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80 Cards in this Set

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ambiguous -adj

not clear because it could have more than one meaning

cooperate -verb

to work with someone else to achieve something you both want;

to do what someone asks you to do

pursue -verb

to continue trying to achieve something over a long time;

to chase or follow someone or something in order to catch him, her, or it

objective -noun

objective - adj

a goal that you are working to achieve;

not influenced by your own feelings, beliefs, or ideas

mature -adj

behaving in a reasonable way like an adult

link -verb

to make a connection between two things

deny -verb

to say that something is not true

react -verb

to behave in a particular way because of what someone has done or said to you

vary -verb

to differ, or to change often

deduce -verb

to make a judgment based on the information you have

crucial -adj

extremely important

accompany -verb

to go with or happen together

interpret -verb

to translate or explain the meaning of something

precise -adj

exact or correct in every detail

generate -verb

to produce or make something

perceive - verb

to understand, sense, or notice

dynamic -adj

dynamics -noun

interesting, lively, and full of energy;

the way in which systems or people behave, react, and affect each other

initial -adj

initial -noun

first; happening at the beginning;

the first letter of a name

sustain -verb

to make something continue to exist or happen over a period of time

contradict -verb

for one statement, story, etc. to be so different from another that both cannot be true;

to say that what someone else has just said is wrong or not true

sufficient -adj

enough; as much as you need for a particular purpose

imply -verb

to suggest that something is true without saying or showing it directly

portion -noun

part of something larger;

an amount of food for one person, especially when served in a restaurant

evolve -verb

to develop and change gradually over a long period of time

attain -verb

to achieve something after trying for a long time

fundamental -adj

necessary, basic, and important

flexible -adj

able to change easily;

easy to bend

random -adj

happening without a plan, pattern, or reason

illustrate -verb

to draw, paint, etc. pictures for a book;

to explain or make something clear by giving examples

coherent -adj

clear and easy to understand

assess -verb

to make a judgment about a person or situation after thinking carefully about it

cease -verb

to stop doing something or to make an activity stop happening

contemporary -adj

belonging to the present time; modern

highlight -verb

highlight -noun

to make a problem, subject, etc. easy to notice so that people will pay attention to it;

the most important or exciting part of a movie, sports event, experiences of life, etc

neutral -adj

not supporting either side in an argument, competition, or war

ratio -noun

a relationship between two amounts, represented by two numbers that show how much bigger one amount is than the other

retain -verb

to keep something; to keep facts in your memory

source -noun

the thing, place, or person that you get something from;

the cause of a problem, or the place where a problem starts

target -noun

an aim or a result that you try to achieve;

a person, place, or thing that is chosen to be reached or attacked

theory -noun

an idea that explains something, especially one that has not yet been proven to be true

adequate -adj

enough in quantity or of a good enough quality for a particular purpose;

fairly good but not excellent

clarify -verb

to make something clear and easier to understand by explaining it in more detail

demonstrate -verb

to show or describe how to use or do something;

to prove something clearly

equivalent -adj

equal in value, purpose, rank, etc. to something or someone else

indicate -verb

to show or suggest something

potential -adj

potential -noun

likely to develop into a particular type of person or thing in the future;

a natural ability that could develop to make you very good at something

relevant - adj

directly relating to the subject or problem being discussed

stable -adj

strong, steady and not likely to move or change

transform -verb

to change the appearance, character, etc. of someone or something completely, especially in a good way

utilize -verb

to use something

assure -verb

to make someone feels less worried by promising that something is definitely true

compatible -adj

able to exist together or be used together without causing problems

core -noun

the central or most important part of something

enhance -verb

to make something better

inevitable -adj

certain to happen and impossible to avoid

interact -verb

to talk to other people and work together with them;

if two things interact, they have an effect on each other

manual -adj

involving the use of the hands;

instruction book

proceed -verb

to continue to do something or do something next

specify -verb

to state something in a detailed and exact way

welfare -noun

money paid by the government to people who are very poor or not working;

a person's health, comfort, and happiness

acknowledge -verb

to accept or admit that something is true;

to show that you have seen, heard, or been helped by someone

apparently -adverb

apparent -adj

based on what you have heard is true, although you are not completely sure about it;

easily seen or understood

conform -verb

to behave in the way most people do

eliminate -verb

to get rid of something completely

function -noun

the usual purpose of a thing, or a job that someone or something does

insight -noun

the ability to understand clearly

justify -verb

to give an acceptable explanation for something, especially when other people think it is unreasonable

perspective -noun

a way of thinking about something, influenced by the kind of person you are or by your experiences

proportion -noun

a part of a larger amount or number;

the correct relationship between the size or shape of the parts of something

shift -verb

to change your opinion or attitude, or to move something from one place to another

aspect -noun

one part of a situation, idea, or plan that has many parts

commit -verb

to promise to do something and use time, money, or effort to achieve it;

to do something wrong or illegal

distinct -adj

clearly different; clearly seen, heard, or understood

extract -verb

to remove an object or substance from the place where it belongs or comes from

foundation -noun

an idea, system, or base from which something develops; the solid layer of material that is under a building to support it;

an organization that gives or collects money for special purposes

integrity -noun

the quality of being honest and having high moral principles

norm -noun

the usual way of doing something

rely -verb

to trust or depend on someone or something

scope -noun

the range of things that a subject, activity, or book deals with

trace -verb

to study or describe the history, development, or origin of something;

to find someone or something that has dissapeared