During the early sixteenth-century, people from all across Europe began to have problems with the Catholic Church. Educated professors, common people, and even some religious officials were calling for a reform in the church. The people who led the reformation, known as the reformers had four different central ideas that were the basis of the reformation.
The first central ideas of the reformers was “How is a person to be saved”. The reformers encouraged the fact that people can become saved by their faith alone and by doing good deeds. The second central idea of the reformers was “Where does religious authority reside”. The reformers …show more content…
Protestant ideas spread to Scandinavia when Gustavus Vasa came to power. Gustavus believed and admired the teachings of John Calvin, who was an influential religious teacher, and influenced the people of Scandinavia to follow his ideas and teachings as well.
The inventions of the printing press largely contributed to the spread of Protestant ideas. The printing press allowed priests and religious officials to print out their teachings and lessons for people to read. The priests were then able to send their teachings to other countries such as France and Spain, who then began to adopt the protestant ways.
The Protestant ideas spread to England thanks to King Henry VII, who was the king of England at the time and a strong believer in the Protestant faith after he heard the teachings of John Calvin. King Henry VII worked to get his country to change from the Catholic faith, which many of the English people were following at the time, to the Protestant faith he followed. King Henry VII eventually succeeded, and the people began to follow the Protestant faith. At the end of his reign, England continued to follow the Protestant faith and its rules after King Henry VII died.
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France was in a weakened and reduced state. This forced the country to raise taxes and borrow from other nations, which increased France 's debt. The Concordat of Bologna allowed the rule of France to appoint all abbots and bishops. This helped France rebuild its financial structure, and it led the investors of France to the Catholic religion. Unfortunately, many of those in power in France were drawn to the religion of Calvinism. This led to conflicts between Catholics and Huguenots, who are French Calvinists, and resulted in another religious war between the two religions. This war resulted in the nation of France being split because of the intense fighting between both