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84 Cards in this Set

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1. What is the main blood supply to the internal organs?
Abdominal Aorta
2. What separates the pelvis from the perineum?
Pelvic Diaphragm
3. What separates the abdominal cavity from the thoracic cavity?
thoracic diaphragm
4. What separates the abdominal cavity from the pelvic cavity?
no physical separation between the 2 cavities
5. Where is the transpyloric plane?
crosses tips of the 9th costal cartilages anteriorly and the lower 1st lumber vertebra posteriorly
6. What organs are found at the level of the transpyloric plane?
1. pylorus of stomach 2. superior part of the duodenum 3. duedenojejunal flexture 4. Fundus of the gall bladder
7. What innervates all of the superficial abdominal muscles?
6 lower intercostals nerves and L1
8. What is the linea alba?
Joining of the aponeurosis of the right and left external abdominal oblique muscles
9. What is the lowest portion of the aponeurosis 腱膜 called?
inguinal ligament (false ligament)
inguinal canal 有兩個開口
內部的開口: Deep inguinal ring, 是由 ________ 構成的
外部的開口: Superficial inguinal ring, 是由 ________ 構成的
Deep inguinal ring: transversalis fascia
Superficial inguinal ring:external oblique abdominal aponeurosis
11. What is the cremaster muscle(提睪肌)
a continuation of?
Continuation of internal abdominal oblique muscle into the spermatic cord(精囊腺)
12. What innervates the cremaster muscle(提睪肌)?
Genital branch of genitofemoral n.
13. What are the afferent innervations of the cremasteric reflex?
Afferent- Femoral branch of the genitorfemoral nerve and/or ilioinguinal N.
14. What are the efferent innervations of the cremasteric reflex?
Efferent- genital branch of the genitofemoral N.
15. What is a prolapse of the uterus?
round ligament of uterus stretches out & uterus drops (after multiple pregnancies)
16. What does the extension of the internal abdominal oblique muscle look like in females?
Thin fibers reach the round ligament of the uterus
17. What happens to the rectus sheath below the umbilicus (beneath the arcuate line)?
All aponeurosis are anterior to the rectus abdominis (only posterior are transverse fascia and peritononeum)
18. What is the origin of the epigastric vessels?
Internal thoracic artery (internal mammory artery)
What are the contents of the rectus sheath?
1. Rectus abdominis muscle
2. Inf/Sup epigastric vessels
3. 5 lower intercostals N. (including Subcostal N.)
20. Whats not contained in the rectus sheath?
1. Illiohypogastric n.
2. Illioinguinal n.
21. What are the medial umbilical folds 內側臍褶 remnants of?
Umbilical arteries
brought deoxygenated blood from fetus to mother
22. What becomes the round/teres ligament of the liver?
Umbilical vein
brought oxygenated blood from placenta to fetus
What is the median umbilical fold (also called the median umbilical ligament or the urachal cord) a remnant of?
Urachus- embryonic urinary tract
24. What two muscle aponeurosis join to make the conjoint tendon 聯合肌腱?
又稱作 inguinal falx 腹股溝鐮
transverse abdominis &
internal abdominal oblique muscle
1. Because linea alba is avascular, is often cut in surgery and doesn’t heal well. 2. After surgery, hernia can occur along scar because of weakening to area 3. Can occur at sight of any incision
稱作: _____
incisional hernia 切口疝氣
26. When does an umbilical hernia usually occur?
during pregnancy (sometimes congenital)
27. What is the difference between an inguinal hernia and a femoral hernia?
Inguinal is above inguinal lig. While femoral is below inguinal lig
28. Where is the deep inguinal ring located?
Fascia transversalis
29. Where is the superficial inguinal ring located?
Aponeurosis of external abdominal oblique muscles
30. What are the contents of the inguinal canal in female ?
Female- round ligament of uterus, lymphatics
31. What are the contents of the inguinal canal in Male?
Male- spermatic cord (contains vas deferens, testicular vein and artery, illioinguinal N. genitofemoral N. lymphatics, cremaster N.
32. Where do the left and right testicular veins drain?
1. Left- left renal vein 2. Right- Inf. Vena Cava
33. When do the testis begin and end moving out of the abdominal cavity?
Begins at 7 weeks (of fetus life) and ends by 7th month
Testes fails to descend (typically results in infertility)
35. What are the 1-3 characteristics of a direct inguinal hernia?
1. Medial to epigastric vessels
2. Parallels spermatic cord
3. Low risk of strangulation
36. What are the 4-6 characteristics of a direct inguinal hernia?
4. Almost always acquired
5. Typically middle aged man
6. Smaller in size
37. What are the 1-3 characteristics of an indirect inguinal hernia?
1. Lateral to epigastric vessel
2. Passes through deep inguinal ring
3. Pushes into spermatic cord
38. What are the 4-7 characteristics of an indirect inguinal hernia?
4. High risk of strangulation
5. Can be congenital
6. In younger people
7. Bigger in size
41. What are the roots of the greater splanchnic nerve?
T5-T9 (referred pain in epigastric region)
42. What are the roots of the lesser splanchnic nerve?
T10-T11 (referred pain in umbilical region)
43. What are the roots of the least splanchnic nerve?
腸繫膜(Mesentery),在腹側為ventral mesentery,在背側為dorsal mesentery。
________:是 greater omentum (大網膜) 和gastrosplenic lig. (胃脾韌帶) 的附著點。
greater omentum 上有gastromentum artery (胃網膜動脈),負責供應greater curvature。
greater curvature (胃大彎)
59. When does fluid accumulate in the rectouterine pouch?
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) or ovulation
60. What does excess fluid in the right hepatorenal pouch of Morrison cause?
e.g. after surgery, If patient is laying down, the excess fluid can stimulate the diaphragm causing coughing
61. List the parts of the foregut:
(2)由Celiac trunk(腹腔動脈幹)供應
食道腹段(abdominal esophagus)
62. List the parts of the midgut:
(1)連接前腸,之後會發育成十二指腸(duodenum)的下段,一直到橫結腸(transverse colon)
近端2/3 和遠端1/3 交接處。
(2)由Sup. Mesenteric a.(上腸繫膜動脈)供應。
昇結腸(ascending colon)
橫結腸(transverse colon)的近側2/3
63. List the parts of the hindgut:
(1)起自左結腸曲,發育成橫結腸(transverse colon)遠側1/3,終止於肛管(anal canal)中點。
(2)由Inf. Mesenteric a.(下腸繫膜動脈)供應。腹主動脈在L3 發出下腸繫膜動脈。
橫結腸(transverse colon)的遠側1/3
降結腸(descending colon)
乙狀結腸(sigmoid colon)
肛管(anal canal)
64. List the blood supply of the foregut, midgut, and hindgut:
Foregut: Celiac Truck
Midgut: Superior Mesenteric A
Hindgut; Inferior mesenteric A
65. What is the parasympathetic innervations of the gut?
1. Esophagus up to 2/3 right of transverse colon Vagus N.
橫結腸(transverse colon)之前: vagus nerve
2. 1/3 left of transverse colon to anal canal- Splanchnic N( S2-S4)
降結腸(descending colon)以下: Splanchnic N( S2-S4)
66. What is the sympathetic innervations of the lower esophagus to the anus?
Spinal segments of T5-T12
67. Where does the esophagus begin and end?
1. Begins C6 ends T10-T12
2. Lies on vertebral column
3. 25-30cm long
外擴張,經過橫膈上會有一肌肉束將它束住,形成_________,約在T10 的水平位上。
Esophageal hiatus(食道裂口)
1. May act as sphincter 2. 40cm from incisor teeth 3. Accompanied by 2 vagus n.
69. What are the 3 narrowing’s of the esophagus?
1. Upper sphincter =頸狹窄(Cervical constriction
2. Aortic narrowing
3. Diaphragmatic narrowing 橫膈狹窄
70. What is the innervation of the esophagus?
Sympathetic & parasympathetic Vagus N
71. What is the blood supply of esophagus?
1. Upper- Inf. Thyroid A.
2. Middle- Thoracic Aorta & bronchial A.
3. Lower- left gastric A and Inf Phrenic A.
72. What is the venous drainage of the esophagus?
1. Inf Thyroid vein
2. Azygos vein
3. Hemiazygos vein
4. (Left)Gastric vein
73. Where do the gastric veins drain into?
Into Portal vein 門靜脈
(portal-caval anastomosis)
91. What stimulates the secretion of gastric juices?
1. Nervous secretion (Vagus N.): taste, smell, sight 2. Gastric/digestive phase secretion: food ingestion
93. What is the blood supply of the stomach?
1. Left gastric A. (from celiac A.(腹腔動脈幹))
2. Right gastric A. (from common hepatic A.)
3. Short gastric A. (from splenic A.)
4. Left gastroepiploic A. (from splenic A.)
5. Right gastroepiploic A. (from gastroduodenal A.)
94. What is the venous drhttp://www.flashcardexchange.com/editcard?rec=%20yui-rec78&id=52367212#tab2ainage of the stomach?
1. Portal Vein
2. Splenic vein
3. Right gastroepiploic vien
96. What is the parasympathetic innervations of the stomach?
Anterior/ posterior vagus trunks – stimulates glandular secretion & peristalsis
97. What is the sympathetic innervations of the stomach?
Sympathetic postganglionic fibers from synapse of splanchnic N. in celiac ganglion – inhibits peristalsis & gastric secretion, cause pyloric secretion, convey pain
食道和胃真正的交接處,以上是食道黏膜(Esophageal mucosa),以下是胃黏膜
(Gastric mucosa),可以當作插鼻胃管的界線,約在T11 椎骨高度。
Z-line(Esophagogastric junction)
正常情況下,Z-line 在橫膈下方,所以胃酸不會到食道。但是當食道往上擠,Z-line
胃酸就會往食道侵犯,而灼傷食道,形成所謂的胃食道逆流,損傷食道壁。稱作 ________
Hiatal hernia(裂口疝氣)
食道和胃交接: ______:
胃和十二指腸交接的區域: pyloric(幽門)
1. cardia (賁門)
2. pyloric(幽門):,由二個部分組成。
pyloric antrum(幽門竇)和pyloric canal(幽門管)
108. What are the three parts of the small intestine?
duodenum 的 _____part:
1. Most common place for ulcer (duodenal cap 或稱作 ampulla(壺腹))
2. 還在小網膜的位置(和肝之間有腹膜相連結
─hepatoduodenal lig.)。
3. 屬腹膜內臟器。
1st part (superior)
duodenum 的 ___ part:
1. Opening for common bile duct
2. Major duodenal papilla (main pancreatic duct)
3. Minor duodenal papilla
4. 屬腹膜後(retroperitoneal)臟器。
2nd part (descending)
duodenum 的 ___ part:
1. Sup. Mesenteric a./v. 從主動脈分出後直接跨在此段上。
2. 屬腹膜後(retroperitoneal)臟器。
3rd part- horizontal
duodenum 的 ___ part
1. 往上升後會轉一個彎,稱為 duodenojejunal flexure(十二指腸-空腸彎曲),為 duodenum 與 jejunum 交接處。
2. 屬腹膜後(retroperitoneal)臟器。
4th part (ascending)
124. List the characteristics of the ileum:
Ileum: 1. Right lower quadrant 2. Less vascular 3. Pale pink 4. Thin wall 5. Short vasa recta 6. More acrades 7. More fat 8. No window in mesentery 9. Many peyers patches 10. Few/low circular folds
2.存在於後腹壁,是 duodenojejunal flexure(十二指腸-空腸彎曲)的成因。
Suspensory lig. of duodenum = Lig. of Treitz
右 ASIS = anterior superior iliac spine. 與肚臍連線外三分之一處,在臨床上,此部位稱為McBurney’s point。
闌尾(Vermiform appendix )
升結腸與橫結腸的前2/3 的 blood supply : Sup. mesenteric a. 分支:
1. 中結腸動脈(middle colic a.)
2. 右結腸動脈(right colic a.)
3. ______________
迴腸結腸動脈(Ileocolic a.) 、
橫結腸的後1/3 到上直腸的 blood supply: 下腸繫膜動脈(Inf.
mesenteric a.)的分支:
1. 左結腸動脈(Lt’ colic a.)
2. _________
3. 上直腸動脈(Sup. rectal a.)
乙狀結腸動脈(Sigmoid a.)
1. Tenia coli
2. Haustra
3. Omental appendix 腸脂垂
What are absent from the rectum?
Haustra and teniae
138. What is the innervations of the anal canal below the pectinate line?
pudendal N. (sensitive to pain)
Rectum 直腸的 blood supply
1. superior rectal a. ← Inferior mesenteric a.
2. middle rectal a. ← _________
3. inferior rectal a. ← internal pudendal a.
internal iliac a.
pancreas 的 blood supply
Gastroduodenal a.→ant. & post. Sup.pancreatico-duodenal a.
Superior mesenteric a.→ant. & post. Inf. pancreatico-duodenal a.
Splenic a.→ ___________ / dorsal pancreatic a.
greater pancreatic a.
What is the remnant of ductus venosos (shunted blood from umbilical vein to IVC in order to bypass portal vein)?
ligamentum venosum
肝門(porta hepatis)位於肝的下方,會有三條管子經過,稱為肝門三合體(portal triad),這三條管子分別是
1. 肝管(hepatic duct)
2. 肝動脈(hepatic a.)、
3. 肝門靜脈(portal v.)
( hepatic duct + cystic duct = bile duct )
What are the ureters crossed by?
1. Male- vas deferens
2. Female- Uterine A. & vein
Ureter 的動脈供應(由上而下排列)
(1) branch of renal a.)。←最主要
(2) branch of ___________
(3) branch of abdominal aorta
(4) branch of common iliac a.
Ovarian artery / testicular artery