andrew Jackson
Worcester vs. Georgia
Andrew Jackson
Martin Van Buren
Martin Van Buren
Albany Regency/Bucktails
Martin Van Buren
Panic of 1837
Martin Van Buren
Caroline Affair
Martin Van Buren
Specie circular repeal
Martin Van Buren
End of Trail of Tears
Martin Van Buren
Aroostook War
Martin Van Buren
Independent treasury Act, divorce bill
Martin Van Buren