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113 Cards in this Set

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Where did fdr and churchill meet in north africa?


What did they agree upon here?

To fight until the axis powers surrendered unconditionally

Who was fdr's milotary cheif of staff

General george marshall

Who did fdr place in charge of the normandy invasion

General Dwight Eisenhower

What invasion preceded the normandy invasion?

North africa (operation torch)

Where did the allied forces defeat the German erwin rommel ("the desert fox") in north africa?

He ordered the invasion of the Soviet Union

At what soviet battle were german forces defeated which marked the end of the german offensive war?


Where did us troops go to following the victory in north africa


What was the us strategy in the pacific?

Island hopping (tske key island under japanese control)

What naval commander attempted to carry out this island hopping campaign

Chester nimitz

What was to be the final culmination of this island hoppong strategy

An invasion of the mainland of japan

What pacific battle proved to be the turning point of the pacific theatre

Battle of midway (june 1942)

What allowed us forces to have a distinct advantage

The us intercepted and decoded japanese plans

What devastated japanese forces during this campaign

The us sank 4 Japanese aircraft carriers

What impact did the war have upon the us economy

It ended the depression (scores of jobs were created)

What caused many people to move during the war?

They moved to where defense factories were located - many to the south (sunbelt)

What factory poster highlighted the work of women?

"Rosie the Riveter"

What was Henry Fords giant factory that produced bombers?

The willow run factory

Who contructed huge shipyards during the war

Henry kaiser

What was the record number of days that it took to produce one ship?

4 days

What government agency was headed by donald nelson and regulated production of wartime goods (as well as encouraged rationing) ?

The WPB - war production board

What government agency tried to control inflation by controlling prices?

The Office of Price Administration

Why was rationing encouraged

To conserve products for the war and troops

What two techniques were used to finance the war

Bonds and taxes

Because so many people moved to where the jobs were, what social problems were created?

Housing shortages, over crowdedness. Divorce ratings increard, baby boom caused shortage in daycares, schools and teachers.

How did the war influence women

Many women entered the workplace

What percentage of the workforce consisted of women during the war


What opportunities were there for women in the military

WAC's - Women Auxiliary Corp

•WAVES - Women Appointed for Voluntary Emergency Services

•WAFS - Womens Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (pilots)

during the war was the military segregated


Did many black americans serve in the war?

Yes - over 1 million served but a small percentage saw active combat

What eere the majority of black soilders used for?

Service tasks or contruction jobs

What was the black squadron that trained in alabama?

tuskegee airmen

How many of these pilots flew overseas

445 out if the 992 (150 were killed)

What was censored military mail called

Victory mail or v mail

What was the name of japanese-american women used fir propaganda on the radio?

Tokyo rose

Did any german subs rvrt come close to the us

Yes - many patrolled off the east coast; over 400 american ships were sunk in the atlantic

Did any germand ever cone ashore on us soil?

yes- in 1942, eight getman saboteurs were captured near jacksonville and in new york

What did the us do with them?

Six were executed and 2 were imprisoned

What black union leader threatened to lead a huge march to washingtion to end the discrimination in industry, government and military?

A. Phillip Randolph

What is randolph considered

The father of civil rights

Who ser up the meeting between fdr and randolph

Eleanor roosevelt

Did randolph go through with the planned march?



Fdr compromised by issuing and executive order creating the Fair Employment Practices Committee

What did this committee do?

Banned racisl discrimination un war industries

What black organization was more militant than the NAACP

CORE - 1942

What does CORE stand for?

Congress Of Racial Equality

Did the number of black workers increase in federal jobs?

Yes - fron about 60,000 in 1941 to over 500,000 in 1945

Where did many black workers move from for defense jobs

from the south to the north

What resulted because of this

Competition over jobs and housing led to race riots in Detroit and Harlem

What was the double v popularized by black troops

One victory over fascism overseas in another victory over racism at home

What racial problem occurred in Los Angeles in 1943

the Zoot Suit Riot

who did this involve

White Sailors in Mexican Americans

What did the city of La do to end the tension

They banned the wearing of zoot suits

Did any Native Americans fight in the war

about 25,000

What did some of these work as


What executive order by FDR created internment camps

9066 - February 1942

How many Japanese-Americans were interned

Over 120,000

What happened to their homes and businesses

Summer sold at very low prices others were lost to foreclosure

What Supreme Court decision Justified 9066

Korematsu versus the United States


Protection against spying outweighs individual rights

How could in turn he's gained their release from these camps

By pledging loyalty and finding a job away from the West Coast

What did 5000 Japanese Americans do during this time

They renounce their US citizenship and returned to Japan

What did Congress do in 1988 for the surviving internees

They were paid $20,000 per person

Who did FDR defeat in the election of 1944

Thomas Dewey

Who did FDR pick as his new VP

Harry Truman - Missouri

what number election was this for FDR


Where did FDR and Churchill meet in North Africa in 1943

Casablanca Morocco

who were the big three

FDR Churchill and Stalin

Where did the big three meet for the first time

Tehran Iran

Who is chosen to leave D-Day invasion

General Dwight Eisenhower

when was D-Day

June 6th 1944

what was the goal of D-Day

To liberate France from German occupation

What was the codename of the D-Day invasion


What city was liberated two months after D-Day


Where did the Allies march to following Paris

The German border

What caused the Allies to stop their pensive in December of 1944

They ran out of fuel

What was the final German Counterattack known as

Battle of the Bulge

Where did the victory meat for their final meeting

At Yalta in southern USSR

what did they agree to here

To divide Germany into four partitions FDR in Churchill also pushed down to allow for free elections in the countries liberated from Germany

Surely after returning from Yalta what happened to FDR

he died

where did FDR die

Warm Springs Georgia

Who succeeded FDR

Harry Truman

What Industrial German city was firebombed in 1945


as the Allies were marching toward Berlin what did Hitler do on April 30th 1945

he and his wife of one Eva committed suicide

What is May 8th 1945 celebrated for

VE Day victory in Europe

What Pacific battle marks the beginning of the Japanese retreat


What battle in the Philippines marked the beginning of the end of the Japanese Occupation

Leyte gulf

What u.s. victory in the Pacific was fought on a volcano

Iwo Jima

What was the Japanese strategy on Iwo Jima

fight to the death kill at least 20 Americans before you die

What's subsequent Pacific Victory following Iwo Jima


Why were these victories significant

They enabled US forces to get close enough to Japan to launch bombing raids

What tactics did the u.s. use next

Key Japanese cities were firebombed

What was the estimated death toll

over 200,000

Who is leader promoted the US nuclear programs

Albert Einstein in Enrico Fermi warned FDR that Germany was working on nuclear weapons in 1939

What was the secret project called to develop a nuclear bomb

Manhattan Project

Where was the first chest bomb detonated in 1945

The District of Alamogordo New Mexico

Who was the u.s. chief physicist on the project

Dr. J Robert Oppenheimer

When did Truman learn of the Manhattan Project

Shortly after taking office as VP he had no knowledge of the project

What was the justification for using the atomic bomb on Japan

It would have saved lives u.s. military predicted 1 million deaths if us had invaded Japan

Who were the new Big 3 in the summer of 1945

Truman Stalin and Clement atlee

What decision did Truman make at Potsdam

To drop the atomic bomb on Japan

What B-29 bomber dropped the first bomb

The Enola Gay piloted by Paul Tibbets

When and where was little boy dropped

August 6th 1945 on Hiroshima

Where was the second atomic bomb dropped (fat man)


Approximately how many deaths occurred

Over 200,000 not all died immediately

when did Japan surrender

Unofficially August 14th, officially September 2nd 1945

what is VJ Day

September 2nd 1945 victory over Japan

where did Japan surrender

Aboard the USS Missouri signed by Douglas MacArthur

After the Japanese surrender where did MacArthur go next

She led the u.s. occupation of Japan

How long did this occupation last

From 1945 to 1951

What did the 350,000 US forces do in Japan

Distributed food establish a new democratic government with new laws encourage civil liberties and educational reform

what was disallowed in Japan

A new constitution forbade Japan from future Wars

Where did the Allies conduct trials for Nazi officials

Nuremberg from 1945 to 1949