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44 Cards in this Set

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Female pelvis notable differences?
What ligament is the fovea for?
teres ligament/ligamentum teres
angle of inclination is changed in?
Rickets and Osteomalacia
inflammation of the tibial tuberosity occurs in the _____ and is called?

Inflammation = periostitis
In teenagers it can bulge out, known as _________ or _________ disease
Avulsion of tuberosity or Osgoodshlatter disease
Mid-shaft fractures of tibia +
fibula are common distal
fractures in
L4+L5 = ?
Lumbosacral trunk
All muscles of the posterior leg are innervated by ________ except the _____________ which is innervated by ___________
All muscles of the posterior leg are innervated by tibial nerve except the short head of the biceps femoris muscle
Biceps femoris is innervated by common peroneal nerve
If head of the fibula is damaged then most likely the _________ nerve is damaged

Signs on physical exam?
If head of the fibula is damaged then most likely the common peroneal nerve is damaged

Both foot drop AND no pronation
Positive trendelenberg?
Pt holds one leg up. If raised leg's hip tilts or is unstable = glut. medius/minimus or nerve to medius/minimus is damaged (superior gluteal N) on the standing leg.
Pt raises right leg off of ground and right hip dips. What nerve of what leg is damaged?
The left superior gluteal N is damaged

causes weakness to left glut medius/minimus
Ventral hip muscles function?
Function as lateral rotators, are stronger than
medial rotators and control the balance
origin of hamstring muscles?
ischial tuberosity
insertion of hamstrings?
bones of the knee joint
All adductor muscles are innervated by

the obturator nerve

part of adductor magnus is innervated by tibial n
golden sentence
tibial nerve divides into the __________ nerves which innervate ____________ of the foot (sole).
tibial nerve divides into the PLANTAR nerves which innervate the plantar aspect of the foot (sole).
__________ innervates the anterior lower leg and dorsum of the foot
deep peroneal nerve
deep peroneal nerve innervates?
anterior lower leg and dorsum of the foot
__________ innervates the lateral aspect of the lower leg (peroneus muscle)
superficial peroneal nerve
superficial peroneal nerve innervates ?
the later aspect of the lower leg (peroneus muscle)
chief flexor of the hip?
Innervation of iliopsoas
lumbar plexus to psoas
and femoral nerve to iliacus
anterior thigh innervation?
femoral nerve and lumbarplexus (psoas)
Innervation of lower leg extensors of anterior leg and dorsum of foot?
deep peroneal nerve
innervation of sole of foot?
plantar nerve
no dorsalis pedis pulse in elderly = ?
burgers disease (low flow)
no dorsalis pedis pulse in children = ?
coarctition of the aorta
may indicate Turner's syndrome XO
patella grows in the?
tendon of quad. femoris
The greater sciatic foramen is divided into two parts by the____________ into the ___________ and ___________
piriformis divides it into the:
suprapiriformis hiatus
infrapiriformis hiatus
What is in the suprapiriformis hiatus?
superior gluteal vessels
What is in the infrapiriformis hiatus?
inf. gluteal vesssels
internal pudendal vessels
pudendal n.
post. cutaneous n. of the thigh
sciatic n.
N. to obturator internus
contents of lesser sciatic foramen?
internal pudendal vessels
pudendal n.
obturator internus w/tendon
Is the pudendal in both greater and lesser sciatic foramen?
obturator foramen contanins?
obturator membrane
obturator n. and vessels
acetabellur notch - contents of notch are in the foramen
contents of the acetabular notch? aka?
aka obturator canal:
acetabular branch of obturator a.
femoral ring contents?
femoral sheeth

femoral n.
contents of femoral sheeth?
femoral a. and v.
genitofemoral n.
lymph nodes
contents of the subsartorius canal? aka?
aka hunter's canal or adductor canal:
femoral a. and v.
saphenous nerve
nerve to vastis medialis
small branches of obturator n.
adductor hiatus contents? loacation?
posterior leg above knee:
popliteal a. and v.
popliteal fossa contains?
popliteal a. and v.
tibial n.
common peroneal n.
genicular a. and v.
Femoral triangle:

upper border = ?
medial border = ?
lateral border = ?
floor = ?
Femoral triangle:

upper border = inguinal l.
medial border = adductor longus
lateral border = sartorius m.
floor = illiopsoas, pectinius, and adductor longus
foot drop only = what nerve is damaged?
deep peroneal = anterior tibialis
no pronation only = what nerve is damaged?
superficial peroneal nerve = peroneus
both foot drop AND no pronation?
common peroneal nerve = possible head of fibula injury