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39 Cards in this Set

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George Washington
Judiciary Act-1789: Supreme Court with six justices
Hamilton’s Financial Program: favored the wealthier
created First Bank(1791-1811)
Tariff Law-1789: low tariff of 8% on the value of dutiable goods
Excise Tax leads to Whiskey Rebellion( 1789, Penn.)
Emergence of political parties: Hamiltonian Federalists(Pro-British)
Jeffersonian Anti- Federalists(Pro-French)
Jay’s Treaty with England(1795) failure
Pickney’s Treaty with Spain(1795) opened Miss. River
John Adams
X,Y,Z Affair(1798) French Minister Talleyrand refuses
The Alien Act/Sedition Act(1798)
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions: opposition to 1789’s Acts
Midnight Judges (1801)
Thomas Jefferson
Revolution of 1800: peaceful transfer of powers
Marbury vs. Madison: only Supreme Court can interpret Constitution
Louisiana Purchase(1803): Napolean sold it for $15 million
Embargo Act of 1807: no goods from US
Non -Intercourse Act of 1809: to avoid war
James Madison
Macon’s Bill No. 2: permitted trade once again
Bank expires(1811)
The War of 1812: brought on by War Hawks
The Treaty of Ghent(Xmas Eve 1814)
The Hartford Convention: Federalists discontent
First Protective Tariff(1816)
James Monroe
Panic of 1819
Marshall’s Decisions:McCulloch vs. Maryland(1819)-Bank of US cant be taxed
Dartmouth College vs.Woodward(1819)-contract is highest law
Gibben’s vs. Ogden(1824)-Congress controls Interstate Commerce
Florida Purchase of 1819
Monroe Doctrine(1823) :declared end of intervention of Americas
Missouri Compromise(1820)
John Quincy Adams
Tariff of Abominations: up to 45% in some cases
New York’s Erie Canal(1825)
Calhoun’s Exposition and Protest(1828): on Tariff
Andrew Jackson
Jacksonian Democracy
Nullification Crisis of 1832: of Tariff(1832)
Compromise Tariff of 1833
Second Bank of US
Specie Circular: all public lands purchased with metallic money
Trail of Tears: transplantation of tribes to Oklahoma
Formation of Whig Party
Martin Van Buren
Panic of 1837 due to: overspeculation of land
B.U.S. expired-1837
Unsound financing by state governments
William Henry Harrison
Vice President-John Tyler
John Tyler
Anti-Jackson Democrat
Wesbster- Ashburton Treaty(1842):Canada- Maine Boundary-45th parallel
settled other issues as well
Vetoes Clay’s Bill for 3rd B.U.S.
James K Polk
Texas becomes a state(1845)
Oregon boundary settled(1846)
Mexican War(1846-48)
Guadalupe- Hidalgo Treaty(1848)
Mormon Migration to the Great Salt Lake(1846)
Wilmot Proviso- kept slavery out of the newly acquired territory
Zachary Taylor
V.P.- Millard Fillmore
Millard Fillmore
Compromise of 1850:settled the disagreements between North and South concerning slavery
Clayton- Bulwer Treaty(1850):Britain and the US agree not to expand if the canal is built
Uncle Tom’s Cabin(1852)
Franklin Pierce
Gadsen Purchase (1853)
Japan opens to world trade(1853)
Kansas- Nebraska Bill(1854): popular sovereignty
Bleeding Kansas
Underground railroad created even more tension between North and South
The Panic of 1857:several years of overspeculation in RR and lands
faulty banking practices
loss of European capitol into American investments due to Crimean War
Ousted Manifesto(1854):desire for Cuba from Spain for $100,000,000
James Buchanan
Taney’s Dredd Scott Case(1857)
Lincoln- Douglas Debates(1858)
John Brown’s Raid: Harper’s Ferry
Abraham Lincoln
Republican, Vice President Andrew Johnson 1861-65
President during the Civil War, Issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, supposedly freeing slaves in the Confederate States. In 1862, Homestead Act was passed under his administration, as well as the Morill Act, which created agricultural colleges. He issued the famous Gettysburg Address ("Four score and seven years ago..."). He is praised for being one of the greatest presidents ever, esp. for keeping the union whole. He was assassinated in 1865 by John Wilkes Booth at the Ford Theater
Andrew Johnson
Republican, no v.p. 1865-69
Johnson succeeded Lincoln. Under his administration, the 13th, 14th (granting citizenship to all those born in the U.S.) and the 15th amendments were passed. The Reconstruction Acts were passed in 1867, which put the South under full military occupation, set up new state governments, and gave blacks the right to vote and hold office. The Tenure of Office Act was passed in 1867, which forbade the president to remove certain officeholders without the approval of the Senate. This was a result of Johnson trying to get rid of Sec. of War Edwin Stanton. In 1868, he dismissed Stanton, whereupon he was impeached. During Johnson's administration, the KKK started up strongly again. Also - late in 1865 and early in 1866, state laws, known as Black Codes, were passed, which discriminated against southern blacks.
Ulysses S Grant
Republican, v.p.'s Schuyler Colfax and Henry Wilson 1869-77
He was a Union general in the Civil War. Under his administration, the 15th amendment was passed, giving citizens the right to vote, regardless of race. The first transcontinental railroad was constructed during his administration. In 1873, widespread bank failures caused great panic and set off a five year long depression. In 1875, the Civil Rights Act was passed, giving equal rights to African Americans in public accommodations and jury duty. The Whiskey Ring Scandal was one of the most notorious presidential scandals ever, and it sought to evade U.S. taxes in the manufacture of whisky. The Tweed Ring and Credit Mobiler (political figures took bribes from a railroad company in exchange for political favors) occurred during his two terms. He was a popular but unsuccessful president.
Rutherford B Hayes
Republican, v.p. William A. Wheeler 1877-81
Within two months of his taking office, all the federal troops withdrew from the South, ending the Reconstruction era. The Bland-Allison Act was passed and this allowed for the unlimited coinage of silver.
James A Garfield
Republican, v.p. Chester A. Arthur 1881
He was assassinated shortly after taking an oath by Charles J. Guiteau Guiteau shot him saying, "I am a Stalwart and Arthur is president now."
Chester Arthur
- Repulican, no v.p. 1881-1885
The Pendleton Civil Service Act, a major reform of civil service, was signed in 1883.
Grover Cleveland
Democrat, v.p.'s Thomas Hendricks and Adlai Stevenson 1885-1889 and 1893-1897
In 1887, the Interstate Commerce Act was passed. This was the first major federal program to regulate railroads and private businesses. Also noted for the Knights of Labor, Haymarket riot and the case of Washburn vs. Illinois. Cleveland is often praised for his honesty. He was president during the panic of 1893 and the Pullman Strike. He was criticized for not lowering the Tariff of 1894. He served two separate terms.
Benjamin Harrison
Republican, v.p. Levi Morton 1889-1893
In 1890, four major bills were signed during Harrison's administration. The Sherman Antitrust Act outlawed trusts and monopolies that hindered trades. The Sherman Silver Purchase Act increased amounts of silver that could be coined. The McKinley Tariff Act set duties at record high levels. The Dependent Pension Act benefited Civil War veterans. In 1889, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and Washington became part of the union, and in 1890, Idaho and Wyoming joined.
William McKinley
Republican, v.p. Hobart and Roosevelt 1897-1901
During William's administration, the Dingly Tariff passed, raising the tariff to a 57%. McKinley was president during the Spanish American War, although he himself was peace-loving. Many Americans were worried that the U.S. was becoming an imperialistic nation, with the acquisition of the Hawaiian Islands and the Philippines. Boxer Rebellion - 1900, in which the Chinese revolted against foreign domination, the Open-Door policy formed as a result, which was a policy of equality of trade with China and respect for its territorial integrity. McKinley was assassinated in 1901 by Leon F. Czolgosz, an anarchist.
Theodore Roosevelt
Republican, v.p. Charles Fairbanks 1901-09
He was a strong nationalist, expanded the power of the presidency, increased regulation of business and encouraged labor movement, concerned with conservation of natural resources. He had a "Square Deal" program, in which he believed that he should represent all the people and went on to dispell the trusts. Believed that U.S. should police all of the Western Hemisphere. Corollary to Monroe Doctrine - US had a right to intervene the internal affairs of Latin American countries unable to keep order. The Hepburn Act of 1906 passed, which regulated railroads, a meat inspection measure of 1906 passed, the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 and employers' liability legislation of 1906 and 1908 also passed. Responsible for the building of the Panama Canal. He organized the progressive, or "Bull Moose" party.
William Taft
- Republican, v.p. James Sherman 1909-1913
In 1909, the Payne-Aldrich Act was passed, which lowered tariffs. New Mexico and Arizona were admitted to the Union in 1912. A huge controversy occurred that lost Taft much support among the Republicans. Roosevelt had hired Gifford Pinchot, a nature lover. Pinchot and Ballinger, Pinchot's superior, got into an argument about a piece of land in Alaska. Taft sided with Ballinger, and then removed Pinchot from office, losing him popularity.
Woodrow Wilson
Democrat, v.p. Thomas Marshall 1913-21
Under his administration, the 16th (authorizing income taxes), the 17th (calling for direct popular election of senators), the 18th (Prohibition) and the 19th (giving women the right to vote) Amendments were passed. The Underwood Tariff of 1913 - reductions in tariff rate and a modest income tax. Wilson created the Federal Reserve System and won two measures for more effective control of business - the Federal Trade Commission Act and the Clayton Antitrust Act. He was essential in the Treaty of Versailles and his "Fourteen Points" speech to put an end to WWI.
Warren G Harding
Republican, v.p. Calvin Coolidge 1921-23
"Dark Horse Candidate" In 1922, the Fordney-McCumber Act was signed, raising tariffs on manufactured goods. Officials under his administration were responsible for the Teapot Dome Scandal, in which Sec. of the Interior Fall was bribed to lease to private oil companies some valuable oil deposits that belonged to the Navy, at Teapot Dome.
Calvin Coolidge
Republican, v.p. Charles Dawes 1923-29
He was responsible for the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928, in which an agreement "to renounce war as an instrument of national policy," was signed by 15 nations. Popular, but did not choose to run for a second term.
A.Took office after Harding's death
B.Hard-nosed and rigid; very frugal
C."High priest of the great god Business"
D.Implemented a "hands-off" economic policy
1.Gave the country 5.5 years prosperity blessed years
E.Gave republicans and the Harding regime a boost in moral perception
F.Twice vetoed the farmers' supported McNary-Haugen Bill
G.Won the presedential election of 1924
H.Continued republican tradition of isolationism
I.Kept a tight-fisted approach to European World War I debts and spurned resentment from many of those countries
Herbert Hoover
A.Won presidential election of 1928
1.Took platform of prosperity and prohibition
B.A self-made man and brilliant businessman, he stuck to:
1.Avoiding foreign entanglements
2.American individualism
3.Free enterprise
4.Small government
C.Standoffish and stiff, yet zealous and inspired loyalty
D.Recoiled from anything suggesting socialism or "planned economy"
E.First years were prosperous
1.Soaring stocks
2.Paper profits
F.Was in office when the stock market crashed and the Great Depression began
1."Black Tuesday"-Oct. 29, 1929
G.His expenditures for relief paved the way for the "New Deal"
H.Established the foundation stones of the "Good Neighbor" policy to Latin countries
A.Won presidential election of 1932
1.Golden voice and commanding presence
2.Sponsored heavy state spending to relieve human suffering
3.Deep concern for plight of the "forgotten man"
4.Promised balanced budget and sweeping economic and social reforms
5.Pledged to the American people a new deal
B.Was the beginning of a heavy shift of blacks to the Democratic party
C.Enacted the "New Deal"-many progressive ideas

a.unemployment insurance, old age insurance, minimum wage regulation, conservation and development of natural resources, and restrictions on child labor
D.Was famous for fire-side chats
E.Wanted to curb "money-changers"
F.Won presidential election of 1936
1.Platform stood squarely on the record of the New Deal days
G.Tried to restucture Supreme Court in 1937
1.Was heavily criticized for this
H.By 1938 the "New Deal" had failed to cure the depression
I.In 1933 he formally recognised the Soviet Union
J.Officially established "Good Neighbor Policy"
K.Pre-WWII, he believed in preparedness, but stuck with neutrality
1.He broke neutrality standards many times
L.In 1940 he broke two-term tradition and won the presidential election
M.FDR authorized numerous lend-lease shipments
N.Established a close relationship with Winston Churchill
O.Won presidential election of 1944
1.Served his fourth term and died in office
Harry S Truman
A.Took over in office after Roosevelt's death in 1945
B.Known for courage and decisiveness
C.Led us into the Cold War
D.Implemented the "Containment doctrine" for Soviet challenges
E.Publicly adopted a "get tough with Russia" policy in 1947
F.The Truman Doctrine
1.Asked Congress $400 million to bolster Greece and Turkey against Communist aggression
G.Truman's Marshall Plan was huge success in European economic recovery
H.Truman ordered the construction of the hydrogen bomb
I.In favor of fair employment and civil rights
J.In 1947 Truman launched a massive "loyalty" program
1.Formed to seek out disloyal organizations
K.Won the presidential election of 1948
L."Point Four"
1.Lend money and technical aid to impoverished countries to resist Communism
M.Outlined the "Fair Deal" program in 1949
1.Raised minimum wage
2.Provided public housing
3.Old-age insurance through the Social Security Act
N.Ordered massive military build-up for Korean War
O.Truman believed in fighting the Communists in Korea
P.Removed General MacArthur from command in 1951 because of policy disputes
Dwight D Eisenhower
A.Won presidential election of 1952
B.Was a celebrated military officer
C.Promised to end the Korean War
D.Critics say he cared more for social harmony than social justice
E.Little inclined towards promoting integration
F.Forced to action September 1957, ordered the National Guard to usher in 9 black students into a high school
G.Believed in "dynamic conservatism"
1.Strove to balance national budget
2.Guard against "creeping socialism"
3.Put the brakes on enormous military build-up
4.Extended Social Security benefits
H.Recession in 1957-58 left 5 million workers jobless

I.Foreign policy changed to rolling back the Red Tide while cutting the military budget
J.In the Vietnam conflict, "Ike" promised to back the conservative Diem regime
K.In the Suez Crisis, Ike sided against the British and France
L.Won the presidential election again in 1956
M.Ike bestirred himself in labor legislation to control collective bargaining in 1959
N.In 1958 the Eisenhower Doctrine gave aid to Lebanon and halted Soviet expansionism
John F Kennedy
A.Won the presidential election in 1960
1.Youngest man and first Catholic elected president
B.Promoted "New Frontier" programs
C.Launched huge program to land an American on the moon
D.In 1961 Kennedy ordered a sharp increase in military officers to Asia
E.Founded the Alliance for Progress for economic aid for Latin American countries
F.Forced the the Russians to back down from atomitizing Cuba in 1962
G.Laid down foundation for foreign policy known as "detente"
H.Assasinated November 22, 1963
Lyndon B Johnson
A.Proposed a billion-dollar "War on Poverty"
B.Dubbed his domestic program the "Great Society"
1.New Dealish economic and welfare measures aimed at transforming the American way of life
C.Won 1964 presidential election
1.Stood on an extremely liberal platform
D.Gave Medicare to the elderly in 1965
E.Named the first black cabinet member in nation's history
F.Plowed the Voting Rights Act through Congress
1.Eliminated voter discrimination
G.He poured immense amounts of soldiers and military supplies into the Vietnam War
1.Bent on saving Vietnam by destroying it
Richard Nixon
A.Won 1968 presidential election
B."Vietnamization", the slow release of troops from Vietnam
C.Nixon Doctrine
1.U.S. will stay out of future Asian wars
D.An uncompromising Anti-Communist
E.Nixon's Russian visit ushered in an era of relaxed tensions called detente
F.The ABM Treaty limited nuclear arms for both Russia and the U.S. and was the first of its kind
G.January 23, 1973 peace with Vietnam occurs
H.Watergate emerges in 1972
1.Nixon forced to resign
Gerald Ford
A.First person to be made president solely by a vote of Congress
1.August, 1974
B.Attacked inflation
C.Pardoned Nixon
Jimmy Carter
A.Won 1976 presidential election
B.Worked to reform the American Tax System
C.Inflation ballooned while he was in office
Ronald Reagan
A.Won 1980 presidential election
B.Devoted to fiscal fitness
1.Tax cuts
2.Freezed government regulation
C.Tough on the Soviet Union
D.Plagued by Middle Eastern Crisises
E.Won 1984 presidential election
1."Second American Revolution"