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137 Cards in this Set

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____ are goups of cells that are similar to each other in structure and function.
four major types of tissues:
epithelial, connective, nervous, muscular
the study of tissues
This type of tissue forms large, continuous sheets. It helps form the skin and covers the entire outer surface of the body. Sheets of this tissue also line most of the inner cavities such as the mouth, respiratory tract, and reproductive tract.
Epithelial tissue or epithelium
Epithelial tissue is primarily concerne with ____, ____, ____, and _____.
protection, absorption, filtration, and secretion
The ____ is epithelial tissue that protects the body from sunlight and from invasion by disease-producting bacteria
The epithelial tissue lining the ____ helps clean inhaled air.
respiratory passages
The epithelium of the respiratory tract secretes ____ and is lined with _____. The ____ traps the dust inhaled in the air, and the constantly waving _____ move the dust and mucus toward the throat. The dust and mucus are then either coughed up or swallowed and eliminated in the stools.
Epithelial tissue also functions in the _____ of substances across membranes. Epithelium is abundant in organs like those in the digestive tract, which must absorb large amounts of water and digested food.
Epithelial tissue forms _____ that secrete a variety of hormones and enzymes.
One characteristic of epithelial tissue is that if forms continuous _____. The cells fit together snugly like tiles.
Epithelial tissue has two surfaces. One surface is always unattached, like the surface of the outer skin or the lining of the mouth. The under-surface of the epithelium is attached to a _______. The _____ is a very thin material that anchors the epithelium to the underlying structure.
basement membrane/basement membrane
Epithelial tissue has no blood supply of its own: it is _____. For its nourishment, it depends on the blood supply of underlying connective tissue.
Becaue epithelial tissue is so well nourished from the underlying connective tissue, it is able to ____, or repair itself, quickly if injured.
This type of epithelial tissue is found in the walls of blood vessels (capillaries), alveoli (air sacs in lungs) and the kidneys. It permits the exchange of nutrients and wastes, allows diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide, and helps filtration of water and electrolytes.
simple squamous epithelial
This type of epithelial tissue is found in the lining of kidney tubules and various glands (thyroid, pancreas, salivary glands). Its purpose is the absorption of water and electrolytes and the secretion of enzymes and hormones.
simple cuboidal epithelial
This type of epithelial tissue is found in the digestive tract. It serves in protection, absorption, and secretion of digestive juice. It often contains goblet cells (mucus).
simple columnar epithelial
This type of epithelial is found in the lining of the respiratory tract and the lining of reproductive tubes (fallopian tubes). It serves in protection and secretion. It cleans the respiratory passages. It sweeps the egg towards the uterus.
pseudostratified columnar epithelial
This type of epithelial tissue is found in the outer layer of skin. It is also found in the lining of the mouth, esophagus, anus, and vagina. It protects the body from invading microorganisms and withstands friction.
stratified squamous epithelial
This type of epithelial tissue is found in the urinary bladder. It permits the expansion of an organ.
transitional epithelial tissue
Epithelial tissue is classified according to is shape and the number of layers. It has three shapes :____, _____, and ______.
squamous, cuboidal, and columnar
The _____ epithelium cells are thin and flat, like fish scales.
squamous epithelium
The _____ epithelium cells are cubelike and look like dice.
the ____ epithelium cells are tall and narrow, and look like columns
One layer of epithelium cells is called a _____.
simple epithelium
Two or more layers of epithelium cells are called a--
stratified epithelium
a single layer of flat, scale-like epithelium cells
simple squamous epithelium
many layers of flat, scale-like epithelium cells
stratified squamous epithelium
_____ and _____ epithelia are found in very few organs.
stratified cuboidal and stratified columnar
Because ____ epithelia are so thin, they are concerned primarily with the movement, or transport, of various substances across the membranes from one body compartment to another.
simple epithelia
_____ is a single layer of squamous cells with an underlying basement membrane.
simple squamous epithelium
Because this tissue is so thin, _____ is found where substances move by rapid diffusion or filtration. For instance, the walls of the capillaries (the smalles blood vessels) are composed of this type of epithelium. The walls of the alveoli (air sacs of the lungs) are also composed of it. This tissue allows the rapid diffusion of oxygen from the alveoli into the blood.
simple squamous epithelium
_______ is a single layer of cuboidal cells resting on a basement membrane. This epithelial layer is most often found in glands and in the kidney tubules, where it functions int he transport and secretion of various substances.
simple cuboidal epithelium
______ refers to a single layer of columnar cells resting on its basement membrane. These tall, tightly packed cells line the entire length of the digestive tract and play a major role in the absorption of the products of digestion. Lubricating mucus is produced by _____, which are modified columnar cells.
simple columnar epithelium/goblet cells
________ is a single layer of columnar cells. Because the cells are so irregularly shaped, they appear multilayered; hence the name which means falsely stratified. Their function is similar to the function of simple columnar cells: they facilitate absorption and secretion.
pseudostratified columnar epithelium
_____ epithelia are multilayered and are therefore stronger than simple epithelia. They perform a protective function and are found in tissue exposed to everyday wear and tear, such as the mouth, esophagus, and skin. __________ is the most common type of this epithelia.
stratified epithelia/stratified squamous epithelium
_____ is found primarily in organs that need to stretch such as the urinary bladder. This epithelium is called _____ because the cells slide past one another when the tissue is stretched. The cells appear stratified when the urinary bladder is empty (unstretched) and simple when the bladder is full (stretched).
transitional epithelium/transitional
The function of the glandular epithelium is _____.
A ____ is made up of one or more cells that secrete a particular substance. Much of the glandular tissue is composed of simple cuboidal epithelium.
Two types of glands are the _____ and ______
exocrine and endocrine glands
The _____ glands have ducts, or tiny tubes, into which the exocrine secretions are released before reaching body surfaces or body cavities. The ______ secretions include mucus, sweat, saliva, and digestive enzymes. The ducts carry the ____ secretions outside the body. For instance, sweat flows from the sweat glands through ducts onto the surface of the skin for evaporation.
exocrine glands/exocrine/exocrine
The ____ glands secrete hormones, such as insulin. ____ glands do not have ducts and are therefore called ductless glands. Because ____ glands are ductless, the hormones ae secreted directly into the blood. The blood then carries the hormones to their sites of action.
endocrine glands/endocrine/endocrine
_____ tissue is the most abundant of the four tissue types and is widely distributed throughout the body. It is found in blood, under the skin, in bone, and around many organs. As the name suggests, it connects, or binds together, the parts of the body. Other functions include support, protection, fat storage, and transport of substances.
connective tissue
connective tissue has two characteristics-
1.)most connective tissue, with the exception of ligaments, tendons, and cartilage, has a good blood supply. Ligaments and tendons have a poor blood supply, and cartilage has no blood supply. Any injury to these structures heals very slowly
2.)most connective tissue has an abundance of intercellular matrix
The _____ is what makes the various types of connective tissue so different. The ____ is material located outside the cell. It fills the spaces between the cells (intercellular space). The cell makes the matrix and secretes it into the intercellular spaces. The hardness of the _______ varies from one cell type to the next. It may be liquid as in blood; gel-like as in fat tissue; or hard, as in bone. The amount of it also varies from one cell type to the next. In fat tissue, the cells are close together, with little _______. Bone and cartilage, however, have few cells and large amounts of _______.
intercellular matrix/intercellular matrix/intercelluar matrix/intercellular matrix/intercellular matrix
Also found in the matrix of most connective tissue are _____. The fiber types include ______, ____, and ______.
protein fibers/collagen/elastin/reticular fibers (fine collagen)
____ fibers are strong and flexible but are not easily stretched.
___ fibers are not very strong, but they are stretchy, like a rubber band.
Types of connective tissue--
1.)loose connective tissue
2.)dense fibrous connective tissue
3.) cartilage
4.) bone
5.)the "liquid" connective tissue (blood and lymph)
This type of loose connective tissue is found beneath the skin and most epithelial layers and also between muscles. It binds together, protects, cushions and is known as "tissue glue".
areolar tissue
This type of loose connective tissue is found beneath the skin (subcutaneous), around kidneys and heart, and behind eyeballs. It cushions, insulates, and stores fat.
adipose tissue
This type of loose connective tissue is found in lymphoid tissue such as lymph nodes, spleen, and bone marrow. It forms internal framework of lymphoid organs.
reticular tissue
This type of connective tissue is found in tendons, ligaments, capsules, and fascia. It binds structures together.
dense fibrous connective tissue
This type of cartilage is found on the ends of long bone at joints, where the ribs connect to the sternum, the rings in trachea of respiratory tract, the nose, and the fetal skeleton. It supports, protects, and provides framework
hyaline cartilage
This type of cartilage is found in intervertebral discs in the backbone, in the pads in the knee joint, and in the pad between the pubic bones (symphysis pubis). It cushions and protects.
This type of cartilage is found in the external ear and part of the larynx. It supports and provides framework.
elastic cartilage
This type of connective tissue is found in the skeleton. It supports, protects, and provides framework.
This type of connective tissue is found in blood vessels throughout the body. It transports nutrients, hormones, respiratory gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide), and waste.
This type of connective tissue is found in lymphatic vessels throughout the body. It drains interstitial fluid which is involved in immune response.
Loose connective tissue contains fibers that are loosely arranged around cells. There are 3 types of loose connective tissue---
areolar tissue, adipose tissue, and reticular connective tissue
_____ tissue is made up of collagen and elastin fibers in a gel-like intercellular matrix. ____ is soft and surrounds, protects, and cushions many of the organs. It acts like "tissue glue" because it holds the organs in position. It is the most widely distributed type of connective tissue.
areolar tissue/areolar
_____ tissue is a type of loose connective tissue that stores fat. _____ forms the tissue layer underlying the skin, the subcutaneous layer. It is also deposited around certain organs to cushion them or hold them in place. The kidney, for instance, has a layer of fat tissue that helps hold it in place. In extremely thin individuals, this fat tissue may be absent, allowing the kidney to move around. This is called a floating kidney.
adipose tissue/adipose tissue
______ tissue is characterized by a network of delicately interwven reticular (fine collagen) fibers. It forms the internal framework for lymphoid tissue such as the spleen, lymph nodes, and bone marrow.
reticular connective tissue
______ tissue is composed of an intercellular matrix that contains many collagen and elastic fibers. Collagen in the main type of fiber in this tissue. The fibers form strong, supporting structures such as tendons, ligaments, capsules, and fascia.
dense fibrous connective tissue
_____ are cordlike structures composed of dense fibrous connective tissue that attach muscles to bones.
____ are dense fibrous connective tissues that cross joints and attach bones to each other. Because they contain more elastic fibers than tendons do, they stretch more easily.
Dense fiber also forms tough ____ around certain organs such as the kidney and liver.
Dense fibrous connective tissue forms bands, or sheets, of tissue called ____. ____ covers muscles, blood vessels, and nerves; it also covers, supports, and anchors the organs to nearby structures.
The ____ tendon attaches the leg muscles to the heel fo the foot.
Achilles tendon
Cartilage is formed by _____, or cartilage cells. The ____ secrete a protein containing intercellular matrix that is firm, smooth, and flexible. Although the matrix of cartilage is solid, it is not as hard as that of bone.
Most cartilage is covered by _____, a layer of connective tissue that carries blood vessels to the cartilage. The blood vessels supply oxygen and nutrients to the cartilage.
the 3 types of cartilage--
hyaline cartilage
elastic cartilage
Hyaline cartilage is found in only a few places in the body--
1.) the larynx, or voicebox
2.) the ends of long bones at joints
3.) the nose
4.) the area between the breastbone and the ribs
Hyaline cartilage is also found in large quantities in the ____ skeleton. As the ____ matures, however, most of the cartilage is converted to bone.
Bone tissue is also called ______.
osseous tissue
Bone cells are called _____. Bone cells secrete an intercellular matrix that includes collagen, calcium salts, and other minerals. The collagen provides flexibility and strength; the mineral-containing matrix as a whole makes the bone tissue hard. The hardness of the bone enables it to protect organs such as the brain and to support the weight of the body for standing and moving. Bone also acts as a storage site for mineral salts, especially calcium.
osseous tissue
When mineralization of bone tissue is diminished, as in ______, the bone is weakened and tends to break easily.
____ and ____ are two types of connective tissue that have a watery intercellular matrix; they form a "liquid" connective tissue.
blood and lymph
Blood consists of blood cells surrounded by a fluid matrix called _____. Unlike other connective tissues, which contain collagen and elastin fibers in the intercellular matrix, ____ contains nonfibrous ____ proteins.
Nervous tissus makes up the brains, spinal cord, and nerves. Nervous tissue consists of two types--
neurons and neuroglia
The neuron has 3 parts--
1.)the dendrites, which receive info from other neurons
2.)the cell body, which contains the nucleus and is essential to the life of the cell
3.)the single axon, which transmits info away from the cell body
____ are cells that support and take care of the neurons. The word _____ means gluelike and refers to the ability of these cells to support, or stick together, the vast network of neurons.
neuroglia or glia/glial
____ tissue if composed of cells that shorten, or contract. In doing so, they cause movement of a body part. Because the cells are long and slender, they are called fibers rather than cells.
muscle tissue
The 3 types of muscle are --
skeletal, smooth, cardiac
____ muscle is generally attached to bone (the skeletal system). Becaue of the appearance of striations, or stripes, this muscle is also called striated muscle. These muscles move the skeleton, maintain posture, and stabilize joints.
skeletal muscle
____ muscle is generally found in the walls of the viscera, or organs, such as the stomach, intestines, and urinary bladder. It is also found in tubes such as the bronchioles (breathing passages) and blood vessels. The function of smooth muscle is related to the organ in which it is found. For instance, ____ muscle in the stomach helps to mash and churn food, while the _____ muscle in the urinary bladder helps to expel urine.
smooth muscle/smooth/smooth
____ muscle is found only in the heart, where it functions to pump blood into a vast network of blood vessels. ___ muscle fibers are long branching cells that fit together tightly at junctions; this arrangement promotes rapid conduction of electrical signals throughout the heart.
cardiac muscle/cardiac
2 types of tissue repair-
regeneration and fibrosis
this type of tissue repair refers to the replacement of tissue by cells that are identical to the original cells. It occurs only in tissues whose cells undergo mitosis, such as the skin
____ is the replacement of injured tissue by the formation of fibrous connective tissue, or scar tissue. The fibers of scar tissue pull the edges of the wound together and strengthen the area. Damaged skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and nervous tissue do not undergo mitosis and must be replaces by scar tissue.
The injured skin of some persons exhibit excessive fibrosis leading to the formation of _____. ____ scars develop most often on the upper trunk and earlobes and are of concern cosmetically.
____ are thin sheets of tissue that cover surfaces, line body cavities, and surround organs.
Membranes are classified as ____ or ____ tissue
epithelial or connective
The epithelial membranes--
cutaneous membrane (skin), the mucous membranes, and the serous membranes
Although they are called epithelial membranes, these membranes contain both an epithelial sheet and an underlying layer of ______
connective tissue
THe ____ membrane is the skin. The outer layer of skin (epidermis) is stratified squamous epithelium. The underlying layer (dermis) is composed of fibrous connective tissue
cutaneous membrane
____ membranes line all body cavities that open to the exterior of the body. They include the digestive, urinary, reproductive, and respiratory tracts.
mucous membranes
Mucous membranes usually contain _____ _____ epithelium or _____ _____ epithelium. Most mucous membranes are adapted for absorption and secretion. Mucous membranes secrete mucus. The mucus keeps the membrane moist and also lubricates it. For instance, in the digestive tract, the mucus allows food to move through the tract with little friction.
stratified squamous epithelium/simple columnar epithelium
____ membranes line the ventral body cavities, which are not open to the exterior of the body. If you were to enter the abdominal or thoracic cavity surgically, you would be looking at these kinds of membranes. They secrete a thin, watery, serous fluid. The fluid allows the membranes to slide past one another with little friction.
serous membranes
A serous membrane is composed of ____ ____ epithelium resting on a thin layer of loose connective tissue. Serous membranes line a cavity and then fold back onto the surface of the organs within that cavity. Thus part of the membrane lines the wall of the cavity, and the other part covers the organ or organs withing that cavity.
simple squamous epithelium
The part of the serous membrane that lines the walls of the cavity (like wallpaper) is the _____ layer, and the part of the membrane that covers the outside of an organ is the _____ layer.
name the 3 serous membranes:
____ are serous membranes found in the thoracic cavity. The parietal _____ line the wall of the thoracic cavity. The visceral ___ cover each lung.
The visceral pleura cover each lung. The space between the pleural layers is called the _____; the membranes are lubricated by pleural fluid.
pleural cavity
_____ refers to an inflammation of the pleura and a decrease in serous fluid. As the inflamed and "dry" pleural membranes slide past one another during breathing movement, the person experiences pain.
The ____ is found in the thoracic cavity and partially surrounds the heart. There is a parietal and visceral _____ that offers sling-like support to the heart.
The space between the pericardial membranes is called the _____ ____; the membranes are lubricated by pericardial fluid.
pericardial cavity
The _____ is a serous membrane found within the abdominal cavity. The parietal ____ lines its walla, and the visceral _____ covers the abdominal organs.
Infection in the abdominal cavity often involves the ______. For instance, a ruptured appendix allows the escape of intestinal contents, loaded with bacteria, into the peritoneal cavity. This leakage causes a life-threatening infectious condition called ______. Aggressive treatment with antibiotics is required. Occasionally, the pus must be drained from the abdominal cavity. The pleural and pericardial membranes can also become inflamed or infected.
-oma at the end of a word means
tumor or neoplasm
a neoplasm consisting of fatty tissue
-omas are named for the ____ that form the tumors
a tumor consisting of glandular tissue
malignant (cancerous) tissues
carcinomas and sarcomas
a malignant tumor involving epithelial tissue
a malignant tumor involving connective tissue
All tumors should be ______. A ____ refers to the removal of tumor tissue for microscopic examination. It means to view with both eyes. By viewing the tumor specimen under a microscope, the pathologist can determine whether the tumor is malignant (cancerous) or benign (noncancerous).
where is the synovial membrane (connective tissue membrane) located?
lines joint cavities; secretes synovial fluid
Where is the periosteum (connective tissue membrane) located?
covers bone; contains blood vessels that supply the bone
Where is the perichondrium (connective tissue membrane) locateds?
covers cartilage; contains capillaries that nourish the cartilage
There are the meninges (connective tissue membrane) located?
covers brain and spinal cord
where are the various kinds of fascia (connective tissue membrane) located?
throughout the body
the pleura is a serous membrane located in the
thoracic cavity
the pericardium is a serous membrane located in the
thoracic cavity around the heart
the peritoneum is a serous membrane located in the
abdominal cavity
the cutaneous membrane is an epithelial membrane located on the
skin (outer layer)
the mucous membrane that is an epithelial membrane is located in the
digestive tract lining, urinary tract lining, reproductive tract lining, respiratory tract lining
An abnormal joining of tissues by fibrous scar tissue. Adhesions may bind or constrict organs, causing decreased flexibility and obstruction, especially in the abdomen.
abnormal growth that can affect all types of tissues and membranes. Tumors are named acccording to the type of tissue involved. A carcinomal involves epithelial tissue (e.g. adenocarcinoma, a cancer arising from glandular tissue). A sarcoma involves connective tissue (e.g. osteosarcoma, a cancer involving bone)
For unknown reasons, collagen can be destroyed, causing damage to the connective tissue of the body. Because collagen is a main component of connective tissue, the effects of _____ ____ are widespread. Examples are rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and scleroderma. Many of these diseases are autoimmune disorders, in which the patient's own immune system attacks and destroys collagen.
collagen diseases
Death (necrosis) of the soft tissues of a body part such as the toes, fingers, or intestines. ____ occurs when the blood supply to the tissue is cut off. Diabetic patients experience _____ of the toes when their arteries become clogged with fat deposits. Infecction can also impede blood flow to a body part and therefore cause _____
A _____ may be malignant (cancerous) or benign (noncancerous). Examples of benign connective tissue ____ include adenoma (glandular tissue); osteoma (bone); chondroma (cartilage); fibroma (fibroblasts); lipoma (fat tissue); and polyps (adenomas commonly found in vascular areas such as the nose, rectum, and uterus)
Because tissues consist of cells, cellular aging alters the tissues formed by the cells. Alterations in tissues, in turn, affect organ function. For instance, by age 85, lung capacity has decreased by ___ percent, muscle strength has decreased by about ____ percent, and kidney function has decreased by ___ percent.
As you age, ___ and ___ decrease in connective tissue. Consequently, tissues become stiffer, less elastic, and less efficient in their functioning.
collagen and elastin
As you age ___ and ___ contents of tissues change. In men, a gradual increase in tissue ____ and ____ occurs until age 60, and then a gradual decrease follows. In women, ___ and ____ accumulate in the tissues continuously; no decline occurs as in men.
lipid and fat
As you age, the total amount of ____ in the body gradually decreases. The change in body fat and the decrease in ____ are major reasons that the elderly population responds differently to drugs than the younger population does.
As you age tissue _____ causes a decrease in the mass of most organs