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56 Cards in this Set

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Functions of Muscular System
Movement: think of muscles as ropes, muscles can only contract, shorten in length, pull, muscles cannot push
Heat production
Posture and body support
Types of Muscles
Smooth: non striated, involuntary
Cardiac: striated, involuntary
Skeletal: striated, voluntary
Basic Properties of Muscles
Irritability: response to stimulus
Contractality: active
Extensibility: passive
Elasticity: muscles return to original length
Skeletal Muscle Attachment: Origin
doesn't move, muscle attachment more proximal
Skeletal Muscle Attachment: Insertion
attachment that is more distal, mobile
Body, main region that shortens and thickens when muscle contracts
Bundle of muscle cells, makes up muscle
dense irregular, surrounds skeletal muscle
surrounding fascicle
Muscle Cell
Muscle fiber, has a lot of nuclei that is pushed to outside
Membrane that surrounds the cell
Cell membrane of muscle cell
cytoplasm of muscle cell
Satellite Cells
repair muscle cells after being damaged
made of myofilament (Thick-myosin, thin-actin)
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
smooth endoplasmic reticulum in a muscle fiber, stores calcium ions needed for muscle contraction
Terminal Cisternae
expanded ends of the sarcoplasmic reticulum that are in contact with the transverse tubules, site of calcium ion release to promote muscle contraction
Thick Filament
Fine protein myofilament composed of bundles of myosin, bin to actin and and cause contraction
Thin Filament
Fine protein myofilament composed of actin, proponin and tropomyosin
double stranded contractile protein, bind to myosin to cause contraction
double stranded regulatory protein, covers the active sites on actin, preventing myosin from binding to actin
Regulatory protein that holds tropomyosin in place and anchors to actin, when calcium ions bind to one of its subunits, this moves the tropomyosin off the actin active site and initiates muscle contraction
Filaments of an elastic protein, help return myofilaments to resting position after contraction, maintain positions of myofilaments in sarcomere
A band
dark band, over lap and repetition of thick and thin, gets bigger when contracts
M Line
middle of the thick filaments
Z Disc
Boundary of sarcomeres, connect the thin filaments to each other
H Zone
Area in the A band that doesn't have actin filaments
cylindrical structures that are responsible for contraction
I Band
light band, no over lap of thin and thick, gets smaller in contraction
functional unit, areas in between z discs, where microfilament are organized
Synaptic Knob
end of axon terminal, rough ER (form vesicles, make protein)
Motor Unit
axon terminals of motor neurons and muscle fibers
Synaptic Cleft
Separates muscle and neuron
Order of Events in Muscle Contraction
1)Nerve impulse triggers release of ACh at neuromuscular junction, ACh binds to motor end plate receptor initiating a muscle impulse in the muscle fiber
2)The muscle impulses spreads quickly along to tubules causin release of calcium ions from terminal cisternae into the sarcoplasm
Muscle contraction
1)Atp binds to myosin head, myosin releases actin
2) ATP turns into ADP and phosphate group, releases energy, cocks the myosin protein to high energy shape
3) Phosphate group released myosin, pushes actin filament, power stroke
4)ADP released
Muscle twitch
Full stiumulation-contraction-relaxation cycle
What does the amount of tension a muscle fiber produces during a twitch depend on?
How many crossbridge attachments it forms
What does number of crossbridge formation depend on?
quantity of myofibrils per muscle fiber, number of byofilament per myofibril, length of muscle fibers when contraction begins, rate or frequency fiber is stimulated
Latent Period
begins at stimulation, lasts around 2 miliseconds, action potential floods over the carcolemma, causing calcium to release from sarcoplasmic reticulum , no tension
Contraction Phase
lasts around 100 miliseconds, crossbridge formation causes tension to increase to a maximum
Relaxation Phase
tension decreases as crossbridges detach, titin fibers in sarcomeres cause muscle fibers to return to resting length
muscle fiber doesn't have time to relax completely before another action potential causes it to contract again
incomplete tetanus
muscle fiber reaches maximum contraction, less time is allowed for relaxation (and rest) before a new action potential arrives
complete tetanus
muscle fiber doesn't have time to relax between action potentials, maximum tension maintained
What does the amount of tension produced by skeletal muscle as a whole depend on?
how frequently the muscle is stimulated (summation and tetanus)
How many muscle fibers are stimulated
force generated by a muscle can be increased by recruiting more motor units
Asynchronous recruitment
partial avoids fatigue in submaximal contractions by alternating the action of the muscle's motor units, alternates muscles being used
Muscle fatigue
motor units fail one by one, force of muscle contraction gradually decreases
Muscle tone
resting tensions, more frequently and more intensely muscles are used, high tone
muscles that are not regularly stimulated, muscle fibers become weaker and smaller, inactivity continues, muscle fibers die
What is ATP used for?
cross bridge action
Calcium Pump
Sodium/Potassium pump
At Rest
ATP Generation greater than ATP consumption
During excercise
ATP Gen=ATP consumption
Creatine phosphate
more stable than ATP, used to phosphorylate ADP to ATP during contraction
Aerobic Cellular Respiration
Glucose + Oxygen yields Carbon dioxide + Water + 32 ATP
able to crank out more ATP than resting cell
Anaerobic Respiration
Glucose yields 2 pyruvate (which yields 2 ATP)