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24 Cards in this Set

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The two major layers of the skin:

1. Epidermis - outer layer

2. Dermis - inner layer

The _________ is made of stratified squamous keratinizing epithelial tissue and is thickest on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.

The epidermis is made of stratified squamous keratinizing epithelial tissue and is thickest on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.

The epidermis subdivided into 4 sub layers:

1. Stratum Germinativum - innermost layer

2. Stratum Corneum - outermost layer

3. Langerhans Cells (dendritic) - within the epidermis

4. Melanocytes- lower epidermis

The protein ______ is relatively waterproof.

The protein keratin is relatively waterproof

Layers of the skin

Stratum Corneum

Stratum Lucidum

Stratum Granulosum

Stratum Spinosum

Stratum Basale

Come Lets Get Sun Burned

Fibroblasts produce both _________ and ____________.

Fibroblasts produce both collagen and elastin fibers.

Characteristics of the dermis

1. Strength

2. Elasticity

The base of a hair follicle is the ______________.

The base of a hair follicle is the dermal papilla

___________ is erection or bristling of hairs due to the involuntary contraction of small muscles at the base of hair follicles that occurs as a reflexive response of the sympathetic nervous system especially to cold, shock, or fright.

Piloerection is erection or bristling of hairs due to the involuntary contraction of small muscles at the base of hair follicles that occurs as a reflexive response of the sympathetic nervous system especially to cold, shock, or fright.


Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Basal Cell Carcinoma lesions usually _______________________.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Basal Cell Carcinoma lesions usually do not metastasize rapidly.

Malignant Melanoma may metastasize very rapidly to the ________, ________, or ____________.

Malignant Melanoma may metastasize very rapidly to the lungs, liver, or other vital organ.

Merkel cells are located in the ______________.

Merkel cells are located in the stratum germinativum.

The cutaneous senses are ________, ________, _________, ________, ________, and ________.

The cutaneous senses are touch, pressure, heat, cold, itch and pain.

The receptors ______, _______, _________, and _______ are free nerve endings.

The receptors heat, cold, itch and pain are free nerve endings.

The receptors _________, and _______ are encapsulated nerve endings.

The receptors touch and pressure are encapsulated nerve endings.

Sebaceous glands secretes _______, which is a ____________________.

Sebaceous glands secretes sebum, which is a lipid substance that we commonly refer to as oil.

The characteristics of sebum

1. Inhibit the growth of bacteria on the skin surface.

2. Prevent the drying out of skin and hair.

Ceruminous Glands are located in the ______ of the ________ and secrete ________ or ear wax.

Ceruminous Glands are located in the dermis of the ear canals and secrete cerumem or ear wax.

There are two types of sweat glands _______ and ______.

There are two types of sweat glands apocrine and eccrine.

Decubitus ulcers occurs when ___________________________.

Decubitus ulcers occurs when the skin is compressed between the objects outside, such as a bed and bony prominence within, such as the heel bone or the sacrum in the lower back.

Mast cells are produced in the _______________ and found in _______________.

Mast cells are produced in the red bone marrow and found in connective tissue throughout the body.

The function of Areolar Connective Tissue

1. Connects skin to muscle

2 Contains many WBCs to destroy pathogens that breaks in skin.

3. Contains mast cells that release histamine, leukotrienes, and other chemicals involved in inflammation.

The function of Adipose Tissue

1. Contains stored energy in the form of true fats.

2. Cushions bony prominences

3. Provide some insulation from cold

4. Contributes to appetite

5. Contributes to use of insulin

6. Produces cytokines that activate WBCs

The ________________ is the outermost organ system of the body.

The integumentary system is the outermost organ system of the body.