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128 Cards in this Set

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Bones of adult skeleton are grouped into two principle divisions; 80 bones of the ______, and 126 bones of the _______
Axial skeleton

Appendicular skeleton
vertical line that runs through the body's center of gravity, extending down through the head to the space bw the feet
longitudinal axis
the _________ consist of the bones of the upper and lower limbs, plus the bones forming the girdles that connect limbs to axial skeleton
Somewhat cube shaped. Spongy bone except for the surface; includes carpal bones (except for pisiform, which is sesamoid) and tarsal bones (except for calcaneous, which is irregular).
short bones
generally thin. Offer considerable protection and includes cranial bones, breast bone, ribs, scapulae
flat bones
complex shapes. Includes vertebra and some facial bones
irregular bones
develop in certain tendons where there is considerable stress and includes patellae
sesamoid bones
located in certain cranial bones
sutural bones
surface markings which form joints and allow passage of soft tissues such as blood vessels
depressions and openings
surface markings which are projections or outgrowths that either help form joints or serve as attachments for connective tissue such as ligaments and tendons.
narrow split between adjacent parts of bones through which blood vessels and nerves pass

Ex- superior orbital fissure of the sphenoid bone
Opening through which blood vessels, nerves, or ligaments pass.
foramen (hole)

Ex- optic foramen of sphenoid bone
shallow depression
Fossa (trench)

Ex- coronoid fossa of the humerus
along a bone surface that accommodates a blood vessel, nerve, or tendon
Sulcus (groove)

Ex- intertubercular sulcus of humerus
Tubelike opening
Meatus (passageway)

Ex- external auditory meatus of temporal bone
Large round protuberance at the end of a bone
Condyle (knuckle)

Ex- lateral condyle of the femur
smooth flat articular surface

Ex- superior articular facet of a vertebra
rounded articular projection supported on the neck of a bone

Ex- head of the femur
prominent ridge or elongated projection

Ex- lliac crest of the hip bone
projection above a condyle

Ex- Medial epicondyle of the femur
Long, narrow ridge or border

Ex- linea aspera of the femur
sharp, slender projection
Spinous process

Ex- spinous process of vertebra
very large projection

Ex- greater trochanter of the femur
small, rounded projection
Tubercle (knob)

Ex- greater tubercle of the humerus
large, rounded, usually roughened projection

Ex- ischial tuberosity of the hip bone
The _____ contains 22 bones, rests on superoir end of vertebral column, and has 2 sets of bones ______ and _____

cranial bones and facial bones
The 8 cranial bones
frontal, 2 parietal bones, 2 temporal, occipital bone, sphenoid bone, and ethmoid bone
The 14 facial bones
2 nasal, 2 maxillae, 2 zygomatic, the mandible, 2 lacrimal, 2 palatine, 2 inferior nasal conchae, and the vomer
Immovable joints called ______ hold most of the skull bones together
forms the forehead, roof of orbits, and most of anterior cranial floor.
frontal bone
form the greater portion of the sides and roof of the cranial cavity
parietal bones
form the inferior lateral aspects of the cranium and part of cranial floor.
temporal bones
the zygomatic process of the temporal bone and temporal process of zygomatic bone forms the ________
zygomatic arch
The ______ and ______ articulate with the _______ to form the TMJ
mandibular fossa and articular tubercle

inflammation of mastoid air cells
rounded projection of mastoid portion of temporal bone which several neck muscles attach to
mastoid process
The internal auditory meatus is the opening through which ________ and ______ pass
cranial nerve VII (facial nerve)

cranial nerve VIII (vestibulocochlear nerve)
projects inferiorly from the inferior surface of the temporal bone and serves as a point of attachment for muscles and ligaments of tongue and neck
styloid process
opening in temporal bone which contains internal and middle ear, carotid and jugular foramina,
petrous portion
forms posterior part and most of base of cranium; contains foramen magnum
occipital bone
The occipital condyles articulate with the depressions on the first cervical vertebra (atlas) to form
atlanto-occipital joint
lies at middle part of base of skull. Keystone of the cranial floor because it articulates with all the other cranial bones, holding them together. Shape resembles bat with outstretched wings
sphenoid bone
The _______ lies in a portion of the sphenoid bone's sella turcica called the _____
pituitary gland

hypophyseal fossa
a light, sponge like bone located on the midline of the anterior part of the cranial floor medial to orbits. Contains conchae
ethmoid bone
The _______ unite to form the upper jawbone. They articulate with every bone in face except for mandible, and form most of the hard palate.
Failure of the palatine processes of maxillary bones to unite during development
cleft palate
smallest bones of face. Contain lacrimal fossa, which houses the ______, a structure that gathers tears and passes them into the nasal cavity
Lacrimal bones

lacrimal sac
forms the posterior portion of the hard palate, part of floor and lateral wall of nasal cavity
palatine bones
All three pairs of nasal chonchae help swirl and filter air before it passes into the lungs, but only the ______ are involved in the sense of smell
inferior nasal conchae
roughly triangular bone on the floor of the nasal cavity. Is part of the nasal septum
largest, strongest facial bone; only movable skull bone other than auditory ossicles.
characterized by dull pain around the ear, tenderness of jaw muscles, clicking or popping when opening or closing mouth, abnormal opening of mouth, headache, abnormal wearing of teeth.
TMJ Syndrome
Has 3 components- vomer, septal cartilage, perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone. Divides nasal cavity into right and left sides
nasal septum
Each orbit is composed of _____ bones- frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, palatine, zygomatic, _______ and ______

lacrimal and maxilla
unites the frontal bone and both parietal bones
coronal suture
unites the 2 parietal bones on the superior midline of the skull
sagittal suture
unites the 2 parietal bones to the occipital bone
lambdoid suture
unites the parietal and temporal bones on the lateral aspects of the skull
squamous sutures
Paired cavities lined with mucous membranes in frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, and maxillary bones. Serve as resonating chambers for sound as we speak or sing
paranasal sinuses
Inflammation of mucous membranes of the paranasal sinuses. Sinus headache occurs if the membranes swell enough to block drainage to the nasal cavity.
6 main fontanels
anterior fontanel- midline bw two parietal bones and frontal bone- closes in 18-24 months

posterior fontanel- midline bw two parietal bones and occipital bone- closes 2 months

paired anterolateral fontanels- laterally bw frontal, parietal, temporal, and sphenoid bones- closes 3 months

paired poserolateral fontanels- laterally bw parietal, occipital, and temporal bones- closes 11-12 months
suspended from styloid processes of temporal bones by ligaments and muscles. Provides attachment point for some tongue, neck muscles and pharynx
Total vertebrae during development is _____; during adulthood is ___.

Breakdown of 26 adult vertebrae
7 cervical
12 thoracic
5 lumbar
1 sacrum
1 coccyx
When viewed from the side, the vertebral column shows 4 slight curves called
normal curves
between vertebra from the 2nd cervical vertebra to the sacrum. Consists of fibrocartilage and an inner soft elastic substance called the _______
Intervertebral discs

nucleus pulposus
Vertebra typically consist of a ____, ___, ____

vertebral arch

weight bearing part of vertebra.
When vertebral notches are stacked on top of one another, they form an opening called _______ bw adjoining vertebra on both sides of the column that permits the passage of a single spinal nerve.
intervertebral foramen
_____ processes arise from the vertebral arch.
The __________ of cervical vertebrae are the largest in the spinal column.
vertebral foramina
The spinous processes of ____ through _______ are often bifid (split into two parts)
C2 - C6
The Atlas lacks a ______ and ______
body and spinous process
The superior articular facets of the Atlas articulate with the occipital condyles of occipital bone to form the ______
atlanto-occipital joints
Which articulation allows the head to signify "yes"
atlanto-occipital joints
A peglike process called the ______ or ______ projects up from the Axis to the Atlas making a pivot. This joint is called the _______
dens or odontoid process

atlanto-axial joint
C7, called the _______, has a single large _______ that can be felt at the base of the neck
vertebra prominens

spinous process
The 2 articulating surfaces of the thoracic vertebrae are called ____ and _____
facets and demifacets
The articulations between thoracic vertebrae and ribs are called _____
vertebrocostal joints
Largest and strongest vertebrae in the vertebral column
Lumbar L1-L5
triangular bone formed by 5 fused vertebrae, fusion begins at age 16-18 and is usually completed by age 30. Serves as a strong foundation for the pelvic girdle
The anteriorly projecting border of the base of the sacrum is the _______ and is one of the points used for measurement of the pelvis
sacral promontory
Triangular bone made of 4 fused bones, fuses bw 20-30 years of age.
In females, the coccyx points _______, in males, it points _______

Anesthetic agents that act on the sacral and coccygeal nerves are sometimes injected through the ________. Called ________ or epidural block
sacral hiatus

caudal anesthesia
The skeletal part of the thorax is called ______
thoracic cage
3 parts of sternum


Xyphoid Process
1st - 7th pairs of ribs have a direct attachment to the _______ by a strip of hyaline cartilage called ________. These ribs are ______ ribs

costal cartilage

The 8th - 12th ribs are known as ________ bc they indirectly attach to sternum or not at all. _____ and _____ are floating ribs
false ribs

11th and 12th ribs
8th, 9th and 10th pair of ribs are known as ________ bc they attach to each other then attach to the 7th rib
vertebrochondral ribs (also false ribs)
Inflammation of one or more costal cartilages is called __________ and is characterized by local tenderness and pain in anterior chx that may _______. Can mimic angina

Rupture of intervertebral disc so that the nucleus pulposus protrudes into vertebral cavity. Also called ________
Herniated disc

slipped disc
congenital defect of vertebral column in which laminae fail to unite at the midline
spina bifida
Exaggeration of thoracic curve of vertebral column. Caused by degeneration of vertebral discs, Rickets, poor posture, and osteoporosis
sometimes called swayback. Exaggeration of the lumbar curve. Caused by pregnancy, obesity, poor posture, rickets
Narrowing of spinal canal in lumbar section, due to hyperthrophy of surrounding bone and soft tissue. Common cause of leg and back pain
Lumbar spine stenosis
Lateral bending of the vertebral column, usually in thoracic region
______ skull bones form each of the orbits
The cranial bones containing paranasal sinuses are



Another name for central region of spongy bone in a flat bone
attach bones of upper limbs to the axial skeleton
pectoral or shoulder girdles
each pectoral girdle consist of _____ and _____

The clavicle articulates with the manubrium of sternum at the
sternoclavicular joint
Scapula articulates with the clavicle at the _________ and with the humerus at the _______.
acromioclavicular joint

glenohumeral (shoulder) joint
Pectoral girdles do not articulate with the _______. They are held in position by _______

muscle attachments
Broad flat lateral end of clavicle that articulates with the acromion of the scapula
acromial extremity
Each upper limb has _____ bones in 3 locations: _______ in the arm, _____ in the forearm, and _____ carpals in carpus, _____ in the metacarpus, and ______ in the hand
30 bones

1 (humerus)

2 (ulna and radius)

8 (carpals) , 5 (metacarpals), and 14 (phalanges)
Distal to the head of humerus is the site of the epiphyseal line known as ________. The ______ is a lateral projection distal to the ________.
anatomical neck

greater tubercle

anatomical neck
The most laterally palpable bony landmark of the shoulder region. The _______ projects anteriorly
greater tubercle

lesser tubercle
The _______ is a constriction in the humerus just distal to the tubercles. It is so named bc _____ commonly occur there
surgical neck

The _______ on the humerus serves as an attachment point for the tendons of deltoid muscle
deltoid tuberosity
On the humerus, the _______ articulates with the proximal end of radius and the _______ articulates with the proximal end of the ulna

At the proximal end of the ulna is the ________, which forms the prominence of the elbow.
The _____, the uppermost tarsal bone, is the only bone of the foot that articulates with the fibula and tibia. It articulates with the _____ of the tibia and the ____ of the fibula. These articulations form the __________ joint

medial malleolus

lateral malleolus

talocrural (ankle) joint
The ____ is the intermediate region of the foot and consist of _____ metatarsal bones, numbered _______, from the _____ to _____ position



medial to lateral
The phalanges of the foot are similar to those of the hand, numbering _____ from _____ to ____

medial to lateral
Another name for the great (big) toe
condition where the medial longitudinal arch of foot is abnormally elevated. Often caused by muscle deformities, such as in diabetic pts.
Attachment site on the mandible for muscles of mastication (chewing)
coronoid process
Pelvic bones are also called ____
os coxae
The cranial roof is formed by which 3 bones
frontal bone

parietal bones

occipital bone
The frontal bone contains the _______, an opening through which nerves and blood vessels pass to the forehead
supraorbital foramen
Below the meatus is the rounded _________
mastoid process
The spine of the scapula leads to the ________, which forms the tip of the shoulder
acromion process
The narrow end of each scapula forms a socket to receive the humerus called the
glenoid fossa