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55 Cards in this Set

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What does allegory mean?

A simple story often with a deeper meaning

What does a didactic tale mean

A story with a moral teaching

What does anthropomorphism mean?

When animals are given the characteristics of humans

What is a dictator?

A political leader that rules with absolute power, no democracy

What is a tyrant?

A cruel dictator who is unkind to their people

What is a democracy?

A political system in which everyone had a right to vote

What is a totalitarian state?

A country ruled by a dictator, no one has a say in what happens, rebels are killed or imprisoned

What is a tricolon?

List of three

What is a communism?

When everything is shared equally in a society

What is a hierarchy?

A social system

What is a proletariat?

The working class

What is a vice?

A bad habit

What does patriotic mean?

When love and acknowledgement is shown for one country

What does autonomy mean?

The freedom to make your own decisions

What does it mean if your subservient?

Your prepared to obey others without question

What is propaganda?

Biased or misleading publicity

What is status quo?

The way things are

Bad status quo

What does subjugate mean?

Keep under control

What does pejorative mean?


What does bucolic mean?

Typical green country side

What does aggrandise mean?

Making someone seem important/grand

What does pathos mean?

Writer making us feel sad

Killing boxer

What does nonchalantly mean?


Name the seven commandments

1) whatever goes apon two legs is an enemy

2)whatever goes apon four legs, or has wings, is a friend

3)no animal shall wear clothes

4)no animal shall sleep in a bed

5)no animal shall drink alcohol

6)no animal shall kill any other animal

7)all animals are equal

What was the shortened version of the seven commandments recited by the sheep and helpful for the hens and ducks ?

Four legs good, two legs bad

What was the first altar made of the seven commandments

4)No animal shall sleep in a bed, WITH SHEETS

What was the second altar made to the seven commandments?

6)no animal shall kill any other animal, WITHOUT CAUSE

What was the third altar to the seven commandments?

5)no animal shall drink alcohol, TO EXCESS

What was the altered version of four legs good two legs bad?

Four legs good two legs better

Chapter 10

What was the final commandments made when the original commandments were abolished?

All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others

What character does napoleon represent in terms of the Russian revolution?

Josef Stalin

Who was Joseph Stalin?

A dictator

Who does old major represent in terms of the Russian revolution?

Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin

Who does snowball represent in terms of the Russian revolution?

Leon Trotsky

Who does squealer represent in terms of the Russian revolution?


Who does mollie represent in terms of the Russian revolution?

The upper class

What does the farm house represent in terms of the Russian revolution?

The Kremlin (palace)

Who do the puppies represent in terms of the Russian revolution?

The KGB (Russian secret police)

Who is the owner of foxwood farm?

Mr Pilkington

Who is the owner of pinchfield farm?


Who does boxer represent in terms of the Russian revolution?

The proletariat (uneducated working class)

Who was Leon Trotsky?

The Russian revolutionary leader, Stalin’s greatest rival

Who does napoleon use as a scapegoat?


Who did pilkington represent in terms of the Russian revolution?

The capitalist west

Who does Fredrick represent in terms of the Russian revolution?

Hitler and nazi Germany

Who does jones represent in terms of the Russian revolution?

Tsar Nicholas II

Who do the hens represent in terms of the Russian revolution?

The peasants who were forced to get rid of their produce

What does the chronological structure of animal farm show?

The gradual decline of animalism (napoleon taking control and slowly undermining each commandment)

What quotation shows how the pigs are lazy in terms of labour?

“The pigs did not actually work, but directed and supervised the others”

“Napoleon stood up to reply. He said very quietly that the windmill was nonsense and that he advised nobody to vote for it” what does this quotation show?

Hypocrisy, manipulation

What quotation shows how napoleon brainwashed the animals and turned them against snowball?

“Snowball was nothing but a criminal”

Give a quotation from old major that shows the harsh reality of the farm animals lives which is used to direct the animals into rebellion

“No animal escapes the cruel knife in the end”

Give a quotation that shows the animals obedience and stupidity when reacting to squealers persuasive rants

“They accepted his explanations without further questions”

Give a quotation that shows an example of one of old majors promises that would be later broken by the pigs

“Cruel whips no more shall crack”

When trying to persuade the animals that the pigs needed milk and apples, what quotation is used to make the false statistics believable?

“Proved by science”