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72 Cards in this Set

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French Revolution- Citizen Genet

George Washington

George Washington's Vice President

John Adams

George Washington's term in office


Whiskey Rebellion

George Washington

Farewell Address

George Washingtons

First Bank of the United States

George Washington

Vermont- 14th state

George Washington

Kentucky-15th state

George Washington

Treaty of Greenville

George Washington

Judiciary Act 1789


Tariff of 1789

George Washington

Jay Treaty with England 1795

George Washington

Pinckney Treaty with Spain 1795


Bill of Rights approved

George Washington

est. presidential cabinet


warned against political parties


moved capital from NY to D.C

George Washington

Presidential Term: 1797- 1801

John Adams

John Adams political party


John Adams VP

Thomas Jefferson

Quasi War

John Adams

Tennessee becomes 16th state

John Adams

XYZ Affair

John Adams

Dep. of Navy started

John Adams

Marbury vs. Madison

est. judicial review

John Adams

Alien and Sedition Acts

John Adams

Judiciary Act of 1801

(midnight judges)

John Adams

VA Kentucky Resolutions

John Adams

President and Vice President of different political parties

John Adams

Massachusetts required public schools to serve women 1789 (Abigail Adams)

John Adams

Presidential term: (1801-1809)

Thomas Jefferson

VP: Aaron Burr and George Clinton

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson political party

Democratic Republican

Barbary pirates (conflict with Tripoli)

Thomas Jefferson

Battle of Trafalgar (Great Britain defeats French)

Thomas Jefferson

Domestic Policy: limited federal spending

economy in a depression

abolished federal taxes

Thomas Jefferson

Louisiana Purchase

Thomas Jefferson

Napoleonic Wars (berlin and Milan decrees)

Thomas Jefferson

Chesapeake-Leopard incident

Thomas Jefferson

Judicial review

Thomas Jefferson

Lewis and Clark Expedition

Thomas Jefferson

2nd Great Awakening

Thomas Jefferson

Zebelon Pike Expedition

Thomas Jefferson

Revolution of 1800

Thomas Jefferson

Ohio- 17th state

Thomas Jefferson

Louisiana- 18th state

Thomas Jefferson

Non-Intercourse Act

Thomas Jefferson

The embargo

Thomas Jefferson

12th Amendment

Thomas Jefferson

Judiciary Act of 1801

Thomas Jefferson

Burr Conspiracy

Thomas Jefferson

Westpoint est

Thomas Jefferson

Presidential term: 1809-1817

James Madison

Vice President of James Madison

George Clinton and Eldridge Gerry

Political party of James Madison


US declares war on Britain

James Madison

Domestic Policy: trade and rebuild economy

vetoes internal improvement bill

James Madison

Tecumseh Confederacy

James Madison

War of 1812

James Madison

Hartford Convention (federalist party abolished)

James Madison

Battle of New Orleans

James Madison

Second National Bank

James Madison

Battle of Tippacanoe

James Madison

Put-in Bay

James Madison

Fletcher v. Peck

James Madison

Macon Act of 1810

James Madison

Protective tariff of 1816

James Madison

Treaty of Ghent

James Madison

goodwill tour


expiration of first national bank charter


National Road

James Madison

Star Spangled Banner

James Madison