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86 Cards in this Set

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Sickle Cell Disease

An autosomal recessive disease caused by point mutation in an allele that codes for one of the polypeptide chains

Somatic Cells

The cells of a body that are not sex cells


An interbreeding group of animals or plants that are reproductively isolated through anatomy, ecology, behaviour, or geographic distribution from all other such groups.

Parapatric Speciation

Speciation occurring when two populations have continuous distributions and some phenotypes in that distribution that are more favourable than others.

Allotropic Speciation

Speciation occurring through geographic isolation


The formation of one or more new species via reproductive isolation.

Stabilizing Selection

Selection that maintains a certain phenotype by selecting against deviations from it.

Stem Cells

undifferentiated cells found in the body that can used to replicate a large number of cells or tissue.


Group of local populations who share the same geographic range of a species and can be differentiated from other subspecies based on one or more phenotypic traits


The science of biological classification


A group or organisms assigned to a particular category

Theory of Acquired Characteristics

The idea that changes to an organism in a single lifetime may be passed. Ie) women who get breast enlargement will have kids with huge boobies. Lamarack


The theory that the same gradual geological processes that we observe today were happening in the past

James Hutton and Lyell

X-linked Disorders

Genetic mutations that result from mutations to the X chromosome. They are almost always expressed in males (XY), but not always in females (XX)


The Great Chain of Being. All aminals and humans have an immutable (non-changing) energy that places them in a heirarchy with humans at the top

Comte De Buffon

Argued that life occurred spontaneously.

Georgen Cuvier

Catastrophism: Some species had gone extinct after massive natural disasters, after which new and unrelated species formed. This theory was weak though because he was vague about where the new species came from

Jean Baptiste Lamarck

Theory of Inherited of Acquired Characteristics: Creatures adapt to survive their envrionment and the changes that occur within one lifetime will be passed onto their children. Ie) Giraffes got long necks from stretch stretch stretching their way up to the tops of the trees so their kids automatically had long necks.


Theory of Common Origin- All species that shared similarities could be explained if all animals had come from a common ancestor.

Natural Selection- Differential reproductive success over multiple generations.

Adaptive Radiation- The diversification of one founding species into multiple species and niches.

Alfred Russel Wallace

Shared Darwins idea of Natural Selection

Wilhelm Johanssen

Coined the term 'Gene.'

Carolus Linnaeus

Created the binomial nomenclature used for naming animals and plants,

Sherwood Washburn

Created Physical Anthropology

ABO Blood Type System

Genetic system for one of the proteins found on the surface of a red blood cell


Short term changes in physiology that occur in an organisms response to envrionmental changes


the ability of an organism to adapt to stressful envrionmental changes for long or short term

Adaptive Radiation

The diversification of one species into multiple species and niches

Allens Rule

People living in warmer climates have longer limbs to help spread and decrease body heat

Amino Acid

The building blocks of protein


Evolution of one species into another over time,





Evolution of a species through branching.


Analogous traits

Similar traits due to similar use, not heritage

Ie) bats wings and butterfly wings

Homologous traits

Similar traits resulting from a shared heritage.

Ie) human hands and monkey hands

Autosomal Recessive Diseases

A disease cased by recessive alleles

Balanced Polymorphism

Stable polymorphism that prevents any of the other phenotypes from being fixed or lost

Bergmans Rule

Individuals living in cooler temperatures will have stockier bodies than those living in warmer climates because it helps stay warm

Binomial Nomenclature

Genus and Species used to name animals and plants



the Distribution of plants and animals on earth


the belief that multiple creations occurred because of large natural disasters that wiped out a species and another, totally unrelated one, took its place. Weak because there is no explination as to where the unrelated species comes from.


DNA during the interphase of a cell cycle


Carry DNA

Convergent Evolution

Similar features brought on by similar events, not by shared ancestry


Exchange of DNA between homologous chromosomes that makes for genetic recombination


46 chromosomes in the human body


23 chromosomes in the human body

Directional Selection

Natural Selection that drives evolutionary change by selecting for more or less of a given trait


Reproductive success

Founder Effect

Populations separated from each other will carry the genetic information of their founders


Sex Cells


Unit of heredity

Gene flow

movement of genes through populations

Genetic bottleneck

temporary dramatic reduction in the size of a species


All genes carried by a person


Genetic make upp of an individual


Darwinian view of slow evolutionary change

Group Selection

The belief that animals act in the best interest of their group. However thsi is proven to be incorrect


The production of phenotypic variability that can be attributed to genes

Hetero Advantage

The advantage given to individuals with hetero genes, they are less likely to carry certian diseases like Sickle cell anemia but remain immune to malaria

Lamrackian Evolution

Organisms adapt to their envrionment in a simgle life time and pass it on to their kids


Production of sex cells


the production of identical daughter cells


the chemical in our skin that gives it certian colours

Law in independent Assortment

Every individual organism contains two alleles for each trait and these alleles segregate so that a gamete has one allele

Law of Independant Assortment

Alleles for different traits are passed independantly from one another to the off spring


The study of small changes that occur within a species

Ie) folds in Asian eyelids


The study of majour phenotypic changes over a short period of time

Mitochondrial DNA

Maternal DNA in the Mitochondria

Natural Selection

Different reproductive success over multiple generations


An evolutionary tree indicating relatedness


Multiple genes create one phenotype


One gene creates multiple phenotypes


two or more distinct phenotypes that exist within a population


an interbreeding group of organisms

Population Genetics

The study of genetic variation within a population

Protein Synthesis

the assembly of proteins from an amino acid


Single celled organism whos genetic material isnt held within a nucleus


Organisms whos genetic material is held within a nuclear membrane

Punctuated equilibrium

Model of evolution characterized by rapid bursts of change, then stasis


Both cultural and biological subspecies of humans

Reproductive isolation

any factor, physical, ecological, or behavioural that prevents animals of different species from mating


structures composed of RNA that are responsible for protein synthesis


Occurs in Meiosis

Sexual Dimorphism

Differences in colour, size, and shape of animals of different sexes within the same species

Sexual Selection

Differential reproductive successes of one sex of a species

Types of Mutations

Deletion: When a section of DNA is lost or deleted

Insertion: When extra base pairs are added to the Amino Acids

Point: A mutation affecting only one or very few nucleotides in a gene sequence

Neutral: Changes in the DNA sequence that are neither harmful nor beneficial to an organisms survival rate


The presence of genetic variation within a population, upon which natural selection can operate