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19 Cards in this Set

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The spread of Lutheranism caused by Martin Luther's dislike of the corrupt catholic Christianity in Europe.

Sir Thomas More

A philosopher and humanist that promoted the questioning of Catholic church

Peace of Augsburg

Let's German Princes choose if they want their people to follow Catholicism or Lutheranism


A way you could 'buy' yourself time out of the purgatory. This money went towards the church and the idea was Johann Tetzel's.

Martin Luther

A priest that was not content with the church's corruptness. Started sector of Christianity where it was recommended to learn Christianity by yourself.

The Diet of Worms

A hearing by the Holy Roman Emperor that 'outlawed' Martin Luther after hearing his ideas.

Spanish Inquisition

Extremist Jesuits were given control of Spanish and Italian inquisitions, where they severely persecuted those with other beliefs.

John Calvin

Man who accepted Most Lutheran beliefs but wanted the church to be more involved in politics. Started Calvinism.


A nun of an order founded by St. Angelina Merici

Council of Trent

Was Catholicism's comeback to the Reformation. Enforced the beliefs of Catholicism to make it clear.

Ignatius of Loyola

The establisher of the Jesuits, required members to show blind obedience and absolute faith to suppress Protestants.


Extremist Christians looking to impress Protestantism

Index of Prohibited Books

Books prohibited by Jesuits since they spread other beliefs and were considered heretical.

The Thirty Year's War

A series of religious wars fought between Protestants and Catholics

The War of 3 Henrys

Henry 3 attempted to fight protestant Henry of Guise and after an Attack was launched on the Huguenots of Henry of Navarre. Navarre won and became Henry 4 of France, converted to Catholicism and set out Edict of Nantes.

Edict of Nantes

Grants Huguenots freedoms and rights

Cardinal Richelieu

Roman Catholic regent of France. Brought up nationalism in France and tried to keep Germany divided as a neighbor to France.

Charles V of Spain and Austria

Holy Roman Emperor, he tried to suppress the growth of Protestantism and promote Catholicism

Phillip II of Spain

Son of Charles V, served as holy Roman Emperor