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126 Cards in this Set

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Where does the diaphragm attach?
1. 2 crura attach to 2 left or 3 right lumbar vert.
2. xiphoid process
3. inner surfaces of the lower 6 ribs
4. arcuate ligaments
5. to the central tendon
Which dome of the diaphragm is higher?
right dome
The inferior surface of the diaphragm is covered by what? Exceptions?
1. peritoneum (except for the bare area of the liver)
What innervates the liver?
C3,4, and 5
When the diaphragm contracts, what happens to thoracic volume and what happens to abdomen volume?
1. thoracic volume increases
2. abdomen volume decreases
When the diaphragm relaxes, what happens to thoracic volume and what happens to abdomen volume?
1. thoracic volume decreases
2. abdomen volume increases
What happens if the diaphragm relaxes and the abdominal muscles contract at the same time?
the abdominal volume increases and the abdominal pressure will also increase (vomiting, defecation)
Where does the anterior abdominal wall extend from?
anterior aspects of the rib cage to the pelvic girdle
What are the superior attachments of the anterior abdominal wall?
1. xiphoid process
2. costal cartilages of ribs 7-10
What are the inferior attachments of the anterior abdominal wall?
1. iliac crest
2. anterior superior iliac spine
3. inguinal ligament
4. pubic tubercle
5 pubic crest
6. pubic symphysis
What does the umbilicis overlie and what does it divide the abdominal wall into?
1. overlies the intervertebral disc between L3/4
2. divides abdominal wall into quadrants
The xiphoid process is at what dermatome level?
The umbilicus overlies what dermatome level?
The pubic symphysis lies at what dermatome level?
The umbilicus is tightly attached to what?
underlying fascia
The umbilicus contains what?
1. remnants of allantois, umbilical arteries and vein
2. inferior epigastric arteries forming the lateral umbilical ligaments
Remnants of the allantois are contained in what structure running to the umbilicus?
median umbilical ligaments
The remnants of umbilical arteries and vein running to the umbilicus are contained in what structures?
1. arteries- medial umbilical ligaments
2. vein- ligamentum teres
The inferior epigastric arteries form what structures related to the umbilicus?
1. inferior epigastric arteries form the lateral umbilical ligaments
Above the umbilicus the superficial fascia contains what?
1. fat and connective tissue fibers as a single layer of tissue
Below the umbilicus the superficial fascia contains what?
divides into:
1. subcutaneous Camper's fascia
2. deeper membranous Scarpa's fascia
Scarpa's fascia is continuous with what and attaches to what?
1.superficial perineal fascia (Colle's fascia)
2. attaches to the fascia lata
What is Scarpa's fascia used for in repairs to the abdominal wall?
used for suturing the subcutaneous fascia
In a rupture of the urethra what will happen to the urine?
Urine will extravasate between Scarpa's fascia and the deep fascia of the anterior abdominal wall as high as the region
What is the great flexor of the trunk?
rectus abdominis
From the rib cage to the pubic bone what is rectus abdominis made up of and what is it enclosed in?
1. contains 3-4 transverse tendons
2. enclosed in the fascia investing the other 3 flat muscles of the anterior abdominal wall
What are two functions of the rectus abdominis that it does for other regions of the body?
1. fixes the rib cage for the neck muscles (lifting head from pillow)
2. fixes pelvis for hip flexors (raising legs from bed)
What innervates the rectus abdominis?
T6-T12 (segmental innervation)
Where does the rectus abdominis attach superiorly?
anterior surface of the xiphoid process and the adjacent 5-7 costal cartilages
Where does the rectus abdominis attach inferiorly?
attaches to the pubic crest and symphysis
The lateral margin of the right rectus abdominis overlies what as it crosses over the costal margin?
the gallbladder
The two recti abdomini are separated by what? What is this structure? Where does it extend?
1. linea alba
2. avascular insertion of the aponeurosis of the 3 flat anterior abdominal muscles
3. extends from xiphoid process to the pubic symphysis
What is it said the linea alba is a site of?
What is the rectus sheath?
1. the deep fascia investing the superficial and deep layers of the 3 flat abdominal muscles
What does the rectus sheath envelope?
rectus abdominis
Superior to the umbilicus, what fascia runs anterior and posterior to the rectus abdominis muscles?
1. deep fascia of the external oblique
2.fascia covering the anterior surface of the internal oblique
1. fascia of the posterior surface of the internal oblique
2. fascia of the transversus abdominis
Below the umbilicus, what fascia runs anterior and posterior to the rectus abdominis muscles?
1. all of the deep fascia pass anterior to the rectus muscle
How is blood supplied to the rectus abdominis?
1. inferior epigastric artery
2. superior epigastric artery
The inferior epigastric artery ascends through the abdomen where to do what at what level?
1. ascends on the posterior surface of the rectus within its sheath
2. to anatstomose with the superior epigastric artery
3. near the level of the costal cartilage of rib 8
Which direction does the nerve supply to the rectus abdominis come in? Why is this important for surgery?
1. comes from lateral margin
2. surgery in this area should come from the medial margin of the rectus abdominis, but not on the linea alba since it is avascular
Where should the incision be made for surgery on or near the rectus abdominis?
1. in the anterior rectus sheath, on the medial side and the muscle should be retracted laterally.
2. Then the posterior aspect of the rectus sheath is incised
The flat muscles of the anterior abdominal wall arise from where to pass where?
1. arise from posterior and lateral aspects of the abdominal wall
2. pass anteriorly to end in aponeurosis at the lateral margin of the rectus
The aponeurosis of the anterior abdominal wall joins with what and inserts where?
1. joins with rectus sheath
2. inserts at the linea alba
Motor nerves and arteries are found where in the anterior abdominal wall?
between 2nd and 3rd layers of flat muscles of the anterior abdominal wall
What function do the flat muscles of the anterior abdominal wall have?
1. lateral flexors and rotators of the torso
2. help maintain intraabdominal pressure
3. assist in expiration and/or urination, defecation, and childbirth
4. also involved in coughing, vomiting and venous return to the heart
Where does the external oblique muscle arise from?
external aspects of lower 8 ribs
The superior and lateral portions of the external oblique are defined as what while the medial and inferior portions are defined how?
1. superior and lateral portions are muscular
2. inferior and medial portions are aponeurotic
The fibers of the external oblique run what directions and from where to where?
1. inferomedially
2. from R12-iliac crest
The superior 1/2 of the external oblique insert where while the inferior 1/2 insert where?
1. superior-anterior aspect of the rectus sheath
2. inferior- iliac crest, tubercle, ASIS, inguinal ligament, and pubic bone
The lowermost fibers of the external oblique insert where?
1. external lip of the iliac crest posteriorly, and more superior fibers insert into more anterior aspects of the iliac crest
The free inferior border of the external oblique between the ASIS and the pubic tubercle is what?
inguinal ligament
A reflection of the inguinal ligament onto the pectineal line of the pubic bone is what?
lacunar ligament
The opening of the external oblique aponeurosis close to the pubic tubercle is what?
superficial inguinal ring
What is deep to the external oblique and how are its fibers oriented?
1. internal oblique
2. perpendicular to the external oblique
The internal oblique is what in its inferior and lateral aspects and what in its superior and medial aspects?
1. inf. and lat- muscular
2. sup and med- aponeurotic
Where does the internal oblique arise from?
intermediate line of the iliac crest and the lateral 1/2 of the inguinal ligament
The most posterior fibers of the internal oblique ascend to where?
The anterior fibers of the internal oblique run where and contribute to what?
1. superomedially
2. contribute to the ant. and post. layers of the rectus sheath, before inserting into the linea alba
Internal oblique fibers arising from the lateral 1/2 of the linea alba (inferormedial) arch over what and insert into what?
1. arch over the inguinal canal
2. insert into the pectineal line of the pubis
The insertion of the internal oblique and that of the transversus abdominis at the pubic tubercle is called what?
1. the conjoint tendon
The transversus abdominis has what direction of fibers?
The transversus abdominis has what type of origin with the most superior fibers arising from what?
1. wide origin
2. lower 6CC
Intermediate fibers of the transversus abdomnis arise from what?
aponeurosis attached to the tips of the transverse processes of the lumbar vert.
The inferior fibers of the transversus abdomnis arise from what?
inner lip of the iliac crest and the lateral 1/2 of the inguinal ligament
What is another name for the conjoint tendon?
falx inguinalis
The conjoint tendon fuses with what to do what?
1. fuses with underlying transversalis fascia
2. reinforcing the wall posterior ot the superficial inguinal ring
What does the cremaster muscle do? What is it derived from?
1. invests the spermatic cord within the inguinal canal/elevates the testes in the scrotum
2. derived from muscle fibers of the internal oblique arching over the spermatic cord within the inguinal canal
What innervates the cremaster muscle and is it under voluntary control?
1. genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve (L1,2)
2. not under voluntary control
What innervates the anterior abdominal wall? What are the nerves made up of? Where do they run?
1.anterior rami of T7-T12
2. mixed nerves
3. run between the internal oblique and transversus abdominis muscles
From superficial to deep what are the layers of the abdomen? (areas without the rectus abdominis)
1. skin
2. superficial fascia (Camper's and Scarpa's)
3. external oblique aponeurosis
4. internal oblique
5. transversus abdominis
6. fascia transversalis
7. extraperitoneal fat
8. peritoneum
From superficial to deep what are the layers in the walls of the scrotum?
1. skin
2. Dartos muscle and fascia
(1&2 are the scrotum)
3.external spermatic fascia
4&5. cremaster muscle
6. internal spermatic fascia
(3-6 are coverings of the cord)
7. areolar tissue
8. processus vaginalis
(7 and 8 are constituents of the cord)
What does the spermatic cord contain?
neurovascular bundle supplying testes and cremaster muscle
The processus vaginalis of the peritoneum lies adjacent to what?
the testes and its neurovascular pedicle
The spermatic cord lies within what area?
inguinal canal
As descending testis moves from the extraperitoneal fatty tissue and traverses the abdominal wall, it first encounters the abdominal wall layer formed by what?
1. fascia transversalis which forms the internal spermatic fascia
The proximal opening of the inguinal canal in the transversalis fascia is the deep inguinal ring located where?
1. above mid-inguinal ligament
2. lateral to the inferior epigastric artery
The internal oblique and its fascia give rise to what in the testicular region?
cremaster muscle and its fascia
The external oblique aponeurosis gives rise to what in the testicular region?
external spermatic fascia
The inguinal canal is located between what and is how long?
1. between the superficial and deep inguinal rings
2. about 2 inches long
The anterior wall, floor, posterior wall, and roof of the inguinal canal are formed by what?
1. anterior wall- external oblique aponeurosis
2. floor- external oblique aponeurosis and is part of the inguinal ligament and lacunar ligament
3. posterior wall- fascia transversalis
4. arching fibers of the internal oblique and transversus abdominis running from the lateral 1/2 of the inguinal ligament to the conjoint tendon
The deep inguinal ring is reinforced anteriorly by what?
1. internal oblique muscle
2. aponeurosis of the external oblique
The superficial inguinal ring is reinforced posteriorly by?
conjoint tendon
Indirect inguinal hernias enter what? How are they surgically defined?
1. enters the deep inguinal ring
2. lying lateral to the inferior epigastric artery and invested in internal spermatic fascia
Direct inguinal hernias protrude through what? Why does this occur, and where will the hernia lie?
1. protrudes through the superficial inguinal ring
2. occurs when the conjoint tendon fails
3. hernia lies medial to the inferior epigastric artery, covered by external spermatic fascia
What are the nerves related to the inguinal canal?
1. ilioinguinal
2. iliohypogastric
3. genitofemoral nerves
What level does the ilioinguinal nerve comes from and where does it run?
1. L1
2. pierces internal oblique and runs in the inguinal canal as a sensory nerve
3. leaves the canal by the superficial inguinal ring and contributes to the L1 dermatome
The ilioinguinal nerve's territory overlaps with what other dermatomes?
The ilioinguinal nerve has terminal branches that innervate what?
1. anterior skin of scrotum (anesthesia for vasectomy)
2. anterior aspect of the labium majus in females
What level does the iliohypogastric nerve come from and where does it run/
1. L1
2. is a sensory nerve as it pierces the external oblique aponeurosis above the superficial inguinal ring
What is the function of the genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve?
1. motor to the cremaster muscle
2. elicits the cremaster reflex over the L1,2 dermatomes (medial aspect of the thigh)
In prenatal life, the gubernaculum connects what?
the inferior pole of the developing gonad with the skin of the developing scrotum (labium majus)
In the male, the gubernaculum also draws what into the inguinal canal with the testis?
1. processus vaginalis
2. vas deferens
When does the gonad descend into the iliac fossa? traverse the inguinal canal? reach the bottom of the scrotum?
1. 3rd prenatal month
2.7th prenatal month
3. after birth
In the female, the ovaries stay within the pelvis but what attaches the inferior pole of the ovary to the labium majus?
1. round ligament of the ovary
2. round ligament of the uterus
What is the equivalent of the gubernaculum testis in women?
1. round ligament of the ovary
2. round ligament of the uterus
The walls of the scrotum contain what muscles? What type of muscles are these? What type of innervation do they receive?
1.Dartos muscles
2. smooth muscles
3. sympathetic innervation
What are the dartos muscles derived from and what is their equivalent in females?
1. R&L labioscrotal folds
2. labia majora
What is the function of the dartos muscles?
1. contains the testis and keeps them at a below-body temp
The anterior scrotum or labium majus is innervated by what?
ilioinguinal nerve (L1)
The posterior scrotum (labium in females) is innervated by what?
Vascularization of the scrotum is by what vessels?
external and internal pudendal arteries and veins
What are the external and internal pudendal arteries derived from?
1. external- femoral arteries
2. internal- internal iliac arteries
Lymphatic drainage of the scrotum is to what?
superficial inguinal nodes
Lymphatic drainage of the testes follows what?
follows testicular arteries and veins along the spermatic cord to the abdominal lymph nodes
What is the spermatic cord is made up of what fascia?
1. external spermatic fascia
2. cremasteric fascia
3. internal spermatic fascia
The spermatic cord contains what?
1.processus vaginalis
2. loose connective tissue
3. vas deferens
4. testicular artery and sympathetic nerves
5. pampiniform plexus of veins
6. lymphatics
7. artery of the ductus deferens
8. genital branch of genitofemoral nerve
The inferior portion of the processus vaginalis becomes what? What is the underlying cavity of this structure and what is is called when there is an accumulation of fluid in this cavity?
1. tunica vaginalis
2. cavity of the tunica vaginalis
3. hydrocele
Loose connective tissue of the spermatic cord is continuous with what?
Extraperitoneal loose connective tissue
The vas deferens is the spermatic duct and is a continuation of what? Where does it run? What does it reach?
1. epididymis
2. runs from the testis through the inguinal canal, around the inferior epigastric artery
3. reaches the posterior aspect of the bladder and the seminal vesicle/ runs into ejaculatory duct
The pampiniform plexus of veins form what in the abdomen?
form a single testicular vein
The testis are covered by what except for where?
1. tunica vaginalis
2. except around the epididymis and where the spermatic cord enters the testis
The testis has an outer covering called what? It is also called what posteriorly?
1. tunica albuginea
2. mediastinum testis
The testis are divided by septa into what? These contain what? These are connected to what?
1. 250 pyrimidal compartments
2. seminiferous tubules
3. connected to rete testis via straight tubules
The rete testis is connected to the head of the epididymis by what?
efferent ductules (6-12)
The epididymis is divided into what?
1. head, body, and tail
Where does the testicular artery arise, what does it pierce, and with what does it anastamose?
1. arised from abdominal aorta at L2
2. pierces the mediastinum testis
3. anastomoses with the artery of the vas deferens and cremasteric artery
What is the artery of the vas deferens derived from?
1. inferior vesical branch of the internal iliac artery
What is the cremasteric artery derived from?
a branch of the inferior epigastric artery
The right testicular vein joins what and the left joins what?
1. right- inferior vena cava
2. left- left renal vein
What is a varicocele and where does it happen?
1. abnormal dilation and torsion of veins
2. testicular veins
What is the treatment of a varicocele?
catheter-directed embolization
The lymphatics of the testis ends where?
1. ends in the lymph nodes between the common iliac and renal vessels
The lympathics of the scrotum and penis drain into what?
inguinal nodes
The testis are innervated how and by what fibers?
1. sympathetically
2. from T6-T10 vasomotor fibers
What types of fibers accompany sympathetic fibers in the testis and what doe this have to do with referred pain?
1. afferent fibers accompany
2. pain is referred to T8-T10 dermatomes (pit of the stomach)
The ductus derens is innervated by what? derived from what? made up of what?
1. sympathetic fibers
2. derived from inferior hypogastric plexus
3. made up of fibers from T11,12, and L1