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29 Cards in this Set

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Financial functions

Excel functions used to analyze loans, investments, and business statistics

PMT function

The financial function that calculates the payment schedule required to repay a loan


The amount of money being loaned


The amount added to the principal by the lender

Chart subtypes

A variation of a chart type

Pie chart

A chart in the shape of a circle divided into slices like a pie; shows data values as a percentage of the whole

Embedded chart

A chart object placed in a worksheet

Selection box

A box surrounding an object such as a chart that is used to move or resize the object

Sizing handles

A square or dot on the edge of a selection box that is used to change the object's width and height

Leader line

A line that connects a data label to its corresponding data marker

Exploded pie chart

A pie chart that moves one slice away from the others as if someone were taking the piece away from the pie


The process of limiting data to fewer values

Column chart

A chart that displays data values as columns with the height of each column based on its value

Bar chart

A column chart turned on its side so that the length of each bar is based on its value

Clustered column chart

A column chart that displays the data values in separate columns side by side

Stacked column chart

A column chart that places the data series values within combined columns showing how much is contributed by each series

100% stacked column chart

A column chart that places the data series values within combined columns showing what percentage is contributed by each series


In a chart, the range of values displayed on a chart axis

Tick marks

A line that divides the scale into regular intervals on a chart axis

Major tick marks

Lines that identify the main units on a chart axis

Minor tick marks

Lines that identify the smaller intervals between major tick marks on a chart axis

Primary axis

The axis against which a data series in a chart is plotted; usually appears along the left side of a chart

Secondary axis

An alternate axis in a chart against which other data series with a different scale is plotted; usually appears on the right side of a chart

Plot area

The part of a chart that contains the graphical representation of the data series

Waterfall chart

A chart used to track the addition and subtraction of values within a sum

Hierarchy charts

A chart that shows the relative contribution of groups to a whole

Treemap chart

A hierarchy chart in which each category is placed within a rectangle and subcategories are nested as rectangles within those rectangles

Sunburst chart

A hierarchy chart that groups categories within a series of concentric rings with the upper levels of the hierarchy placed in the innermost rings

XY scatter charts

A chart that shows the pattern or relationship between two or more sets of values