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29 Cards in this Set

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Block Grants
Federal Grants automatically given to states or communitites to support broad programs
in areas such as community development and social services
People who favor national action over action at the state and local levels
Checks and Balances
Design that limits government's power by requiring that power be balanced among the different government institutions
Madisonian Model: set power against power
Commerce Clause
Congress have powers to regulate interstate and international commerce. Every form of commercial activity/counteractions
Gibbons v. Ogden
Concurrent Powers
Powers given to both the National and state governments
The act of taxing
people who favor state or local action rather than national
Direct Democracy
Voters have a direct impact on policy making and the political procress by means of voting
Direct voting=Direct democracy
Elastic Clause
Congress have the power to pass all laws "necessary and proper" to carry out their job (enumerated powers)
Final paragraph of Article 1, Section 8
Enumerated Powers
Powers that are specifically addressed in the Constitution (particularly for Congress)
A system of shared power between national and state governments
Sharing is Caring
Indirect Democracy
Opposite of direct democracy
people don't vote
A request of congress to upgrade or expand a program to increase funding from grants
Police Powers
Powers of the states to protect the public health, safety, morals, and welfare of the public
Popular Sovereignty
The idea that a government is created by and subject to the will of the people 
Reserved Powers
Powers specifically reserved to state governments
Amendment 10
Bicameral Legislature
Legislature divided into two houses
Congress + Senate = ?
Categorical Grant
Federal grants that are only used for specific purposes ("categories"). These come with strings attached
A union of political organizations
Cooperative Federalism
Powers and policy assignments are shared between states and the national government
Dual Federalism
State and National government remain supreme within their own spheres
No overlapping powers
New Federalism
System in which the national government restores greater authority back to the states
Formal Amendment
Changes or additions that become part of the written language of the Constitution itself
Implied Powers
Powers that go beyong enumerated powers. They are NOT specifically addressed in the Constitution
Informal Amendment
A change in meaning, but not the wording, of the Constitution.
Judicial Review
The power of the courts to determine whether acts of Congress are Constitutional
Seperation of Powers
Each three branches of government are to be independent of the others so that one can not control the other
Montesgieu- power is not shared
Shay's Rebellion
Series of attacks on courthouses by a small band of farmers to block foreclosure proceedings
Super Majority
A majority greater than a simple majority of one over half
2/3, 3/5
Unicameral Legislature
There is only one house
Congress - Senate = JUST Congress