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20 Cards in this Set

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A system of government in which political authority is vested in the people. Derived from the Greek words "demos" (the people) and "kratos" (authority)
Theory that states that stuff should be owned by the community as a whole

A political and economic theory of social organisation that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole
Form of government in which power is held by the nobility
A form of government that controls all aspects of the political and social life of a nation
What are the core values of American politics?
Equality liberty freedom opportunity

American culture passed on through "political socialization"
Liberty vs order: individual liberty is a high priority, may be restricted for national security
equality vs liberty: majority rule limited in order to protect minority rights, equal opportunity not equal results
What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?
strength: States kept most of the power, citizens loyal to their states over federal government, organized the states to gain independence
Weakness: need for stronger central authority led to constitutional convention, shays rebellion highlighted weaknesses, government couldn't prevent mob violence, after Revolutionary War know that motivation to cooperate, couldn't resolve interstate disputes, couldn't raise money - taxes were more like a "goodwill offering"
Describe the compromises made when drafting the Constitution
virginia plan: supported by large states, bicameral elected by population, executive selected by legislature
New Jersey Plan: supported by small states, unicameral equal representation, executive selected by legislature
Great compromise (Connecticut plan): House of Representatives uses population, capped at 435, apportioned by 10 years census; senate uses equal representation of two per state
How can the Constitution be amended?
1. Propose an amendment
2. Get two thirds of both House and Senate to approve
3. Get three fourths of states to ratify: Congress specifies if legislation can ratify or if convention must be held
How do checks and balances work in the US government?
Each branch of the government can check the actions of the others
Election of President by citizens, state representation in Congress
Reserved powers
necessary and proper clause in article 1 section 8 known as "the elastic clause" because it can expand government power
Expressed powers
article 1 section 8: tax, borrow, regulate commerce, rules for naturalization, coin money, punish counterfeiters, establish post office, grant patents and copyright, organize courts, punish pirates, declare war, regulate military
Inherent powers
Protect and defend our territory, trade with other countries
Supremacy Clause
Article 6: any conflict between state national government will be resolved in favor of the national government
elastic clause
Article 1 section 8: grants Congress the power to do whatever is necessary to execute its specifically delegated powers. Also known as the Necessary and Proper Clause
A theory that views politics as a conflict among interest groups. Political decision making is characterized by bargaining and compromise
What was the main lesson learned from shays rebellion?
The government couldn't prevent mob violence, there was a need for a stronger central authority which led to the Constitutional Convention
Main issue in landmark court cases
Marbury v Madison: established judicial review
McCulloch v. Maryland : implied powers of federal government to create National Bank and Supremacy Clause - states can't tax federal government. Maryland tried to tax the second National Bank, McCulloch refuse to pay. Maryland won but the decision was overturned by the supreme court.
Gibbons v. Ogden: conflict between ferry boat operators between New York and New Jersey. Broaden the view of Commerce to transportation of people, not just goods. Expansion of Commerce Clause and powers of federal government
Difference between block grants and categorical grants
Block grants: allow local governments a large amount of descretion as to how they can be used. Given for a broad purpose but come with no directions on which programs must be funded.
Categorical grants: can only be used for very specific purposes outlined by the federal government. Often used to fund specific projects.
Pros and cons of federalism
Pros: promotes diversity among states
Cons: diversity can be interpreted as inequalitie or unfairness
Liberalism vs conservatism
Conservative: economic freedom, social restrictions, traditional values
Liberal: social freedom, economic restrictions, change society for the better